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Physician-Assisted Suicide: Dying with Dignity


Submitted By dyanjcole
Words 1757
Pages 8
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Dying with Dignity Suicide is defined as “…being or performing a deliberate act resulting in the voluntary death of the person who does it” (Webster’s online dictionary). Suicide has been decriminalized in the US; but Physician-Assisted Suicide is legal in only three states, making it very difficult for terminally ill patients throughout the country to die with dignity. Although other states are considering this legality, only Oregon, Washington, and Montana can legally assist the terminally ill in suicide. With these laws in place, there are very strict guidelines that are followed for a patient to be eligible for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS). The Webster’s dictionary defines PAS as, “…suicide by a patient facilitated by means (as a drug prescription) or by information (as an indication of a lethal dosage) provided by a physician aware of the patient’s intent” (Webster’s online dictionary). Any terminally ill patient in any state, who has been given less than six months to live, should have the legal option to PAS. Patients have a right to refuse treatment; legally, they can commit suicide in their own homes, and they should be able to have the option of PAS. There are very strict guidelines for eligibility in the three states where PAS is legal. In his article, “Physician Assisted Suicide: A New Look at the Arguments”, J.M. Dieterle, a professor at Eastern Michigan University describes these guidelines in great length. The patient must be over 18 years of age and diagnosed with a terminal illness with a prognosis of less than six months to live. The patient must request PAS formally through a licensed physician in one of the three legal states. The first two requests to the physician must be oral requests separated by 15 days followed by a written request to the physician signed in the presence of two witnesses. There also needs

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