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Blending Inheritance Research Paper

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Blending Inheritance is a concept that many people believed. The concept of Blending Inheritance is that an offspring gets 50% of its traits from one parent and the other 50% from the other parent. An example is a yellow butterfly and a rare blue butterfly mating to making a green butterfly. The green butterfly will mate with a common yellow butterfly and make the blue butterfly go extinct. This concept was disproven through more valid concepts like Incomplete Dominance, Co-Dominance, Epistasis, Pleiotropy and Polygenic Traits. Incomplete Dominance is a concept that has disproven Blending Inheritance. Incomplete Dominance is when one allele for a specific trait isn't completely expressed over its paired allele. A main example of this is the snapdragon plants. A red and white snap dragon plant crossbreed and make all pink snapdragon plants. If two of the pink snapdragon plants crossbreed, 1/4 of the next generation would be white, 1/2 would be pink and 1/4 would be red. And if a pink and white snap dragon plant crossbreed, 1/2 would be pink and the other 1/2 would be white. This disproves the blending inheritance concept because, as you can see the F2 generation has pink, white and red. Two pinks can make white and …show more content…
Co-dominance is when no allele is dominant but both genes are expressed. An example of this is a parent with a genotype AO blood and blood type A and a parent with a genotype BO and is blood type B. They can have an offspring with AO genotype and blood type A, one with AB genotype and blood type AB, one with BO genotype and blood type B and another with OO genotype and blood type O. This disproves blending inheritance because, blending inheritance says you only get 50% from one parent and 50% from the other parent. But as this shows, you can get 100% from one parent such as an offspring getting traits only from one parent and having a AO genotype and blood type

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