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Plan for Launch of Website


Submitted By jazz101
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Improving the validity of the market research

By Jared Lambe
FAO: Jo Kitson

[1.0] Introduction
In this report I will create three recommendations for Cadburys of how they can improve the validity of their market research. I will use real stories of how this meth. [2.0] Three recommendations for Cadburys of how they can improve the validity of their market research
One way Cadburys could improve the validity or their market research is when using the quantitative method of research, for example, giving the public questionnaires and samples of their product is that they could make their sampling frame objective and of a large enough quota to be statistically significant. They should also not make the participant feel they need to answer in a certain way. For example a Cadburys market researcher wanting to know if their new chocolate bar is of good quality may be more likely to receive a positive response by offering anyone who participates a £5.00 voucher for their time. This method could help you seek good standards or reliability and validity. In Watford a newly formed pizza business sampled their products to the public and paid the participants £5.00. Their results were positive and they will be able to take this feedback to help develop their newly started business.
Another recommendation I have made for Cadburys regarding their market research is performing regular focus groups with diverse people that affect Cadburys, for example, shareholders, managers, regular staff, customers and non or potential customers. Using these groups they can acquire regular valid information from all perspectives with different opinions so they can really find out the positives and strengths of their products and what needs to change to gain more customers. A customer being able to speak to shareholders is a great way for the investors to see where they need to invest in to the business and what needs changing. Cadburys latest success through using a focus group was when a Cadburys employee suggested that consumers might actually enjoy eating their products, without out considering the value-added by a barely decipherable cryptic advert. Cadbury executives first laughed at the idea but later on they took the idea to focus groups where members of the public responded well to seeing people actually enjoying the product on offer.
Secondary sources such as city and real estate websites tell you the demographics of a certain area. Cadburys for example could see where young people who are more likely to buy chocolate live, such as towns and parts of cities where there are universities and colleges. These areas would be great to sample their food and to carry out their research as they are likely to get an honest review from a regular customer of Cadburys. An example of this being helpful to a company is when an internet café chain carried out this research they found that areas of London that had upper-class people would not need a internet café as they are likely to have the technology at home.
[3.0] Conclusion

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