...old man.” Well the truth of the matter is pit bulls aren't killers and people should be allowed to keep them. In fact pit bulls are great family dogs,not fighter dogs, and are not vicious in the slightest. Pit bulls are a family oriented breed that just want to be loved. They are super loyal. Pit bulls are affectionate towards kids and adults. In fact, in the early 19th century pit bull were called “nanny dogs” because of their kindness and protection of children. They love to be cuddled and petted. A Pit Bull will do almost anything his favorite people ask of him, just to hear their praise. These dogs crave our attention and approval, and are very social with humans. A bad person could use this to their advantage. They can use the pitbulls eagerness to get it to do what they want. (10 Reason Why Pit bulls Rule)...
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...Should people be allowed to keep pitbulls as pets?” I will be talking about why pit bulls should not be allowed to be kept as pets. My first reason is because most people say that pitbulls are vicious dogs and that they are dangerous and are not safe animals to keep as pets. People say that pitbulls are vicious because in a newspaper article “Miami-Dade County Votes to Keep Pit Bulls Out” in this article it states that a neighbor pitbull had escaped from the house and viciously attacked an 8 year old which ended up with her having to have multiple major reconstructive surgeries in the years following the incident. My second reason why pit bulls should not be pets is because they are dangerous and are not allowed to be in social places because...
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...bulls need a leader or they will try to become the dominant, alpha dog.Give your dog praise so he knows that you own him. Give him this praise quickly but don't drag out the praise. 8.Leash train your dog. Train your pit bull to obey you even when the leash is loose rather than pulled tight. 9.Stop biting before it starts. If you want your pit bull to know that it's wrong to bite people, then you have to start when he's small. Sure, his nips may be cute when he's just a tiny pup, but his bites will have serious consequences when he's all grown up. Whenever he bites you, move your hand and cry out like you're in pain; this will trigger an alarm bell in your dog's head and will let him know that something is wrong. All in all, the pitbull puppy just like a little baby. It’s not really different with other kinds of dogs.Just give them lots of love and show them you love them.You will have a great time with your dog. ...
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...Mrs. Carey Language arts, Period 1 29 April 2024 Pitbull Argument Essay Pitbulls may seem to be vicious and uncontrollable dogs in the media, but that is simply a myth. This is a serious debate because it seems that pitbulls are the most dangerous dog breed and some think that a ban is necessary to protect others from pitbulls. The media and the news tried to show that pitbulls are dangerous, but they really are not. Pitbulls should be pets because they are not as bad as the media portraits them and they are military icons. Pitbulls may seem horrible, but they only seem that way due to how the news and media tries to convince people that. In the article, The Media and The Pit Bull by James Cross, James Cross states that news outlets...
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...Ricky Soe Mrs. Carey Language Arts Period 4 29 April 2024 Pitbull Argument Essay Some dogs are fully capable of hospitalizing both people and other animals. Pitbulls are one of America’s most well-known dog breeds, however they have a bad reputation. Pitbulls should not be kept as pets because they can hurt one’s social reputation and are aggressive animals. Firstly, being seen with a pitbull may damage one’s social reputation. According to the article it says, “When I walk my two year old pitbull mix, people cross the street to avoid us” (Source 4 Cross). This shows that citizens are generally aware and cautious when a pitbull is in the area. This can result in pitbull owners being shamed while with their dog. In conclusion, when near a pitbull,...
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...The debatable question is should pit bulls be killed given their aggression? Pitbulls are affected by this issue, humans are affected by this issue, and animals are affected by this issue. Pitbulls are affected by this issue because they normally get taken away from their families, killed in many ways, or put in a shelter. They are labeled as “the most aggressive dog breeds” and they get discriminated against. Humans are affected by this issue because they can get brutally attacked, get their dog taken away, or have one of their pets attacked by a pit bull. Animals are affected by this issue because they sometimes get attacked by pit bulls and get badly hurt. This topic addresses the two different sides of what to do with aggressive pitbulls after attacks, as well as...
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...it is not their fault. In all, pit bulls should be locked up because of how many people they have injured and put in the hospital. Some people might mention all of the social media bias that is out there, however people are just stating their opinions and the raw truth. It is true that social media states a lot, yet it helps people make important decisions when considering getting a dog and it wouldn’t be considered biased if people are stating opinions. In the newspaper article it says, “The mistrust of the pit bull, built by media bias, is a cultivated reaction” (Cross 13). In conclusion, Pitbulls should be out of the picture when considering buying a pet because of their shameful personality and destructive attacks they proceed with. Not having pit bulls around would be so much better. For example, pitbulls being out of households will cut back on many people's hospital visits. Pitbulls should not be pets in any home, especially when having little children or other animals around because it would be a safer environment for communities....
Words: 555 - Pages: 3
...Pit bulls have been bred specifically to be aggressive. Pit bulls are creating vicious problems throughout our world. They should be brought to concern and people should realize what they have done to humans and animals. Pit bulls should not be pets because bad people own them and they produce dangerous attacks. Generally, pit bulls are not family pets, but they are dogs that are connected to people who are criminals and are unsafe. In the article it states, “You can say all you want about all these other breeds, but ‘pit bulls’ are the choice for drug dealers and other bad folks for a reason” (Source 1). This proves that pit bulls are a harmful animal to have lurking around your home. If pit bulls are called “family pets”, then they should...
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...Anna Firle , Dakota Hyde, Chloe Chotrow, Devon Dawson Ms. Barton ELA, 2nd hour 22 January 2018 Why We Should Be Able To Have Pit Bulls Have you ever thought of not being able to have a pit bull? Here is a few reasons why citizens should be able to have pit bull. Some people don’t want pit bulls to be allowed as pets. However, people should be allowed to keep pit bulls as pets because of pit bulls are raised properly they can be loving loyal guard dogs, and the government should not be able to dictate the type of dog citizens should have. If pit bulls are raised properly, they can be loving and loyal guard dogs. Pit bulls were once considered to be good ¨nanny dogs¨ for families because of their faithfulness and their...
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...Nicole Van Miss Ward Period 5/6 March 8, 2024 Pitbull Essay Golden Retrievers and Beagles are known to have fantastic temperaments, and it may be surprising, but pit bulls do too. Pit bulls are athletic and strong dogs that come from Bulldogs and Terriers who were crossbred to make a working and fighting breed. The core of the breed is made up of three dogs, the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire, while the term “Pit Bull” is used to refer to them. Pit bulls are misconceived to be vicious and dangerous for a variety of reasons. Considering their bad reputation, they should be legally allowed as pets for the reason that they are trainable, great companions, and their invalid history is the reason for the continuous comments...
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...Pit bulls can be pets, they can sometimes be dangerous because some pitbulls are wild, some pitbulls aren't trained right and they can be very vicious and bite people. Pit bulls are very protective dogs.They are loved by their owners so they want to keep their owner safe from danger.Pitbulls are very cuddly dogs.They like to cuddle with their owners.Pit bulls are very athletic dogs.These dogs are known for their bravery and loyalty.Fun fact about pit bulls, they are also known for being really smart.Pit bulls love to play outside, take walks and play with their toys.These dogs are great family pets.They are very cuddly, they love to play with their owners and they are very These dogs will only attack if they are not trained or if they feel...
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...mean that every fighting dog is a pitbull or not. The three main parts of a pitbull are bulldog, terrier, and fighting dog which comes together in the pitbull type dog. (www.ukcdogs.com) American pitbull's scientific name is canis lupus familiaris. Canis lupus familiaris is a tamed descendant of the wolf. Pitbull puppies are usually called pups, or puppies. Pitbull puppies are usually puppies 12 to 18 months old. Pitbulls are called adults when they reach about one year old. A newborn puppy is called a whelp....
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...Pit bulls are not the ones to blame for their aggressive actions, however poor owners are. Those who abuse, cross breed, and abandon this particular breed it can affect the mental and behavior state as a result. A good owner for the breed will significantly be able to control the aggression if any from the start. Knowledge on the wide variety of the breed and the history, identifying the misunderstoods, and learning the proper way to train your pitbull will positively affect the mental and behavior state. Although sometimes the dog had a bad past experience and is not able to recover precautions are taken. Euthanasia is a medication given by IV, and it shuts the heart and brain functions down within a couple minutes. Pit bulls are viewed as...
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...Two friends decided to go on a walk when they decided to go home and ran into a Pitbull he looked mean but they two look at him and see he's just as harmless as a fly. Pit bulls make great pets when it comes to protecting your family. Pit bulls are sweet and loving. Pit bulls have been misjudged and mistreated. To begin with, Pit bulls help so much with protecting your family. Pit bulls are very relievable. Pit bulls are just like any other breed they like having fun with kids. There protective of you and your family when bad people come. Pit bulls even help out when needed. Pit bulls can learn tricks and like any other dog be very friendly and cuddly. Secondly, Pit bulls are extremely friendly. They are loveable and love to play in the...
Words: 310 - Pages: 2
...Imagine being told you can’t do something based on something your grandma or grandpa did, or people judging you based on family history. This is how thousands of pit bulls feel every day. Pitbulls all over America are being mistreated because of the bad reputation they have, but not all pitbulls are this aggressive. Pitbulls can make a wonderful pet. They are not any more dangerous than any other dog, they can actually improve your household, Since the 1800s pit bulls have held the name as the most dangerous dog. As the 1930s, they became known as the fighting dog. People would breed the dog intentionally for dog fights. It takes an average dog two and a half weeks to get adopted, for a pitbull it will take an average of seven and a half...
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