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Flint Water Crisis: Contamination Of Drinking Water In Flint

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Problem-Solution Analysis The Flint water crisis is an issue which involves the contamination of drinking water in Flint, Michigan, United States. The crisis started in April 2014 when Flint decided to change its water source to the Flint River from treated Detroit Water and Sewerage Department water, which was from Lake Huron and the Detroit River. The water of the Flint River is extremely corrosive, so as it travels to Flint, through the city’s old pipes, it ate away at the pipes, absorbing the lead before entering houses. Flint, Michigan’s water crisis is an incident that should not be ignored as it was done in Flint for one and a half year, but instead be dealt with immediately so nothing severe would happen as it did in Flint, Michigan. …show more content…
Officials failed to apply corrosion inhibitors, a chemical compound that, when added to a liquid or gas, decreases the corrosion rate of a material, to the water to reduce the corrosiveness of the water. Failing to do so, the water traveled through the city’s old aging pipes, which contain lead, absorbing the lead before it reaches the home of Flint’s residents. People in Flint were questioning the water saying, “It tastes funny, and it stains the tub,” but the government officials denied that there was anything wrong with the water for one and a half year. In Flint, six to twelve thousand children had already been exposed to drinking the water which contains lead, which means that they may experience various health problems. A pediatrician announced in 2015 that the percentage of Flint children with elevated blood-level has doubled since 2013, 2.5% at the time. After avoiding responsibility and confrontation for years, officials in Flint finally admit their mistakes and admit that there was a terrible problem with the water in …show more content…
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has estimated it would cost $50 million to $80 million to replace all the lead service lines in Flint. Replacing the pipes would also be very time consuming. It would take decades to get the job done if it is done at a normal pace. At most, it would take two years to get it done, assuming there are twenty teams who will work full time until the job is finished. Also, they would have to get around forty pipes replaced a day, for two hundred and forty nine days a year, including nights and weekends, just to get the job done in two years. Another thing is that while they are replacing the pipes, there will be construction work and people will have to move around it or temporarily leave their household while their pipes are being replaced. This could cause a hassle for many. Overall, if they do get it done, all of Flint’s water problems will be

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