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Pit Bull Ban


Submitted By Sari
Words 2046
Pages 9
Sari Grosenbach
Eng. 101
Mr. Powell
Assignment 7
2/19/13 Kearney Examples This one example when I went to a group called Mens Retreat and they did all of these awsome adventure like skydiving, water sking, also going to laser tag and I wanted to join so badly I asked if i could go on there trip! They just looked at me and laughed and said that I cant't go because I'm a girl and its for men oly. My heart sank so far that I could throw up. My eyes just watered up intill i couldn't see no more. I was so hurt that day that I just did nothing but cry.

Sari Grosenbach
Eng. 101
Mr. Powell
Assignment 8
Testomony My dad, who worked at wal-mart for 20 years says" I haven't seen so many people be so rude even when I was a kid!" We should really check ourself even for someone who worked at a grosery store for about 20 years and now rudness is out of control.

My uncle, who pizza delivery for 10 years says " When I did this 10 years ago people would tip me from left to right and now I just get a door slammed in my face." This prove that people now that rudeness is way out of control and people 10 years ago would be nice enough to tip and now my uncle get a door slammed in his face and get rude comments.

Sari Grosenbach
Mr. Powell
Assignment 6
She's Your Basic LOL In the essay She’s Your Basic L.O.L in N.A.D, author Kerri Klass’s main point is the languge she has to learn when becoming a doctor. According to Klass (passage 1) I didnt even know what C.P., S.O.B, N/V means chest pains, shortness of breath, or nausea and vomting. (pharagraph 2) Klass also writes (passage 2) Well we've already had one hit today and we're up next this means that our team (group of doctors ans medical students) has already gotten one new admission today (pharagraph 6). Finally she states (passage 3) When the intern hangs up the phone and annouces " I got hit" that is not a cause for congrats but it is getting hit . being bombared with new patients ( pharagraph 7).

Black Men and Public Space In the eassay Black Men in Public Space, author Brent Staples main point is the how he wasn't accepted in groups or anything because of his skin color. According to Brent (passage 1) My first victim was a women - white , well dressed, probably in her late twenties. I came up upon her late on evening on a deserted street in Hyde Park, I swung onto the avenue behind her, there seemed to be a distant between us. She cast back back with a worried glance. After a few more quick glimpes, she picked up her pace and was soon running. Within seconds she disappeared into a cross street (pharagraph 1). Brent also writes (passage 2) I was becoming throughly familiar with the language of fear. At dark, shadowy intersections, I could cross in front of a car stopped at a traffic light and elicit the tunk tunk tunk of the driver -- black, white male or female hammering down the door locks ( pharagraph 3). Finally Brent states ( passage 3) I moved to New York nearly two years ago and i have remained an avid night walker. (pharagraph 7)

Sari Grosenbach
Mr. Powell
Assignment 5

Annotation of She’s Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D Ana by Perri Klass
1 Passage: I started out in a state of primeval innocence, in which i didn't even know that C.P, S.O.B, N/V means chest pains, shortness of breath, or nuasea and vomting (pharagraph 2)

Comment: I cant even image the stress u would have to learn the languge everyday when a new patient come in

2 Passage: ) Well we've already had one hit today and we're up next this means that our team (group of doctors ans medical students) has already gotten one new admission today (pharagraph 6).

Comment:) I would be so stressed out with new admission coming in and know what one hit today means not just good news but bad news

3 Passage:) The resident was describing a man with devastating terminal pancreatic cancer. Basically he's C.T.D the resident concluded. I didn't understand things C.T.D. I asked timidly. Circlely the drain the resident said (pharagraph 10)
Comment: What does C.T.D even mean i would also ask the same question
4 Passage:) By reformulating a patient's pain and problem into a language that the patient doesn't speak , I was suppose we are in some sense taking those pain and problems under our jurisdiction and also reducing their emotional impact. This linguistic sepration between doctors and patients allow conversations togo on at the bedside that are unintelligable to the patients. "Naturally we're worried about adreno - CA." the intren can say to the medical student. and lung cancer need never mention. (pharagraph 14)
Comment:) I cant even image that you cant even say lung cancer or anything like that and have to be careful to use your words.
Passage:) There may be specific expression I manage to aviod, but even as I remark them, promising myself I will never use them, I find that this language is becoming professional speech. It no longer sounds strange in my ears-- or coming from my mouth . (pharagraph 15)
Comment:) I think it would be fun learning new things like that though at first seems hard but later on fun.

Sari Grosenbach
Mr. Powell
Assigment 10
Beef Production on Factory Farms In 2010, 34.2 million cattle were slaughtered for beef in the United States. Often beginning their short lives on rangeland, calves are soon separated from their nurturing mothers and endure a series of painful mutilations. Before they are a year old, young calves endure a long and stressful journey to a feedlot, where they are fattened on an unnatural diet until they reach “market weight” and are sent to slaughter.After being taken from their mother, calves’ cries can be so intense that their throats become irritated. Calves raised for beef may be subject to a number of painful mutilations, including dehorning, castration, and branding. Even though each of these procedures is known to cause fear and pain, pain relief is rarely provided. Because it is thought to improve meat quality and tenderness, male calves are castrated at a young age. Methods include removing testicles surgically with a scalpel, crushing spermatic cords with a clamp, and constricting blood flow to the scrotum until testicles die and fall off. Each method is known to cause pain that can last for days.Cattle in the U.S. are often branded by having an iron hotter than 950 °F pressed into their skin for several seconds. This is done so that beef producers can identify cattle and claim ownership. Between 6 months and a year of age, cattle are moved from pasture to feedlots to be fattened for slaughter. Calves gain weight on an unnatural diet and reach “market weight” of 1,200 pounds in just 6 months. The majority of cattle are fattened in feedlots in just four U.S. states. Since calves are born all over the country, they often endure long and stressful trips from their place of birth to these states without food, water, or protection from the elements.Once they reach “market weight,” cattle in the beef industry are trucked to slaughter. The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act requires that livestock be rendered insensible to pain before shackling and slaughter; however, investigations have found that some animals are still conscious when they are shackled and have their throats cut.

Sari Grosenbach
Mr. Powell
Assignment 10
1. The food is much more dangrous
Comment: the food is alot more dangrous because sometime they dont check if the animal is sick or what so people get food poisoning alot more
2. It was easy to replace workers back in the 80s the now
Comment: it was alot more easy to relpace workers and the food was alot safer
3. They slaughter chickens to get food
Comment: I thought it was sad how they would chop the chickens head off and cut off there feathers to get food
4.How many animals we slaughter
Comment: I thought it was sad how they would put the pigs in the crowed building and just grind them or they would kill the cow to get beef
5.Today we have 13 slaughter houses
Comment: i was amazing how many slaughter house we have
6. Some people leave there chickens with no sunlight
Comment: When i saw the dark building with all those chickens I was shocked

Sari Grosenbach
Assignment: 9

1. Throwing away potatos cause they are the wrong size
Comment: I thought it was crazy how many potatos we waste cause of the size or color
2. 40 % of fish is being thrown away before they eat back to the store
Comment: About half of the fish is being thrown out because of the size!!

Sari Grosenbach
Mr. Powell
Assignment: 4

My Nieghbor Mr. Jones is cheap My Nieghbor Mr. Jones is the cheapest person I meant for example he likes to collect coupons and would ask his other nieghbor for coupons and would collect them all to buy at the grocery store. the other day he would walk all the way up to wal-mart cause of the price of gas and would carry the bags back to his place to use to trash bags. Another example is he liked to dig in the garbage and try to find food that are new and put it in his freezer.

Mr.Jones Wife is mean Mr. Jones wife is meanest persone I meant for example she would sit around outside and force her husband to water to plant. The other day she would nag at him about getting her a new ring and a new house. Finally she would always have him answer the door and always have him cook food.

The Drought The drought of this summer left the land in sorry shape for example the nice lake at the park had lowered down so low the fish had dried out and died. Another example example is the land used to have tall grass and beautiful flowers ahd now turned to brown and died. Finally you could see the dead animals everywhere cause there are no food or water cause of the drought.

Noisy New Yew New York is the noisest city I have ever been to for example when you want to realx or nap you could always hear the sirons going and the cars honking there horn 24/7. The other example is when you want to go out to teh park there are always contruction going on fixing the road and you cant find anywhere that quite. Finally when its bed time you could hear music going on and people yelling from next door.

Sari Grosenbach
Mr. Powell
Assignment 3

1. What was the biggest problem I had in writing this essay, and how successful was I in solving that problem? I think it was making the story three page long so i just made a list of topic I wanted to talk about a surpport that point and it made it easier to write the essay

2. What did I learn about myself as a writer, or about writing in general by writing this essay? I think what i learned about myself was the imagnation i had to make the essay

3. What, if any, new perspectives did I gain writing about my topic?

4. What improvements would I make in the essay if I had more time? I think i need to work on the thysis more and organizing it

5. What is the most important thing I have to work on as a writer?organizing the topic and thysis

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