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Pine Tree Case Study

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Target market: Pine Tree Chiropractic’s target market is vast. This is because it does not serve a specific lifestyle, age, or gender. The three primary types of patients (market) that Pine Tree targets is first, individuals over 40 years old with a country lifestyle. The office environment supports this by appealing to the patient’s occupation of being farmers and ranchers, their interest of their country lifestyle, and appeal to their age group by embodying their old fashion values. Second, would be targeting local veterans with a high risk lifestyle due to their age. Pine Tree is one of the few in town that accepts Veteran Assistant insurance. Additionally, Dr. Wallace is a former Officer Ranger in the Army. Third, would be student athletes …show more content…
Each of these affect Pine tree in its own way for example, an increase in inflation causes the dollar to depreciate thus causing treatment and products prices to increase. If unemployment rises it will cause domino affect reducing people’s cash flow to afford treatment, afford insurance, and afford a comfortable life style. When wage cost go up the cost of living raises with it which causes employees to lose jobs which decreases disposal income. This affects Pine Tree because people will become more frugal or they will not thee income to afford treatment which causes Pine Tree to take a …show more content…
Two, is education because with education people can obtain a better job that provides insurance that Pine Tree can utilize to give a more extensive treatment. Third, lifestyle changes: this effects Pine Tree in a positively because in this day of age people are choosing healthier life styles. By choosing alternative medicine such as chiropractic they can achieve a wellbeing that is not invasive to their body. Technological affect Pine tree in a positive and negative way. In a positive way new advancement to in technology allows more time for in-depth treatments. Increase customer inconvenience and allows for increase in accuracy in medical recording. Technology affect Pine Tree in negative way by depending on technology to the point where Pine Tree could not function correctly if the technology was not available or

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