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Clark's War: A Short Story

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Clark was leading the army that his majesty the king ordered him to the demon king’s territory. The army was a large standing force from the surrounding kingdoms. Aiming to save the humanity from the demon king's invasion, they formed an alliance to defeat him.

Next to Clark, was Elena. She was Clark’s childhood friend as well as the guild leader of the S-rank adventurer guild of the Kingdom of Heoryn. Followed by her party members who accepted to go with her, she assisted Clark in his conquest.

Entering the demon king’s territory, the army began to become pessimistic. ‘Do we stand a chance to win against the demon races?’ Such a question haunted the soldiers during travel.

After all, the demons were a race that existed in this world even before the birth of the first human in this world. They were one of the strongest race who dared to compete with the Gods themselves. Even now, they still existed and were still as strong as they were in the past. …show more content…
They started to believe that they’ll fail the mission of defeating the demon king. Even worse, they worried about their own life and started to fear death. Their morale was below zero.

But even so, the soldiers didn’t escape the army and keep advancing. One of the reasons was the fate of those who run away from the army, they’ll become traitors and only death awaited them. The second reason was the legendary chosen ones leading them, Clark.

Clark was only a mere commoner who awakened the class [Hero] after defeating a demon at the young age of 6. He then became a knight serving the king’s daughter and succeeded to achieve amazing deeds. Later on, he even became a Paladin after awakening his talents for light magic at the young age of 16. He was a source of courage for the soldiers who followed

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