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Navy Seal Research Paper

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Navy Seals help our country in so many different ways. They are very sneaky, intelligent and outstanding at rescuing people. If you haven't heard of a Navy Seal, they are a member of the special forces for the US Navy who is trained for unconventional warfare on sea. In this piece of writing you will listen to the sneaky way the Navy Seals work, but also how the mean Bin Laden works. So, don't go away, if you want to learn all about the Navy Seals.

Many people don't pay attention to the Navy Seals. Many people think that they are pointless, but that is 100% wrong. Navy Seals help our country so much. For example when they went to Pakistan they snuck in quietly and chased down Bin Laden. Robert James Oneill was the person that ended Bin Laden's …show more content…
For example they are very smart and sneaky. The effect of being smart for the Navy seals is that they can do so many things like sneaking up on somebody. As you can see the Navy Seals are very sneaky, intelligent, and they are amazing at rescuing people. So don't go away, know you are going to see the perspective of the Navy Seals and Bin Laden. What happened was the navy seals were going on a mission to kill Bin Laden. Have you ever heard of 911? He was in charge of it. So this is what happened.

One dark and scary night we were ready for the big plan to ambush a bad terrorist in the world. It was scary for me but I had my dad with me. He was overcoming his brothers death. He died in the war. He was fighting hitler and well… he got bombed. It was just one month ago. I was only 13 and I was a going to war “ CRASH” we snuck around the big big big big apartment and then my dad put a bomb on the door and boom!!!!!!!!! I was scared but my dad said it had to be done. I was ready to go first. I was the smallest ,so I went first. It was dark and spooky. Dad, Dad I see him over there. Where, Where? Said dad. I did not have time to explain I got down on one knee and I hit the trigger and it hit him in the top right corner of his eye! Suddenly he fell to the ground. My heart filled with joy! YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID It!!!! The general smiled and said nice job! I Puffed out my chest and said it was so easy. It was

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