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Police Officer Scenarios

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I approach the scene I see a victim with a knife in his chest so, the first thing I would do as a police officer is to check if the victim is alive or decrease, after determining that the victim is decrease and I will also check to make sure there are no threats like the suspect still being at the scene, or any natural hazard. I will secure the crime scene with crime scene tape so no one beside the people who need to be there is there. I will the make a record of all individual present at the scene, talk to the person who found the body and any other witnesses who are there; as well, as remove them away from the crime scene, identify each witness, take notes from each one of them. Afterward, I will look for any points of entry and exit, establish …show more content…
I would collect the brown looking substance and white powder and place in a paper container which will be sealed, and mark it. I would collect the match on the carpet, put in a paper container, and keep it away from fire. I would collect the cigarette butts, keep dry to preserve it, and package in two different envelops or paper bags. I would collect the two cups, the wine bottles, and Dunkin Donuts cup and swab each drinking area with sterile cotton swab with distilled water, preserve by drying all swabs before packing it, and place the items in separate bags for each evidence. Every other evidence would be also place in a paper container so that if there is any DNA or fingerprint on the evidences, then there will be no contamination. The value of bloody shoe prints in relation to crime scene is very important because it could be that of the suspect or witness who could have been wearing the shoes that was left at crime scene, and the value of the blood smear in relation to the crime scene is very important as well because it be could from victim, but it could be mix with the suspect’s blood. The value of brown looking substance, and the white powder in relation to the crime scene is important because it could be in the victim system, and it could be the reason why the victim was murder. The value of the two cigarette butts on the carpet, and ashtray in relation to crime scene is very important because one or both cigarette butts could have DNA from either the victim, the suspect, or a witness. The value of the bottle of wine, the two cups, the match, the comb, the watch and the Dunkin Donuts cup is important to the crime scene because each evidence might have DNA, or fingerprints on the items which could be from the victim or from the suspect. The value of the

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