Consent Form
This research study is concerning music and its effects on anxiety. We are carrying out this research to determine whether music reduces stress or anxiety in study when they are performing a specific task. We require participants to complete three the forms that are presented to them. You, as the participant, will engage in a timed exercise with music of your choice playing in the background. All participants will be given ten minutes to complete the task. Your participation in this study will cause none to very minimal increases in anxiety. If you experience any bodily or psychological harm due to this study, the researcher will debrief you. This includes providing you with appropriate phone numbers for contact purposes in case you should experience mixed emotions or anxiety after the study. After the study, you, the participant will have full access to your overall results. There are no costs in participating in this study. You participation is completely voluntary and you have the right to withdraw from the experiment at anytime during the experiment. You will be provided with extra credit even if you discontinue the experiment before completing it. The results will contribute to our understanding of the theory in question.
Experimenter and supervisor in this study will keep all of you responses confidential. If we publish a research paper about the results of this study, it will not contain any identifying information about you or other participants.
We, the experimenters, will be pleased to answer questions that you may have about the research at this time or you may call, Whitney Allen (870)353-7772 or email or Patricia Deloney (903)748-7435 or email at Texas A&M University, or the research supervisor, Dr. Angela Sikorski If you have any