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Piaget Day Care

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The best choice in day care for your 8 week old little girl Tyree is Child Care A. I say this because as a professional I have seen how many day cares are run and how they are facilitated. Yes it is more money, but its money you want to invest in for the absolute best care for your daughter. With your daughter being so young it is important that the staff members interact, play, feed, change, and cuddle with your child as much as possible. This is an important part of a bonding process when your child is being watched at a day care facility. I want to better explain to you both why it is so important to spend the extra money on day care an in order to make sure your daughters emotional, mental. And physical needs are being met.
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With that being said, Piaget says that a child goes through stages of cognitive development and that each stage is a result is based on their environmental experiences and opportunities for learning (Bukatko, 2008). Piaget has four stages that are important from birth to adulthood. Stage 1 is Sensorimotor Stage- this is from birth to 2 years of age and is important for infants because this is when they are physically interacting with the environment and their surroundings. Stage 2 is Preoperational- ages 2-7 years of age. In this stage children begin to remember things, use their imagination and engage. Stage 3 is Concrete Operational is ages 7-12 and in this stage children can demonstrate logic and even concrete reasoning. Stage 4 is Formal Operational- this is from adolescence to adult hood. You can logically use symbols, consider possibilities, and formulate hypothesis. When looking at a day care and what they have to offer you need to make sure they focus on these areas because it is crucial to a child’s overall

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