...Aromatherapy The origin of Aromatherapy Aromatherapy had been around for 6000 years or more. The Greeks, Romans, and ancient Egyptians all used aromatherapy oils. The Egyptian physician Imhotep recommended fragrant oils for bathing, massage, and for embalming their dead nearly 6000 years ago. Imhotep is the Egyptian god of medicine and healing. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used aromatherapy baths and scented massage. He used aromatic fumigations to rid Athens of the plague. What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy means "treatment using scents". It is a holistic treatment of caring for the body with pleasant smelling botanical oils such as rose, lemon, lavender and peppermint. The essential oils are added to the bath or massaged into the skin, inhaled directly or diffused to scent an entire room. Aromatherapy is used for the relief of pain, care for the skin, alleviate tension and fatigue and invigorate the entire body. Essential oils can affect the mood, alleviate fatigue, reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. When inhaled, they work on the brain and nervous system through stimulation of the olfactory nerves Aromatherapy treatment Your practitioner will first take a full case history regarding your general health background. Your therapist will then create a treatment plan and select relevant essential oils for use during the aromatherapy massage. This is carried out unclothed on a couch, with your therapist maintaining your dignity with the use of towels...
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...relaxing and therapeutic abilities of aromatherapy, herbal incenses are an essential part. Aromatherapy involves all kinds of methods that infuse perfumed herbal fragrances into a room or your personal space to stimulate your mental state of mind and offers relaxation when you are stressed or need peace of mind. It is believed to improve the quality of your life and health because the perfumed smoke is believed to have magical abilities, when it comes to increased imagination and creativity, relieving stress and anxiety or depression and increasing sexual and erotic notions. Aromatherapy is considered an alternative medicine practice that uses the therapeutic abilities of a variety of essential oils, whether they...
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...Aromatherapy is defined as the therapeutic use of essential oils extracted from plants. However, the effectiveness of this method is unknown due to the limited research conducted for it. Some studies have shown that the effects of aromatherapy may have health benefits that include relief from anxiety and depression, improved quality of life, and improved sleep. In order to prove if these claims are scientifically valid, though, an experiment must be conducted. However, this may prove difficult because it is impossible to eliminate the placebo effect as a confound. Like mentioned before, aromatherapy has been supposedly linked to anxiety and depression relief, as well as improved sleep. Smaller studies have also discovered that lavender oil specifically helps to reduce osteoarthritis pain, lessen the symptoms of dementia, and reduce kidney stone pain. The essential oils can be inhaled, directly or indirectly, or applied to the skin by means of lotions or bath salts. Some oils can also be taken orally. Aromatherapy is proposed to work by stimulating the olfactory receptors in the nose, which then send messages to the part of the brain that controls emotion. This then triggers an overwhelming...
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...Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils to treat aches, pains, and injuries, and for therapeutic or medical purposes. They do this by acting on the central nervous system where they aid in relieving depression and anxiety. They help with reducing stress by aiding in relaxation. Some oils can be sedating or stimulating, and can help with restoring physical and emotional well-being. Aromatherapy is a great alternative to modern medicine because it has very few side effects associated with it. Rarely people may have allergic reactions to the oils. These reactions mainly consist of skin irritations or rashes and can sometimes be caused by using oils that are not pure. Prescription drugs can be dangerous and can have harmful side effects so because of this an increasing number of people are...
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...Background 1 2 Mission 1 3 Keys to Success 1 4 Situation Analysis 1 4.1 Market Needs 2 4.2 Market Trends 2 4.3 Market Growth 2 4.4 Competition analysis 2 4.4.1 Traditional Soap Producers 2 4.4.2 Substitutes of Aromatherapy 3 4.4.3 Spas and Massage Parlors 3 4.4.4 Quick medicines 3 5 Objectives/Strategies 3 6 SWOT 3 6.1 Strengths 3 6.2 Weaknesses 4 6.3 Opportunities 4 6.4 Threats 4 Company Background Relaxo is a newly formed partnership company with five members; Aneel Shahani, Gulzar Hussain, Jawad Shafique Lakhiar, Nosheen Munir and Sanam Abdul Sattar. Capital is invested by each partner with a ration of 20% each, requirement of capital to start the business is of 8 millions out of which 60% is invested by partners and remaining 40% will be borrowed from financial institutions. Mission We specialize in making finest and innovative healthcare products that relax mind, revitalize energy, renew senses, and enhances your well-being at a reasonable price and sustainable monetary growth. We encourage business practices that value consumers, employees, stakeholders and society at large. Keys to Success • A first-mover branding campaign to build awareness of aromatherapy and its benefits against harmful medicines • Patent protection to defend our formula and product concept from competitors • Complementary relationships with suppliers, distributors, and health promoting organizations Situation Analysis ...
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...receiving such drugs to control their symptoms are often the patients who are already experiencing low qualities of life as is because their dementia symptoms are generally so severe. Other recent attempts at treatment include snoezelen, which is another name for controlled multisensory stimulation, where patients are exposed to a soothing and stimulating environment. In this environment, they will receive varied sensory stimulation in the forms of fiber optic lighting effects, color, sounds, music, or smells. The light treatment and aromatherapy have emerged as the two most promising approaches among these in the treatment of dementia. In fact, in the three most recent studies (as of 2004) of light therapy on dementia patients, the improvement of those with the real treatment far exceeded that of those with the placebo. Even more promising yet, those with the treatment experienced virtually no side effects. In regards to the aromatherapy, overall quality of living actually increased with treatment, as...
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...Essential oils are liquids extracted from aromatic plants by distillation, cold pressing or chemical extraction by solvents. Although they are called oils, they are not always greasy. It is claimed that 10% of plants can produce essential oils. They are highly concentrated and volatile substances. Greatly used in alternative medicine like aromatherapy, they have many virtues and have many health benefits, proven over the years. Its use dates back to ancient times, and its wide variety of therapeutic, medicinal and culinary effects ensured its popularity. There are over 700 different types of plants that have useful essential oils. In addition to the physical and emotional benefits, when used in Aromatherapy, essential oils also have exceptional medicinal applications. Many of them are antiseptic making us the most potent protectors of nature against bacteria and other infectious organisms. Because they have a wide range of healing properties, they can be used efficiently to maintain health,...
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...The aroma of sea buckthorn oil is reminiscent of wet wood and just a little herbal. This oil is rarely used for its aroma, but it has many therapeutic benefits. Sea buckthorn seed oil is a very unusual essential oil in that it is almost always taken internally. This oil offers phenomenal benefits as a dietary supplement for enhancing the immune system; supporting cardiovascular, brain, and liver health; and for fighting many diseases. Sea buckthorn seed oil is rich in vitamin E and omega-3, which are only found in minute traces in the sea buckthorn berry oil. On the other hand, sea buckthorn berry oil has many topical uses and is rarely used internally. The best way to use both types of sea buckthorn oil is to find sea buckthorn whole berry and seed oil, or to mix the two in a 1-to-1 blend for your own use. This way, the oil can be used both topically and internally....
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...Explain the factors that affect access to complementary therapies Factors that could affect access to complementary therapies could stem from many sources. These could consist of physical barriers, geographical barriers, socio-economical barriers, cultural barriers, educational barriers and the barriers that may be face by referral systems. Physical Barriers includes whether or not a service user can access the building in which the CAM therapy is to take place. For example the individual may face mobility issues such as being in a wheelchair, or other health problems such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) which may result in breathlessness. Geographical barriers would include aspects of an individual’s life associated with where they live which may determine how easy it is to get to and from places in which complementary therapies take place. Various transport options may have to be considered, does the individual drive, or is there reliable access to public transport? Socio-economical barriers arise in association with how financially secure potential service users are. Whether or not an individual can attend a complementary therapy service is dependent on how much the therapy costs, and whether it can be afforded by the individual. Cultural barriers stem from the beliefs of an individual, and whether a particular type of practice is acceptable in relation to their religion or culture, but may also be a result of perceived efficacy of the therapies...
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...Along with many other complementary therapies, aromatherapy has experienced a recent surge in interest and popularity. It is often the concepts of self-help and a natural alternative to medication that draws many people to therapies such as this, as they can often be self-prescribed by the individual (Balaskas 1990). The term complementary implies that aromatherapy should be used in harmony with more orthodox medical therapies, however in late pregnancy, many of the common ailments are discomforts which cannot be alleviated by conventional medicine. It is at this point that therapies such as aromatherapy really come in to their own. This essay will examine the use of aromatherapy during the later stages of pregnancy for minor ailments and discomforts, and as a preparation for childbirth. While some oils will be mentioned, space limitations prevent the listing of effective oils for all uses. These oils may be found from any aromatherapy text. The role of the midwife as an aromatherapy practitioner will be explored, as will aspects of safety pertinent to the use of complementary therapy. Serious complications of pregnancy will not be discussed here, as although some therapies may be useful at this time, medical advise should always be sought before commencing any treatment. Minor complications of early pregnancy will also not be examined as a great deal of contradiction exists within the literature regarding the relative safety of much treatment during these early months (Davis...
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...Individual Names Also known as ethereal oils, volatile oils, aetherolea, and oil of the plant, essential oils get their individual names from their source, for example, Rose essential oil is named after the Rose Bush it is extracted from, and Eucalyptus essential oil is named after the Eucalyptus tree it originates from. They call it “essential” because extracting oil captures the essence of its source and shares its scent and flavor. How Essential Oils Are Used Throughout history, many different cultures and religions have utilized essential oils for a vast array of valuable properties that they contain– physically, mentally, and spiritually. Used on its own, just one drop of an essential oil is fully loaded with an abundance of important benefits. Thus, combining these essential oils can produce powerful compelling remedies that can help with everything from skin and hair enhancement to household cleaners and room deodorizers. In addition, essential oils are distributed by a variety of techniques that include:...
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...centuries. The Chinese may have been one of the first cultures to use aromatic plants for well-being. Their practice involved burning incense to help create harmony and balance. The Egyptians, Greeks and later on, the Roman Empire all used infused oils and herbal preparations for spiritual, medicinal, fragrant and cosmetic use. During the 20th century, the use of body oil was weakened due to the separating the elements of essential oil to create synthetic chemicals and drugs. Toward the end of the of the 20th century and on into the 21st century, there is a resurgence to utilize more natural products including essential oils for therapeutic, cosmetic and aromatic benefit. The use of essential oils never stopped; the awareness regarding the use of synthetics and the increased amount of information on aromatherapy through the internet has refueled the use of essential oils for health, therapeutic, cosmetic, fragrant and spiritual use. Trader Joe’s wants to reintroduce the body oil spray. Consumers can choose between a lavender or seaweed scent. The main ingredients for the oil include: safflower, seed oil, sweet almond oil, SD Alcohol 40, sesame oil, St, John Wort flower extract, avocado oil, and wheat germ oil. The oils are bottled in a 6oz rectangular spray bottle. The bottles include drawings of lavender flowers and seaweed to differentiate the two products. The greatest attributes for the oil is the subtle, clean and fresh scent. The oil has all the quality of expensive...
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...Curly Locs Curly Locs is a natural hair brand that offers four products to help maintain a healthy hair lifestyles. Curly Locs product line consists of a shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, and moisturizer. The ingredient in the Curly Locs shampoo consist of sweet almond oil, shea butter, and apple cider vinegar. The shampoo delivers a cleaning power full of moisture. The Curly Locs conditioner is rich in vitamin B and is made with cocoa butter and shea butter to give maximum moisture to dried frizzy hair. This conditioner is great for all hair types. Curly Locs leave-in conditioner is made with distilled water, sweet almond oil, and infused with banana extracts. This can be used to style any curls type, twists, or braids. The Curly Locs moisturizer contains all natural ingredients and is great for hydrating dry hair. This lightweight moisturizer contains mango oil and bamboo milk to hydrate and nourish all hair types. For the past year, I have market Curly Locs through an online store and on facebook. I am looking to seek financial backing in the terms of a start up cost for sixty thousand dollars for business location, materials and packaging. The ideal business location would be in an urban based community were the products is accessible to anyone with curly natural hair. Profit is an absolute number determined by the amount of income or revenue above and beyond the costs or expenses a company incurs. Profitability is a measurement of how well a company is making...
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...Lemon Lime Student Name BUSN 115 Assignment I Professor DeVry University I am currently in the City of Panama, and as I travel on an expected business trip for the company that I work for, I find myself creating the name brand of my first business. A business that I think it might have great potential in the near future. But that it also comes with a few questions in mind. Let’s explore some of this questions one by one. -Develop a creative name for your Lemonade Stand, and then explain why a name is important when you are considering branding options? The name of my business will be call, “Lemon Lime” I see this name very catchy as it is a hybrid of the two of the many types of lemons around the world. The name will reflect what I am and what I can do as a business person, as person or company with integrity and ethics value. But is not just for me or my employees is for my target consumers, the thousands of people in my local area as that’s where I plan to start my business from or perhaps the millions of people around the world. Or as Bovee and Thill says “It gives customers a way of recognizing and specifying a particular product so that they can choose it again or recommend it to others”. And that’s exactly what I want from my business to be recognized first locally then globally as pure “Lemon Lime Splash”. -Create a Mission Statement for your Lemonade Stand (Chapter 7); then explain why a mission statement is important for any company? To produce...
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...Written & distributed by Julien Griffault Young Living distributor # 924292 http://www.ylessentialoils.com 1 7 Essential Oils & 100 all natural solutions Introduction Guidelines for safe use of Essential Oils Natural First Aid solutions Natural solutions for your Home Natural remedies for you & your family Self care Nutrition How to order 3 6 7 8 10 14 15 16 2 Join Young Living today For more great resources please visit : www.ylessentialoils.com Let me tell you about the oils I have chosen to talk about in this particular E-Book. I have decided to base myself on a Young Living kit called the ‘Essential 7’ which groups the seven most popular and easy to use oils. LAVENDER is the most versatile of all essential oils. Therapeutic grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin, and has been clinically evaluated for its relaxing effects. Wait to see all you can do with this one! LEMON has antiseptic-like properties and contains compounds that have been studied for their effects on immune function. CAUTION: Citrus oils should NOT be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 72 hours. PEPPERMINT is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion. Jean Valnet, MD, studied peppermint’s effect on the liver and respiratory systems. JOY — is an exotic blend of Lemon, mandarin, Bergamot, ylang ylang, rose, Rosewood, Geranium, Palarosa, Roman chamomile and jasmine that produces an uplifting magnetic...
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