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What Is The Use Of Pesticides In Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

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Silent Spring was written by Rachel Carson. It was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company in 1962, containing 378 pages. It’s a nonfiction book about widespread pesticides use and its dangers on both wildlife and humans. This book contains a lot of evidence about these serious charges for these pesticides and is recommended for anyone who is interested in the environment and is ready to take heed.

This book is mainly about DDT and how it has caused damage to the plants, insects, birds, agricultural and domestic animals, and even humans. There are many examples from where communities are effected from the use of pesticides. The author was trying to raise important questions about human’s impact on nature with chemicals. …show more content…
She has a broader view on the inability to reconcile the needs and sufferings of individual animals, and the needs and interests of species and ecosystems. Of course, I also think Carson’s writing left her vulnerable to some of her critics. This weakness in the book is once shown when she tells a story about a physician-gardener. He uses DDT and Malathion and then develops muscular weakness and other problems. It’s implied that the chemicals found in his body caused the illness, but it doesn’t prove causation. I think that was used to tug at the readers’ emotions but it opened the book to criticism

The author’s qualifications to write about the subject are pretty good since she is an environmentalist. She also has written many journals and books before this. I do agree with her conclusions and arguments. She made a powerful case that if humankind poisoned nature, nature would in turn poison humankind. She popularized modern ecology.

I feel like Silent Spring has had an impact in our lives. Carson’s scientific perspective and rigor created a work of substantial depth with the broader public about the effect of pesticides on the natural world. To me, she’s one of the few people who were capable of writing with the scientific thoroughness and the sincerity and engaging writing style that caught a nation’s

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