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Rachel Carson Research Paper

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Words 2193
Pages 9
Christina Barnett4
Floresta Jones
24 April 2016
A humble woman born to a small family near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Rachel Carson exemplified her passion for natural things from an early age and into adulthood. Her compositions as a published eight year old and novels as a world-reowned fifty-eight year old both equally reflected her passion, capability, and love of all things natural, though certainly on different levels. Carson stated in her most sucessful book Silent Spring that, “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts”(Silent Spring). As exhibited by the primary focuses and actions that Carson displayed during her lifetime, find strength …show more content…
She instead continued her studies the following summer at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Being that this was and is the international center for research and education in biology, biomedicine and environmental science, Carson was able to gain prestige. She then followed her summer studies at the MBL with an immediate enrollment the following fall at the very school she was initially unable to attend; Johns Hopkins. The next endeavor that Carson came to face was the financial instability of her family. Carson felt obligated to take a teaching job rather than continue her studies while attempting to receive a doctorate in zoology. She felt that the need to support her distressing family was too great. Her father, Robert Warden Carson, died shortly after his daughter’s return home and in the absense of the money that his insurance sales career provided, the family was left to even greater struggles. Rather than focusing on herself or expressed frustration, Rachel Carson settled for a temporary position at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. She was instructed to perform a multitude of seven minute segments with the intent of turning public interest toward local marine life. Carson quicly put all those that had previously attempted her job to shame. She become such a success that she was not only offered the first full-time position available at the bureau, but was …show more content…
environmental movement”(Stoll). More notable than all of the awards given to “Silent Spring” is the way that Rachel Carson altered society and general environmental awareness. She made the public feel empowered by helping them to understand and teaching them what they can do to help. Carson appealed to the scientific community as well. Every one of the toxic chemicals named in her book were banned or severely restricted in the United States by 1975(Stoll). Pest-control chemicals, household chemicals, and farm chemicals all now undergo stricter regulation and control, and the few chemicals that are allowed are less lethal and used

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