Premium Essay

Planning - Strategic Management - Decision Making


Submitted By kaynab
Words 524
Pages 3
Explain the contingency viewpoint. Give an example from your own work experience. Then, using concepts from Chapter 8, discuss how a contingency viewpoint might impact the organization as a whole. Use supporting references.

The contingency viewpoint is a point of view where a manager, or a supervisor, has to take an approach to a situation that is contingent upon the individual or the environment (Kinicki, 2016, p. 252). When taking this approach, you as a manager must ask the question: “What method is the best to use under these circumstances?” (Kinicki, 2016, p. 252).
In my experience, work and life in general, I always use this viewpoint. I think to that my background in psychology somewhat forces me to use this viewpoint. My psychology background forces me to use this viewpoint because it has given me a deeper understanding into how different every person is. So I know that each person is going to respond to things differently, and that must be taken into consideration when managing people.
When I am faced with a situation and I have to make a decision, I almost always take into consideration the individual and the environment. A common one is with my toddler and why she might be acting a certain way when we are somewhere. Maybe we are in a new place and she is scared and starts crying, how do I handle the situation? I have to take into account the individual (my toddler) and the environment (the mall). To get handle on the circumstances, or the situation, I would talk to my toddler and reassure her that she is safe and that we are in a new place, and try to make it seem a little fun. What girl doesn’t like to spend money!
In my work experience, I think that you have to be careful when using the contingency viewpoint. Since you have to consider the individual and the environment, and your decision is contingent upon these two things, I think that you

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