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Post Mao Era Analysis

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The Post-Mao Era: Hopes for the Future

The Maoist period brought the Caltayan family to a standstill. With almost no way to pay off survival costs and a difficulty joining the Communist party due to past capitalist behavior, both Kevin and I did not reap the potential benefits of this period. I remained in the city with little money and status meanwhile, Kevin Caltayan was forced to move to the countryside to find a better life. Now in the post-Mao period, the rise of commercialism and opportunity for business will hopefully provide more stability and success. With a high engagement in trade and strategic playing of ChinaTimes, the Caltayan family looks forward to making a comeback. Under Mao’s rules and reforms, China underwent a transformation …show more content…
Those accused of going against the party lost almost everything and were forced to start over regardless of self-criticisms and confessions. In the same way the author of Wild Swans’ grandfather was ruined by being a man of political status during the Republican era, I was persecuted and left with no money or status following self-criticism and judgment by the party (Chang, p.79). Born again as a woman, I knew that under the Communist period I would still not receive the same privileges as a male regardless of new changes in the position of women in society (Esherick, p.240). Therefore, I made the decision to undergo rebirth. Following my multiple deaths, I was left without action or ways of fulfilling my survival costs. This led to a period of unintentional turns of inaction in which I would have taken a job as soon as possible to pay for survival costs and accused others of capitalist behavior to gain personal status. With the Communist party in charge and my previous status, there would not be much hope for my advancement within the game. As explained by Wang Fucheng, people in the city did much better than those in the countryside and made more” (Seybolt, p.123). Despite the initial hardships being in the city brought, I thought that not moving to the countryside would be the best decision for the future. Moreover, as a past bourgeois and urbanite, I knew that this time would not lead to many

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