...principles of training, physiological adaptations and improved performance The relationship between the principles of training and physiological adaptations has a significant impact on performance. Many factors need to be addressed in a training program to make it a successful one for a particular athlete and thus improve their performance. The first principles are warm up and cool down. The purpose of any warm up and cool down is to reduce the risk of injury and soreness. For this to be applicable, a warm up must be sustained for no less than 10min and for elite athletes, at least 30min. Included in this warm up must be stretching to loosen up the muscles. There are no physiological adaptations that directly relate to warm up and cool down because this principle is not for improving those adaptations; it’s for enhancing performance and preventing injury. With providing such preventions, in then in turn improves performance because it hasn’t stopped the athlete from participating due to soreness or injury. From this, the lack of relationship between warm up, cool down and the physiological adaptations doesn’t have any impact on improved performance, especially compared with the principle of progressive overload. Progressive overload is a principle that implies that gains in fitness occur only when the training load is greater than normal and is progressively increased as improvements in fitness occur. As the body becomes familiar with a particular level of training stress, it...
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...Critically Evaluate the Training of Mo Farah and Explain the Physiological Changes that will occur. (20) Mo Farah had to go through tough training to become the athlete he is today. Due to Mo’s type of events, (10,000 and 5,000 metres) he needs a high aerobic capacity and VO2 max. Aerobic capacity is how well the lungs, heart and the blood vessels work together. And VO2 Max is the maximum oxygen consumption attainable during maximal work. VO2 max can only be improved in 10 – 20% of the population, with training. The training that is best suited to improving VO2 max is: Continuous Training which is about running at moderate to high intensity. Athletes who use continuous training will become aerobically fitter and will be able to train at a higher intensity for a longer time. Another type of training that helps improve VO2 max is altitude training. When training at altitude, the amount off red blood cells is reduced and activity allows the body to cope with less oxygen for activity. When back at sea level, red blood cells become more efficient and are able to use oxygen more efficiently for exercise. It is undoubted that Mo Farah has a high VO2 max. Ways to measure this is using the multi-stage fitness test. This is beep that is a set amount of seconds apart and as the levels increase the time between beeps decreases. The higher the level the athlete gets, the higher their VO2 max. People like Mo Farah will most likely beat the multi-stage fitness test due to their highly...
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...degree has the client adjusted to the handicapping aspects of the disability? a. Does the person use “disability” as an excuse for failure? b. Are any of physical symptoms psychologically based? c. Does the client have the emotional stability to engage in a vocational rehabilitation program at the present time? In the near future? Family and Friends 1. What positive or negative role will the individual’s family and friends play in the rehabilitation process (e.g. supportive, overprotective or unrealistic regarding client potential)? 2. What personal counseling and/or family counseling services will be necessary (e.g. psychotherapy, personal adjustment training, relaxation training)? Educational-Vocational Factors Education Consideration 1. What types of vocational training or jobs that client’s educational histories suggest?...
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...adherent to its mission of serving mankind with commitment, competence, compassion, loyalty, and love. One of the courses offered is the Bachelor of Hotel and Restaurant Management. When they have reached their final last year in the College, they are required to undergo to their On-the-Job Training these are offered in every College or University in any course to prepare their students in facing the challenges of the real life such as landing their job. The employability of every applicant is not measured by the lessons they have learned inside the school but the type of training and potentials has been developed. Hence, On-the-Job Training plays a vital role the life of every student because these training are on big factor landing their preferred jobs. Most of the companies nowadays hire their personnel who are equipped of adequate skills and knowledge and capable of performing such duties and responsibilities maybe assigned. The On-the-Job Training is one of the important for parents who want better future for their youth. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the processes of training and development. The course covers components of training design, including needs assessment, objectives, and evaluation and presentation styles, that is being engaged in Hotel and Restaurant Management and from that would involved with the certain task and for the reality that is being seek with the reality that was for intended to take the reality...
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...|SECTION |Possible |Earned |DESCRIPTION | | |POINTS |Points | | |Title Page |5 |3 |Title of your applied research paper, your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, course| | | | |number and title, instructor, and date. | |Introduction |10 | |Provide an overview of the organization and your role in it. Give enough information about the | | | |8 |firm to acquaint an unfamiliar person (no matter how famous the company). Identify name, location,| | | | |size, market segment (business line), and a brief history. Identify the essential issues, events, | | | | |or actions to help frame the problem and subsequent discussion points. | |Problem |15 | |Identify and clearly state the problem (the leadership or organizational behavior issue that you | |Statement | | |have selected to research). The problem statement should be phrased in terms of a researchable | | | | |question...
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...Investigating the abundance/height of butter cups in a managed and unmanaged area Aim To investigate the abundance of buttercups in managed and unmanaged areas in terms of their height and abundance. Hypothesis Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant correlation between the management of an area and percentage cover of buttercups. Alternate Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant correlation between the management of an area and percentage cover of buttercups. Background information The Buttercups are considered to be simple because the floral parts of the plant: petals, sepals, stamens and pistils-are all of an indefinite number and separate from one another. Also, the stamens and pistils are spirally inserted in a cone-like vessel, although it is often very small to see. Buttercups can have either regular or irregular flowers with anywhere from 3 to 15 sepals, often coloured like petals, and 0 to 23 actual petals.[2] There are often, but not always, numerous stamens and numerous simple pistils (also known as apocarpous). The floral parts are all independently attached below a superior ovary. Figure 1 The most accurate pattern to look for is the multiple simple pistils at the centre of the flower. In more advanced plant families there is typically only one pistil, the result of a reduction in numbers along with the fusion of several pistils to make a single compound pistil. A flower with multiple pistils is very likely a Buttercup, but could potentially...
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...CAREER OBJECTIVE: To obtain a full time job position that will utilize and enhance acquired human resources management knowledge, skills, and attitude towards continuous career development. EDUCATION Master of Science in Human Resources Management, 2015 UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, 2010 UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE EMERSON ELECTRIC ASIA LTD (ROHQ) DURATION JULY 2011 TO PRESENT POSITION PAYROLL SPECIALIST • Validates time and attendance and salary of employees • Prepares payroll report every cut off, for manual crediting and for additional instructions • Checks final pay computation and prepares check payment request • Updates clearance workflow for resigned employees • Prepares Letter of Guarantee and Certification of Employment for travelers • Handles/answers payroll issues/concerns of all Emerson employees (approximately 3,000 employees) • Handles Business units of EEAL • Conducts new employee orientation and payroll presentations in Communications meeting for the business units. • Prepares T&A reports for Business units (by request) • Administers timely and accurate payroll processing every 15th and 30th of the month • Assists employees in understanding their BIR form 2316 and 1700 filing • Assists Manager in tax issues • Facilitates the tax consolidation orientation for new hires DURATION DECEMBER 2010 TO JULY 2011 ROLE SERVICE DESK ANALYST FOR FACILITIES, PAYROLL...
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...Subject: Human Resource Development 1. * Meaning and concepts of Human Resource Development, Human Resource Development (HRD) is considered as a vital part of Human Resource Management and it is defined as "an organized learning experience within a given period of time with the objective of producing the possibility of performance change." HRD aims at overall development of human resources. HRD is more concerned with the training and development of employees. Human Resource Development (HRD) means to develop available manpower through suitable methods such as training, promotions, transfers and opportunities for career development. A) Describe the major functions in Human Resource Development (HRD) Frame work of an organization. – 2011 * OR - Features of Human Resource Development, The nature / scope / function / characteristics or features of HRD are as follows :- 1. Training and Development: HRD involves training and developing the employees and managers. It improves their qualities, qualifications and skills. It makes them more efficient in their present jobs. It also prepares them for future higher jobs. 2. Organizational Development (OD): HRD also involves Organizational Development. OD tries to maintain good relations throughout the organization. It also solves problems of absenteeism, internal conflicts, low productivity and resistance to change. 3. Career Development: HRD also involves career planning and...
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...Introduction Many organizations across all countries have recognized training as strategic priority and it is great tool to give an organization a competitive advantage. Trainings are divided into two broad types; there are on-the-job trainings and the off-job trainings. Off-job training takes place outside worksite and there are varieties of techniques and that includes conferences, simulations, discussions, case studies, and laboratory trainings…etc. However, these programs are very costly. On-the-job training, on the other hand, is given at workplace as the name implies; employees are trained how to do the job assigned while at work. It is the oldest form of training prior to the advance of off-site trainings and still the predominant form in the United States. OJT can save money, and employees are immediately productive in their job role, building in the same time, a solid working relationship. Nonetheless, there are some disadvantages of it is that sometimes bad habits from the trainer could be passed and production might be decreased to get the trainee up to speed. Also some of OJT are done on ad-hoc manner with no formal procedure or content, and during the process, no specific goals or objectives are specified or developed. Not to mention trainers; those usually have no formal or training experience on training. That is what we can call informal on-the-job training. Lynch (1991) supported that a formal or structured OJT approach is more specific to achieve the firm’s...
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...1. Would a TNA be needed in this situation? Why or why not? If yes, who would you want to talk to? Training Needs Analysis is a formal process required for the purpose of identifying the training gap that is in existence and its related training need. Considering the IMP case analysis, training needs analysis is required since there are different sectors within the organization which require an individual to possess the necessary skills to perform the expected work within that department. In addition, training is also offered to people working within the ‘different sectors’ in that organization despite the fact that equality is not displayed while offering that form of training. Talking to the HR manager at North America International Airport’s about training needs analysis is a good idea since the HR manager is the one with the authority over the individual’s directly concerned with training such as Mr. Pettipas. 2. Based on the case as presented above, what KSAs need to be trained? From the case analysis at IMP, it is evident that there are several knowledge, skills and abilities that have to be addressed during training to all the employees within those departments. Leadership skills need to be addressed since the HR was not able to assist Ms. Dillman in her case which portrayed that he lacked the leadership skills. Technician skills required for the metal sheet shop needs to be trained since Ms. Dillman lacked knowledge on the requirement of a metal sheet shop technician...
Words: 333 - Pages: 2
...Need Assessment Report on Need Assessment Report on Trainers’ Skills Trainers’ Skills In Vocational Employability In Vocational Employability Building Building Disclaimer NSDC engaged MART to conduct the study and prepare this report, which is based on independent research and analysis done by MART. This report is not based or derived from any other report or research paper. Any similarity with any other paper may purely be a co-incidence. All rights reserved. All copyright in this report and related works is solely and exclusively owned by NSDC. The same may not be reproduced, wholly or in part in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this presentation), modified or in any manner communicated to any third party except with the written approval of NSDC. This report is for information purposes only. While due care has been taken during the compilation of this report to ensure that the information is accurate to the best of MART’s and NSDC’s knowledge and belief, the content is not to be construed in any manner whatsoever as a substitute for professional advice. MART and NSDC neither recommend nor endorse any specific products or services that may have been mentioned in this report and nor do they assume any liability or responsibility for the outcome of decisions taken as a result of any reliance placed in this report. Neither MART nor NSDC shall be...
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...Examination Question # 2: Describe the 5 step training and development In order for any company to be successful, their employees must perform. An employee cannot be expected to meet the established standard if that standard is not set and the employee is not taught how meet it. To establish quality training the employees should be made to feel that they are important to the team and that the training is important to them. The training should also easily transition from a classroom or training environment to “real world” use. If classroom concepts are outdated or far-fetched the instruction is useless and employees will lose interest. Training should include some “hands-on” exercises when possible. “Role play” scenarios work very well for some positions also. Employee motivation is extremely important. Most training programs are established using a five step method. The first step is the Needs and Analysis step. This step identifies whether training is needed, what type training, who needs to be trained and how the training will be performed. There are two primary means to determine the type training required. The first is Task Analysis. Task Analysis is the better way to establish the training for new employees. This allows new employees to be trained to the already set company standard. The second way is Performance Analysis. Performance Analysis evaluates how current employees are performing their duties and allows training to be based on strengthening the weaknesses...
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...Transfer of training is the process in which you transfer the training you received to your job. Training transfer is defined as “the application continued by learners to performance of jobs, individuals, community responsibilities of knowledge in learning activities” (Broad, 1997, p. 2). The ability of an employee to transfer training back to the workplace is not an absolute following training. One of the main factors that impact the transferring process is the fact the training is a completely new behavior to the trainee. New behaviors are difficult to implement and require practice before it can be effective. A way to ease this difficulty is trainer support in the form of a sit in. A trainer support sit in is when the trainer comes in, follows the trainee around on the job, and provides feedback on how they do. Two other large factors that impact transfer of training are supervisor support and peer support. Supervisor and peer support provide incentive for the trainee to practice new behaviors. Supervisors mainly need to be giving feedback on how the trainee is doing on the job. A downfall of peer support is that some peers may have been on the job for a long amount of time and used to doing things the old way. These particular peers may be detrimental to the trainee's practicing of the new behaviors they acquired during training. Broad, M. L. (1997). Transfer concepts and research overview. In M. L. Broad (Ed,), Transfer Learning to the workplace (pp. 1-18)...
Words: 261 - Pages: 2
.......... 1 21 November 2013 ii ProQuest Document 1 of 1 Edge Hotel School: four-star prices and your labour for free Author: Lee, Joseph Publication info: The Times Educational Supplement 4990 (Apr 27, 2012): 52. ProQuest document link Abstract: [...]the Edge Hotel School, a working four-star hotel offering on-the-job training and a degree accredited by the University of Essex, will have to persuade students to pay Pounds 18,000 for their two-year degrees, while they work unpaid for up to 27 hours a week running the hotel. [...]he said that the hotel, called Wivenhoe House, was equipped with far more sophisticated IT systems than it needed, purely for the educational benefit, so that trainees would be prepared to work in even the world's largest hotels. Links: Check for full text via SHU links Full text: But the two-year BA honours degree is worth it, says principal. It is billed as an "exemplar" of vocational education - a school of higher education, backed by an independent charity, offering degree-level study at the same time as work experience. But the Edge Hotel School, a working four-star hotel offering on-the-job training and a degree accredited by the University of Essex, will have to persuade students to pay Pounds 18,000 for their two-year degrees, while they work unpaid for up to 27 hours a week running the hotel. Principal Alan Jenkins said it should not be compared with higher level apprenticeships, which the...
Words: 1087 - Pages: 5
...employer designing their training programs which doesn’t need to exist. a. The first step to creating a learning environment is to decide what you want to teach. The idea is to make training programs as relevant as possible to the organization (and the needs of said entity). i. One of the biggest barriers of organizations in the first step is the lack of job-applicability of their programs --- a well-done needs analysis will ensure that an organization not only needs the program but also give a good idea of whether the program will be effective or a waste of time and money. ii. The next mistake organizations make is that they fail to set clear, concise instructional objectives. In order for training to be effective, the training has to have a very narrow goal, i.e. we need to teach the employee to perform the task of connecting calls via a switchboard. iii. Once the goal is set, you should then go to a line manager and ask them what knowledge the trainee needs to know when connecting calls via a switchboard as it applies to the organization – too many organizations skip this step and end up teaching employees a different way of doing things. This causes problems in the workplace when they make it back to it, and then they have to unlearn what they learned and start over (which creates inefficiency.) iv. The last item you should look at when deciding when you are deciding what to teach your employees in your organization is whether the training program is interactive enough...
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