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Plan Parenthood Case Study

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There is an estimation of 922.6 millions of individuals who visit a physician a year according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from those 2.4 million women, and men of all ages visit a Plan Parenthood. Concurring with the Plan Parenthood website many of these individuals seek additional treatment from Plan Parenthood for a multitude of purposes. These include but are not limited to, preclude unintended pregnancies, pap-exams, breast exams, examinations additionally management of sexually transmitted infections, and most significant postulating the young community about safe sex. Why then do countless representatives and candidates in the government desire to defund an institution as such in which supplies health care …show more content…
A woman by the name of Margaret Sanger became the face that launched the development of clinics nationwide to provide these examining amenities for women, and men too. Fast forward about a hundred years later to a new era of modern thinking, a transfigured form of living with a bigger posture of health care. Planned Parenthood still operating and spread across with more than hundreds of clinics to provide provision for women and men in observing and managing their health. Such provisions provided by the clinic aid many people across the nation, from examinations and treatment of their well-being, to safe methods for practicing protected sex, and education about guarding their …show more content…
Yet, many adults still pursue the assistances from Planned Parenthood, whether it is to obtain a provision of abortion, or simply to prevent requiring a termination to a pregnancy. Several sacred organizations and secular extensions pan out the crisis the nation faces with such comestibles that Planned Parenthood has to offer, with abortion in bold print. Many fail to realize in the travesty of accomplishing what they seek, by defunding Planned Parenthood these parties are in conclusion finishing a health amenity to many who have no other form of acquiring so. “Denying care will only risk people’s lives and well-being, and limit their choices — all in service of an extreme agenda that Americans overwhelmingly reject.” (as cited in “The Impact of Defunding Planned Parenthood”, 2013) A frightening and precise fact that many American’s face if indeed Planned Parenthood shuts their doors to all whom seek their

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