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Book Summary: Out Of The Dust

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Out of The Dust Selected book report.

Out of the dust is a book about a small family with a newborn on the way that lives in a small town in Oklahoma. The town in full of dust which creates a big problem for the farmers in the town by taking the profits from the wheats on the fields.
Most farmers during this time would try to redo their whole crop fields but her father didn’t have enough money in the family to do so so he tried taking out loans from the government. Which during that time wasn’t uncommon in local families.
In the Spring of April 1934 banks closed because they didn’t have enough money to go around and some families like Billie’s was smart enough to go to the banks beforehand to receive all of their money.
Where they lived in Oklahoma there was no rain nothing but dust and dirt and even more dust. The dust storms where the worst part of living there for Billie Jo’s family. Every day the dust would blow in and seep into their home all over the food and furniture and over the piano that Billie Jo played with her mother long ago. …show more content…
Her father walked into the kitchen where her mother was about to fix him a cup of coffee when he set the can of karosine right beside the kettle pot. Thinking it was the kettle pot full of water she grabbed it and poured it on the stove creating a fire. Her father was already out on the fields and it was only Billie Jo and her mother left in the kitchen, so they both ran out screaming to call her father. Once outside Billie Jo remembered the can of karosine left on the stove so she went to throw it out of the door but didn’t notice her mother running back towards the house and threw the karosine on her catching her mother on fire. Billie Jo tried her best to put the fire out on her mother with her bare hands and ended up burning herself badly

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