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Physics Lab


Submitted By carlosyanks22
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Pages 21
Rivercrest CDD Board of Supervisors Daniel J. Leventry Chairman Elaine Sellent Vice Chairman Lisa Fernandez Supervisor Frank Nocco Supervisor Esther Torres Supervisor CDD Staff Meritus Districts 5680 West Cypress Street Suite 5680A, Tampa, FL 33607 Telephone: 813-397-5121

A Bi-Monthly Publication of the Rivercrest CDD January Issue 2014

Greetings Rivercrest Residents
Frank Nocco, Supervisor Happy New Year Rivercrest and welcome to 2014. On behalf of your CDD Board of Supervisors and staff we wish you and your family the absolute best for the coming year. Our projects continue on plan and there is little to update you on right now, however the board expects to have big news in the not too distant future so instead of a long update of CDD Board activities, may I take the liberty of sharing some of my memories from my childhood growing up on Long Island, New York. I sincerely hope that you pause and take a minute and reflect on your personal experiences. Television was fairly new and the screens were hardly there at all let alone being 60 inch plasma or LED units. If one’s family splurged or were well heeled they owned a fancy console TV, a huge piece of furniture who’s cabinet was made of very fine finished wood. Some even had flip top record players in them and ultra-fancy ones were super hi-tech stereo units. When Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin or Andy Williams records weren’t playing the TV was on. There was Lucy, The Honeymooners, Milton Berle and Jack Benny. Sunday nights were special and the line-up was exceptional starting around 6PM with Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom with Marlon Perkins. At 7 came The Wonderful World of Disney and the finale at 8 was the Ed Sullivan Show. In between all this glorious entertainment came the commercials, Choo-Choo Charlie shaking his Good and Plenty box, a little Hawaiian boy offering to punch you in the face while enjoying his fruit punch and Speedy, plop plopping fizz fizzing Alka Seltzer tablets into a glass of water. But in between these gems came a man named Jim Dooley (if I am remembering it right) basking in the Florida sunshine and extolling the Sunshine State’s lifestyle. Outside blizzards raged and snow piled up in the street. Was there a place that was that warm in winter? On and on he went showing sparkling beaches, orange groves, blue water and the best of all, a group of young ladies water skiing in a V formation holding banners that were flapping wildly in the breeze. At the end of the spot Dooley looked dead into the camera, waved his arm gesturing and said “Come on down.” Wow, was there really such a place as Florida where all these things were happening? We all used to do Jim Dooley impressions for the family gesturing, “Come on down.” As time went by some of my parents friends or relative either visited Florida or moved there upon retirement. This was really early in the development we see now except for the cities’ really old neighborhoods. You can still see vestiges from this era right on 301 between Symmes and Boyette. That old continued on page 3 RIVERCREST GARAGE/YARD SALE PLANS

Rivercrest CDD Website at:
Rivercrest CDD Community Center Office 11560 Ramble Creek Dr. Riverview, FL 33569 Telephone: 813-672-3804 After Hours Emergency Only: 1-800-644-5674 Rick L. Reidt Operations Manager Rivercrest CDD Resident Services Hours Monday/Wednesday.Friday 1:00pm - 8:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm

Mark Your Calendar!!
Spring Community Garage/Yard Sale March 22nd, 2014 • 8:30AM TO 5:00PM

Fall Community Garage/Yard Sale September 27th, 2014 • 8:30AM TO 5:00PM Collect those treasures and pass them on to someone who will enjoy them. As usual we will have Goodwill and a Dumpster at the Clubhouse for those unsold or unwanted treasures.

Rivercrest CDD



Greetings Rivercrest Residents

continued from cover

dumpy run-down trailer park? That place was state-of-the-art back then and possibly the only thing around for miles. 301? It may have been a dirt road. It certainly was a two lane road instead of the six lane road we have today. On the Gibsonton side of 301 right after Symmes there is an abandoned building with an old wooden train on the roof. This is certainly from that era and does anyone know what it used to be? Well time has gone by and Mr. Dooley’s message was heard loud and clear as so many of us “Came on down” and now make Florida our home. I hope my stroll down memory lane shook some memories of yours loose. I would invite you to share them with the community by passing them onto to Rick for possible inclusion in our newsletter. Send them in word format, no pdf please, to

Check Out Our New & Improved Website! Visit
You will find the following and more ...
• • • • • CDD Meeting Agendas & Minutes CDD Financials Community Room Rental Form Access Card Agreement Form Current Park & Recreation Events Registrations

RIVERCREST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 January 20, 2014 February 17, 2014 March 17, 2014 April 21, 2014 May 19, 2014 June 16, 2014 July 21, 2014 August 18, 2014 September 15, 2014
All meetings will convene at 6:30 p.m., Rivercrest Community Center Clubhouse 11560 Ramble Creek Drive, Riverview, Florida, 33569

• • • •

Pictures of Community Events Calendar of Events Registration Forms District Rules & Regulations

Stay Connected ... the Rivercrest Community Association website

Committee Members Needed
Tom Weber, HOA Vice President Want to become involved in your community without committing to hours and hours but having a say? Then you might be just the ticket for becoming an HOA Committee member. These committees are small groups of likeminded people focused on improving their community. These committees must be from the resident population, not Board members. One such committee is the Architectural Review Committee or ARC. This committee reviews requests for exterior residence improvements to ensure current deed restrictions are followed. A couple of hours a month is the approximately time requirement and there is information available that will bring you “up to speed” to do a fantastic job. This committee is currently active but could use a couple more members, as is the House Beautiful Committee. If that would interest you, you can go to the website and volunteer or attend the next HOA Meeting, second Monday of the month at the clubhouse, and sign up there. It is your community and only with your involvement will it be all that it can be. There are suggestions for other committees but interest has not been sufficient to get them established. Some of these are: Welcome committee, Security Committee, Hospitality Committee and the list can go on. If there is a need in the community that could be best served with a committee, then the Board will actively support it. We all benefit when the community thrives and we all have a stake in making that happen. So why not find out how things work and become a part of ensuring they work? Having served on both the Board and committee, I can tell you one can actually have some fun and meet great people by just becoming involved. Even if you are not ready to commit to a committee, your input is always welcome at the meetings. Again, those meetings are the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM at the clubhouse and snacks are provided. If you have been wondering how or why some thing is the way it is, come on out, we would love to have you. If you are having trouble accessing the website or have questions, there is now an HOA Representative at the clubhouse Mon., Wed. and Fri during the day for your assistance.

This newsletter is printed courtesy of the

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The articles and opinions in this newsletter are the property of the Rivercrest CDD and are not endorsed by the Times Publishing Company or its affiliates.

EMERGENCY 911 Hillsborough Sheriff’s Department Non-Emergency 813-247-8000 BALES SECURITY OFFICER CELL PHONE IS 813-391-4162 n Rivercrest CDD


Rivercrest Community Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Joe McGee President Tom Weber Vice President Joe Volkert Villa Representative / Treasurer Cheryl Cusack Secretary Laurel Weaver-Serrano Townhomes Representative Legal Counsel Bush Ross, Mark Basurto
[Anyone can help out an become a committee member]

What’s In a Name?
Frank Nocco, CDD Supervisor What in the world is happening around us? The Enclave at Rivercrest, The Preserves at Rivercrest, the Estuary at… this at Rivercrest, that at Rivercrest. New housing communities seem obsessed with the name, Rivercrest. Which leads us to….us, the residents of Rivercrest. A while back the builder of the Estuary appeared before Rivercrest’ s CDD board asking for an easement of a very small portion of a ditch that belonged to Rivercrest so he could proceed with his building project which then had ….at Rivercrest in the title. The board granted the easement as it had no effect on our community and wished to be a good neighbor but the Supervisors couldn’t help feeling like we were being taken advantage of by using OUR name in HIS project. The board asked our counsel to look into stopping the unauthorized use of the name Rivercrest. Our attorney reported back that, legally, we could not stop him from using the name however if the board wished to spend the money, time and effort to prevent the use of the Rivercrest name he would file suit. He recommended not doing so because not being damaged by the pilfering of our name, there really was no suit, and as the houses weren’t built yet we wouldn’t know if there would be any damages to the district. We could wait and see and then file but by then it probably wouldn’t be worth it, but it was ultimately up to the board. Then there was talk of that builder offering a one year membership in our district to use our amenities as a sales incentive as his project would have no CDD and therefore no pool, clubhouse, playgrounds and on. Once again counsel was asked what could we do to prevent this. Counsel reported back that once again, legally, there was nothing to be done as we could not prevent anyone from paying to use our “stuff”. Since the district could set the price, what we could do was price it to the point that nobody would consider purchasing ongoing memberships and after the one year all would revert back to where we were. Counsel was asked to determine what a “fair” price for membership was and a price was set. Evidently no one thought the price was fair except us because the builder dropped the idea of offering the membership, which is what we intended in the first place. So, what’s to make of the name pilfering? My personal take-away is that we live in a great place. A place so good that the builders want to capitalize on our name. I say go for it and use our name all you want. It just enhances the fact that we live in the original….plain old Rivercrest. As the economy improves and our neighborhoods come back we can feel good that only good things are copied, but the copy is never as good as the original.

Architectural Committee

Tom Webber – Chairman Cheryl Cusack, Committee Member Amy Carrasco , Committee Member Yard Of The Quarter Committee
[Anyone can help out an become a committee member]

Cheryl Cusack, Don Vella, Florence Dixon Cindy Delridge, Mike Maquire 2013 MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS 6:30pm, Second Monday of Each Month Sandwiches and Soda Available Come join us please, It’s Your Community Contact the Management Company Gary Saliba Licensed Community Association Manager, CMCA Wise Property Management 17824 North U.S. Highway 41 Lutz, FL 33549-4502 813-968-5665, Ext. 308 813-968-5335 (Fax) www.WiseProperty Rivercrest HOA On Site Office 11560 Ramble Creek Drive Riverview, FL 33569 Phone 813-671-2200 Fax 813-671-2202 Mary Lee Culver - On Site Assistant Office Hours 8AM to 5PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Lock Your Assets
Bales Security The thieves are out an about and could care less about your property, your personal item and anything else. Be diligent in checking to make sure your vehicles are locked, your doors and windows are secured in your home. Be observant to your surroundings, and report suspicious activities and individuals that are walking around your neighborhood. Take that extra time to check everything, and most importantly if you see your neighbor’s door open let them know. Just the little bit of effort prevents a burglar from having an opportunity of stealing something. BE OBSERVANT to your surroundings by paying attention to your community. Why let someone take something from anyone after all of the hard work to gain it. If each and every resident were to pay more attention and challenge folks, we would be much safer, and NEVER be afraid to call law enforcement. You could save a life, a theft, and or unwanted crime.

Are You Guilty?

Cheryl Cusack, Secretary, Rivercrest Homeowners’ Association Many of us are guilty of parking on the street overnight, however beginning January 1, 2014 the Rivercrest HOA in cooperation with Wise Property Management, will be enforcing the Rivercrest Covenants. Our Rivercrest Covenants disallow overnight parking on the street. Therefore, any vehicles left overnight will be towed at owners’ expense. We know there are those occasional times when you have overnight guests and parking in your driveway may be impossible. In this case, please see our new HOA Onsite Assistant, Mary Lee, who is located in the Clubhouse Office, to obtain an Overnight Parking Pass. Mary Lee is onsite Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You may also consult with Mary Lee on anything Homeowner related. Stop by and say Hello! Your Board appreciates your cooperation. We are working for you to keep our neighborhood safe. Street parking obstructs line of site and other vehicles trying to pass. Please be courteous and conscientious of street parking at all times. Your neighbors will appreciate it. n Rivercrest CDD


Community Phone Numbers

Message from Your HOA President
Joe McGee Your Rivercrest HOA Board is configured of five (5) volunteers that wish to see our community remain beautiful and have a place to enjoy family, friends and guest. Some see the board as a bunch of individuals that wish to harass, punish and fine those that don’t comply with the rules. Well, that’s not always the real story! This current board is friendly, and listens to the issues and facts of many of the issues and concerns that need attention and brought up to the required standards that the covenants require. The improvements that they have made are tremendous and all of them are for you, the resident! They don’t get paid, their time is taken away on many occasions with emails, phone calls, the monthly meeting and other items that are very important to ensuring we bring the home owners into compliance of what is required. They even have full time jobs, and some are retired, but they care, they are your friends. Please don’t blame them when you get a letter, look at the letter, realize what the issue is, and resolve it by making the necessary corrections. If you don’t understand the issue, call the management company or show up at the monthly meeting on the second Monday of each month. We will listen, we will figure out a solution, but if we can’t, the home owner must resolve the violation and fix the matter at hand. The attendance is starting to increase dramatically, so please attend with us. I can tell you that yes, previous boards were ignorant, did not listen, and or were not friendly. That has changed, come see for yourself, each meeting we have snacks, pizza and dessert. Spend that one time a month with us. See the realization of they do care, they love this community, and we exist for the residents, nothing else. Violations and Fines are created by the resident when they do not keep their property in compliance with the rules of the HOA, and or do things to the property without turning in an architectural request to change something, and or add additions. It’s simple, get a copy of the rules and guidelines from the HOA representative at the clubhouse and make sure your in compliance. The other major issue is that property owners in the single family homes, Villa and Townhomes ignore the yearly and monthly dues required to pay. Single family home Owners have a onetime cost of $90.00 for the 2014 season due in by the 31st of January 2014. The Villa and Townhomes have the same annual fee of $90.00, and also the monthly fee because the hired landscaping company to maintain the lawn and maintenance of the two entities that entails a lot of work. In most cases the real problem starts with the dues that are required to pay by the home owner. They don’t pay, then the penalties start increasing, letters sent, and eventually it all gets turned over to the HOA Attorney where they take appropriate action necessary to collect these dues, and fines attached. We ask, get the payments in, avoid the unnecessary action that the board must take, not that we wish to, we have to.

Rivercrest CDD Clubhouse Office: 813-672-3804 Meritus Districts CDD related issues, 813-397-5121 Gary Saliba Licensed Community Association Manager, CMCA Wise Property Management 813-968-5665, Ext. 308 813-968-5335 (Fax) Sessums Elementary 813-672-5230 Rodgers Middle School 813-671-5228 Riverview High School 813-671-5011 Rivercrest LLC – St. Joe Company Warranty Claims Center, 904-301-4200 For Sale or Lease Signs Sign Parrot, 813-612-9200 Mailbox Replacement Beautiful Mailboxes, 954-792-6245 Trash Removal Waste Services of Florida , 813-248-2820 Bright House Networks 1-877-588-1010 Verizon 1-800-483-4000 Hillsborough County Sheriff Non-Emergency 813-247-8000 Emergency 911

Is Your Lawn Awesome?
HOA Board “Wow”, just think if everyone had their neighbors yard looking beautiful and the appearance excited everyone to be excellent with the beautification of our community. Can it be accomplished, yes by determination and the will power to just do it? The HOA board has elected to choose quarterly best yards for the Single Family Homes, the Villa’s and Townhomes. Can you win, yes you can! We challenge each and every home owner and renter to “get er” done for 2014 and make Rivercrest an awesome place to live.

Answered only when on duty. Call only after you have called 911. Animal Services 813-744-5660 Water Service 813-744-5600

Security Cell 813-391-4162

Volunteers Needed!

We need your help to continue making the events for the Rivercrest Community a success. Several events are planned this year. New ideas are always accepted and your help is needed.

If you are willing to assist please contact Rick L. Reidt, email n Rivercrest CDD



Violators of unauthorized parking and or overnight must be enforced in the community and we have contracted with a towing company to do such starting January 2014 once the newsletter is mailed out to all of the residents both owners and renters notifying of such. Our rules strictly state that overnight parking on the streets is prohibited but yet, folks continue to ignore this rule and it has gotten out of control. The more common violator is the vehicles parked illegally on the side up on the grass and across the sidewalks. The towing company is being directed to vehicles at the owner’s expense only after a warning has been issued to violators. Meaning upon finding/identifying illegally parked

vehicles or overnight violators will have a red sticker placed on the windshield after it has been logged into the data base. If these identified vehicles are found again, it will immediately be towed away without notifying the owner. If your vehicle has an expired tag we will have that towed immediately because it is in violation of state law and we do not want expired tags parked in our community. It’s simple, don’t park illegally and or overnight on the street and properly have your vehicles registered with valid tags and they will not be towed. Our community must be cleaned up, and our community not allows such violations to continue any longer. Folks buy homes to have a beautiful place to live and our rules enforced. All owners should know

the rules, if you don’t, please go to the club house and ask for a copy, and or go on line to and print a copy.

Business Logo Vehicles

Also, just a reminder, any company vehicle brought home is not authorized to be parked in your driveway with any type of business logos overnight in the driveway. It must be parked in the garage, or place a cover over it. This is a community and the rules strictly state that this is not authorized. Our board exists to enforce the rules and govern the community and they are backed by the Florida laws to do such.

Rivercrest CDD



A Special Thank You to all of the Wrestlers from Definitive Wrestling International and our own staff member Tony for holding a free event of "Old School Wrestling a Family Friendly Show to collect items for TOYS for Tots. The event was fun and enjoyed by all. Thank you to all who donated toys!

New Shade Covers
If you have not been to the Community Center recently you will want to check out the new shade covers over the playground equipment. We have received many complements on this new addition.

Rivercrest CDD



The residents of the Villas on Captiva Kay Drive had a very successful Picnic BBQ in the park on Sunday, November 10th, attended by many. Thank you for the great success of our 1st BBQ event! Norma, Jeff, Marylee, Don, Florence, Francine and Joe V. were the reason it went off with no problems. Next year we will have to do it again!

Rivercrest CDD



HOA House Beautiful First “Christmas Editon”
... is very pleased to award the Winners for the 4th Quarter of 2013 House Beautiful Christmas Lighting Contest. The participation year after year of home owners taking more of an interest in decorating the exterior of their homes for Christmas has created a new thought for House beautiful Contest. The HOA has created what will be an annual lighting award. This year has been an exciting one going through our neighborhood gazing at the creative manner in which many homeowners have created Christmas themes of lighting and animated displays. I will say again it is always a challenge picking winners. The one point I will add though is the continued interest in making our Community truly a House Beautiful experience. We will now make this Christmas Lighting an annual event, along with our usual 3 quarter House Beautiful awards. I wish all a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank You , Don Vella Chairperson House Beautiful Committee

11914 Autumn Creek - 1st Place Single Family

11016 Holly Cone - 2nd Place Single Family

11043 Winter Crest - 1st Place Townhomes

11505 Mountain Way - 3rd Place Single Family 11570 Captiva Kay Drive - 1st Place Villas Christmas Prize Categories: Single Family—Three Prize Categories due to number of homes competing. 1st Place Single, $200. 2nd Place Single, $100. 3rd Place Single, $50. 1st Place Villa, $200. 1st Place Townhomes, $200. Congratulations to our 2013 4th Quarter House Beautiful Christmas Winners.

Toddler Tuesday Pre-Thanksgiving Highlights

Rivercrest CDD



Holiday Event
The 2013 Holiday Event was another BIG Holiday Success. Special Thank You to Joe McGee, Frank Nocco, Elaine Sellent, Anthony Shanik, Nadeem Shanik, Judy Wilson, and the wonderful Staff for making it happen. We also would like to Thank the Marine who attended our event and returned to base with a car full of toys for Toys for Tots. Thank you to all of our fine residents who donated toys this year. Many children were happy this holiday season due to your donations.

Rivercrest CDD




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Violation Leters

MaryLee Culver, On-Site Assistant, Rivercrest Community Association As you know, Rivercrest is a Deed Restricted community governed by rules, regulations and restrictions set forth when the community was developed. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure our community maintains a pristine appearance thus keeping up our property values. Wise Property Management was hired by The Rivercrest Community Association, Home Owners Association board of directors last spring to manage our community and enforce these guidelines. Wondering why you may be receiving Violation letters? Finally we have a pro-active property manager! As the new on-site assistant, I have received many emails and phone calls from homeowners and residents related to letters regarding notice of violation, Intent to Fine and Fine Imposed. If you are cited with a violation the process is as follows: 1. First Violation Notice sent allowing 14 days to correct and/or respond. 2. Second Violation Notice sent if violation not corrected or no communication with the property manager to acknowledge the violation. 3. Intent to Fine Letter is sent if the violation is still not corrected, nor acknowledged after the second notice. In this letter the owner/resident is asked to attend a Fining Committee meeting. It’s important to attend – this is your opportunity to speak! 4. Fine Imposed Letter is sent if the violation is still not corrected and no attendance or acknowledgement at Fining Committee meeting. The fine is due 30 days from date of letter. If unpaid within this timeframe, your case would then be turned over to the attorney which would mean more cost to you and possibly a lien on the property. It is extremely important that you respond to these letters if you receive one. If you receive the first notice letter please correct the violation or at the least notify the property manager that you are aware of the violation and your plan of action to correct it. The HOA, Wise Property Management and the Fining Committee want to work with the homeowners. It is understood that there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that may delay correction of a violation. At the same time, owning a home comes with maintenance responsibilities and in fairness to all homeowners, everyone is asked to abide by the same guidelines. If you are a landlord, it is your responsibility to make sure you or your tenant is compliant and to be sure your correct mailing address is on file. To review the guidelines, please visit, and click onto documents, then review Initial Use Restrictions and ARC Guidelines. Please call 671-2200 or stop by the office at the Community Clubhouse if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for taking pride in YOUR home and YOUR community!

Rivercrest Community Center Rivercrest Community Center Pool Hours:
7am to 9pm winter 7am to 10pm summer, 2 hours at opening and 1 hour prior to closing reserved as adults only in the pool.

Rivercrest Clubhouse Rental
• You must be a Resident or Member of the Rivercrest CDD to rent the Clubhouse for an event. • The Clubhouse is rented on a first come first serve basis with paid rental and deposit. • Rental is $75 per time slot of $200 for the full day 8am to 10pm with a $200 deposit and rental fee needed to reserve. • 60 Chairs and 10 Tables are available for use. • Kitchenette is available. • Time Slots for Rental: 8am to Noon, 1pm to 5pm and 6pm to 10pm. • Rental of the Clubhouse is only for the Room. • Use of pool and park is not included except by Resident access card rules. Have your next family gathering here. Visit the Community Office for details, availability and the rental form. n Rivercrest Weekly Events
Ongoing Weekly - Monday through Friday After School Program Rivercrest Community Center Tuesdays - 10:00am Toddler Tuesdays - Rivercrest Clubhouse and Community Center Tuesdays - 7:00pm Zumba with Damaris - Rivercrest Clubhouse Last Friday of every month - 3:30pm Play Group Kg-5th Grade Rivercrest Community Center Protential Sports Events Register on line at 813-843-9460 Saturdays - 9:00am - 11:00am NFL Flag Football League Panther Trace Multi Purpose Field Saturdays Starting January 18th - 10:00am Junior Magic Basketball League Panther Trace Basketball Courts Saturdays - Starting January 18th Winter Soccer Co-Ed Ages 3-13 Rivercrest Community Center

Rivercrest CDD



Toddler Tuesdays
Rivercrest Residents Every Tuesday - 10:00 am at Rivercrest Club House Moms, dads, grandparents and caregivers come join your neighbors and their little ones for an informal weekly play date.

These informal get-togethers are a great way to introduce your child to group play and for them to enjoy the company of other children.
Parents will also see this as a great way to share ideas and network with other parents, as well as a break from the daily routine. Group play is good for your child's social skills, helps them learn in different ways, and is just plain FUN! For more information contact Marjorie


Ages KG to 5th grade Meet the last Friday of the month at 3:30pm at Rivercrest Playground

Contact: Kristen Burnett 813-833-8442 Rivercrest Access Card required for participation.
Rivercrest CDD n 13 n


Pick up the Tampa Bay Times at a news rack or retail location this Thursday for our weekly BIG DEAL!
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Rivercrest Community Development District 11560 Ramble Creek Drive Riverview, FL 33569-2041



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Physics Lab

...* Derive the expression shown on the site for a and s. (What the site calls s, is actually displacement or ∆x). Please note that s or ∆x is simply the distance from the starting point of the wagon to the light barrier. Remember, the wagon begins starts from rest. * Vary the values of M, m and , so that you have 2 different combinations. Make sure that  is zero (frictionless case) for the first combination and non-zero(case with friction) for the other. For example, for you first run, M could be 100g, m = 50 g and  = 0.00. For the second run, you could take M to be 100g, m = 30 g and  = 0.25. Remember, these are just suggestions, you can (and should) think of your own values. * For each run, make sure that you have a separate table showing at least 10 data points with s and t values). In order to get different data points, please shift the light barrier’s (LB) position, so that the value of s changes. Be careful that you do NOT change the value of any other parameter while doing this. In other words, your table would have currently have only 2 columns, with s and t vales. * To this table, add a third column showing t2 values. In other words, if your entry in the t column is 3.209s, the corresponding entry in the t2 column would be 10.3s2. * Use the table to make a graph of s vs. t2. Find the slope of this line. Multiply the value of slope by 2. This is your value of a from the...

Words: 274 - Pages: 2

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Lab for Physics

...College Physics I Physics 111 Fall 2015 Preliminary Syllabus (update 8/24/15) INSTRUCTOR: John J. Zielinski, Ph.D. ( OFFICE: 293 Shineman (Second Floor) PHONE: (my office) 315 - 312 – 2680 (Office telephone has voice mail). Note: Serious subjects should be discussed with me personally, sufficiently beforehand if possible. Use email as a last resort in very serious circumstances. If you cannot talk with me directly, telephone and leave a message on voice mail, or leave a written message at the Department of Physics office. NEVER stick anything under my door. In very serious circumstances, please call the Department of Physics office: 585-312-3044. OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Wednesday: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Tuesday, Thursday: 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM. I will make a very serious attempt to be in my office during formal office hours. You may visit my office at anytime. I am usually able to interrupt what I am doing and help you. Occasionally, I may ask you to return at another time if I am busy. SCOPE OF THE COURSE: Translational mechanics plus some additional material if time allows. This material is covered in Chapters 1-7 of our text. REQUIRED ITEMS: 1.) TEXT: Physics, Cutnell and Johnson, 10th edition, 2015, Wiley Choose one of the following options: a.) Buy a new or used 10th edition. Book comes in hardcover, loose leaf, and paperback. Vol I and Vol II can be...

Words: 981 - Pages: 4

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Physics Lab 5

...Lab Assignment 4: Types of Force Instructor’s Overview In many physics problems involving Newton’s laws of motion, you’ll see statements like, “assume a frictionless surface” or “neglecting air resistance…” In this lab we will be exploring both friction and air resistance, two resistive forces that are critical in the design of real-world products and systems. Understanding the effects of these types of forces is essential in the design of such things as aircraft, automobiles, braking systems, and countless other objects. This activity is based on Lab 4 of the eScience Lab kit. Although you should read all of the content in Lab 4, we will be performing a targeted subset of the eScience experiments. Our lab consists of two main components. These components are described in detail in the eScience manual. Here is a quick overview: * In the first part of the lab, you will measure the force it takes to pull objects of different mass. This experiment focuses on the effects of frictional forces. (eScience Experiment 1) * In the second part of the lab, you will investigate the effects of air resistance by performing controlled drops of coffee filters. Notes: * Please follow the instructions in this document for the air resistance experiment. * Record all of your data in the tables that are provided in this document. Take detailed notes as you perform the experiment and fill out the sections below. This document serves as your lab report. Please...

Words: 1726 - Pages: 7

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Physics Lab Report

... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I introduction DC data and calculation AD analysis and discussion RC results and conclusion Q1/Q2 quiz/prelab PI principal investigator points PG personal grade Introduction: The purpose of the lab is to study the effects due to magnetic fields in motion and also to determine the qualitative features of electromagnetic induction. Procedure: 1. For the Part 1 of the lab, a solenoid was connected to a galvanometer, as shown in the data and calculations. First, the North pole was inserted into the coil, then in the opposite direction, with the South Pole first. Then, the magnitude and sign of the deflection on the galvanometer was recorded in μAmps. Also, an exact sketch is made of the solenoid, the direction of the velocity, the induced magnetic field, the induced current and the magnetic polarity of the solenoid induced in provided in the data and calculations portion of the report. 2. The magnet was inserted again following step 1, but with a faster speed and everything sketched again. Then, The South pole was inserted first and step 1 followed again for both, slow and fast speed. 3. For Part II of the lab, an electromagnet was constructed with the power supply off. In this set up the primary coil had a larger diameter wire and...

Words: 1942 - Pages: 8

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Lab Report on Physics

...Physics Lab Report Sample Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVE …………...……...………...............................3 | | CHAPTER 2 THEORY …………………………………………………...4 | | CHAPTER 3 PROCEDURE ……………………………………………...7 | | CHAPTER 4 4.1 DATA TABLE ………………………………………...9 | | 4.2 GRAPH ………………………………………………..10 | | CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS …………………………………………………15 | | CHAPTER 6 ANSWERS AND COMMENTS …………………………..19 | | CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION……………………….…………………….20 | | REFERENCES …………………………………………….21 | | LAB REPORT RUBRIC …………………………………..22 | | Chapter 1 Objective To determine the motion of the cart as it travels down the inverted ramp though the influence of gravitational attraction alone by plotting the velocity per unit-time graph. Chapter 2 Theory Motion: In physics, motion is a change in position of an object with respect to time. Motion is typically described in terms of velocity, acceleration, displacement, and time. Motion is observed by attaching a frame of reference to a body and measuring its change in position relative to another reference frame. A body which does not move is said to be at rest, motionless, immobile, stationary, or to have constant (time-invariant) position. An object's motion cannot change unless it is acted upon by a force, as described by Newton's first law. An object's momentum is directly related to the object's mass and velocity, and the total momentum of all objects in...

Words: 2331 - Pages: 10

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Physics Lab on Mechanics

...Acceleration Due to Gravity Tushar Agarwal 17st November 2014 Aim-In this experiment I will be calculating the value of gravity by the drop of the ball. I will be measuring the distance and finding out the time . Distance will be changed however the size of the ball and the type of the ball will remain constant , The time will be then give me the value of gravity by the suvat equation ,where acceleration will be the subject . Background Knowledge.For  an  object  to  move,  a  force  that  is  greater  than  its  opposite  force  needs  to  act   upon  an  object.  Force  =Mxa  where  in  this  case  at  least  acceleration  is  due  tp  gravity  .   Every falling object accelerates at a constant rate and this happens simply due to the force of gravity ,so mathematically the distance “s” that the object is travelling is half the acceleration times of time squared additional to the initial speed and time .   Now , We are going to make a the subject of the equation .After making a the subject of the equation we find out that the acceleration due to gravity is twice the distance of Time Squared will equal to acceleration due to gravity . The answer should be somewhere close to 9.81m/s-2 Time  (m/s)   Distance(m)     The graph above shows the relationship between the two variables .In this experiment distance is the independent variable and Dependent variable is time . As Distance increases time will...

Words: 1334 - Pages: 6

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Lab One Physics

...Chapter 1, Introduction CHAPTER 1 Conceptual Problems C1. A room in a house has a floor area of 120 ft2. Which of the following is most likely the approximate volume of the room? a. 3 m3 b. 30 m3 c. 300 m3 d. 3 000 m3 C2. When SI units are plugged into an equation, it is found that the units balance. Which of the following can we expect to be true for this equation? a. The equation will be dimensionally correct. b. The equation will be dimensionally correct except sometimes in cases when the right hand side of the equation has more than one term. c. The equation will not be dimensionally correct. d. All constants of proportionality will be correct. C3. How long has it been that scientists have accepted that the nucleus of the atom consists of neutrons and protons? Think of your answers in terms of order of magnitude. a. about a decade b. about a century c. about a thousand years d. since Aristotle C4. Consider the sine of any angle between 30° and 40°. If the angle were doubled, what would happen to the sine of the angle? a. It would double. b. It would more than double. c. It would increase but be less than double. d. In different cases, it could do any of the above. C5. There are other ways of expressing uncertainty besides significant figures. For example, suppose a quantity is known to have a value between 20.4 and 20.0 and our best estimate of the value is midrange at 20.2. We could write the number as 20.2 +/- 0.2 and say that the number has a 1% uncertainty. We would...

Words: 66672 - Pages: 267

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Lab 1 Physics

...Name 2) Which color vector (arrow) represents velocity and which one represents acceleration? How can you tell? The green arrow represents velocity and the blue arrow represents acceleration. This is apparent because the velocity is reliant on speed and direction, while acceleration is reliant on the change in velocity. 3) Try dragging the ball around and around in a circular path. What do you notice about the lengths and directions of the blue and green vectors? Describe their behavior in detail below. I noticed that the green arrow points the direction I am dragging and stays relatively the same while the blue arrow fluctuates rather rapidly at a perpendicular angle of the green arrow. The velocity or green arrow is always pointing in the direction I am moving and since I am going a constant speed it stays the same length. The blue arrow is showing the acceleration due to the rotation and it fluctuates rapidly due to me being unable to create a perfect speed and circle around a focal point. 4) Now move the ball at a slow constant speed across the screen. What do you notice now about the vectors? Explain why this happens. When I move them in the same direction they are even/on top of each other. This happens because the velocity or direction and speed are constant making the acceleration constant. 5) What happens to the vectors when you jerk the ball rapidly back and forth across the screen? Explain why this happens. The blue arrow goes with the green the shoots in the...

Words: 474 - Pages: 2

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Lab Report Physics

...Lab Report Format Data is collected in groups. Lab reports may be submitted individually or as a group. If the report is written by the group, all members must contribute to the report. Remember that good technical writing is terse. Organization and readability should be a priority, as you are communicating your work to others. Use proper English; you will be graded on your grammar and syntax. Finally, do not submit work with spelling errors – all of the software you are using has spell-check capability. Requirements • A word processor with the ability to format mathematical equations. Microsoft Word has an equation editor and is installed on all lab computers. • A spreadsheet capable of performing extended linear regression analysis. The LoggerPro application is capable of performing both linear and non-linear curve fitting, and is the best choice. Microsoft Excel is another alternative. Each section of the report is discussed briefly below. Be sure to look at the sample report to see a finished product (compare it with the original lab experiment handout). Word Processor Document (60 points) Cover Page (5 points) Include the number and title of the experiment, your name, class, section, the date the report was submitted, and the names of all lab partners who worked with you. Objective (5 points) This is the main objective of the experiment. This should be no more than 15 – 20 words. Theory (10 points) Present and explain each equation used in your analysis. This...

Words: 714 - Pages: 3

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3.03 Physics Lab

...%\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Activity 3.19} \section*{Activity 3.19} \begin{enumerate} \item \begin{enumerate} \item The car was moving at a constant speed as shown on the graph and then stop immediately.\\ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Pictures/actvity3_19_pic_E.PNG} \item We must assume that the lift was moving at a constant speed. Now, he was moving at a constant speed, and then slow down and then rest for a while, after that he took a lift which was moving at a constant speed and the lift suddenly stop.\\ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Pictures/actvity3_19_pic_H.PNG} \end{enumerate} \item There is a graph that represents each statement in (1). \item \begin{enumerate} \item The object is moving at a constant speed, and then suddenly increases the speed and then moves at a higher constant speed.\\ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Pictures/actvity3_19_pic_A.PNG} \item The object decreases speed at a constant rate until it rest.\\ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Pictures/actvity3_19_pic_B.PNG} \item The object decreases speed rapidly until it reaches a resting point, and then accelerate exponentially.\\ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Pictures/actvity3_19_pic_C.PNG} \item The object was moving at a constant speed, and then increases the speed and move at higher constant speed and then increases the speed again to move at higher constant speed, then suddenly it decreases the speed in a constant rate until it reaches a resting point.\\ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Pictures/actvity3_19_pic_D...

Words: 435 - Pages: 2

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Physics Lab (Atwoods Machine)

...Phvsics Lab Report Format (Sample Report Attached) General Remarks: Writing a lab report is the only way your TA will know what you have done during the lab and how well you have understood the process and the results. Part of your lab experience should be learning how to organize and present your work in a scientific way. There is no framework that can be used as a "one size fits all", therefore this sample lab report should only be used as an example. Any lab report should have the following features: o It should be concise but should also contain the necessary details and well-developed explanations. It should be organized. You should enable the reader to quickly find the information he or she may be interested in. It should contain all the relevant information and reasoning. You should enable the reader to validate your conclusion. A possible way to achieve this is using the following framework: o o . o o o o . Obiective: State what you want to achieve in this experiment A formal way to do this is to state a question or hypothesis that you want to address. Method: You should include a summary of the lab procedure in your words; do not merely copy what is in the manual. This section should demonstrate your understanding of what exactly you measured and how you measured it. Data: In this section you should include the raw data you measured; generally, an estimate of the error should accompany all measured values. Be sure to present...

Words: 1506 - Pages: 7