...Police Organization Paper Sabrina Fazendin CJS210 July 27, 2014 Ronald Rucker Police Organization Paper Within this paper I am going to break down the various types of police agencies that one will find within the different levels of policing. The different levels would be local, state and federal. I will also explain how they are organized and how their roles relate to the law. In the United States we have one of the most complex law enforcement systems because of the various levels of their policing agencies. In the United States each ton, county, state, city, and small village has its own policing agency. Even though there are various levels of policing agencies the way they organize them are all very similar. This is because law enforcement agencies have the same objective. The organization of the police agencies are hierarchical. These organizations are designs with rank structure, separate departments and units. These components work together to form a fully functioning law enforcement agency. Some examples of local agencies are city, county, town, and incorporated village police. These agencies work together in order to ensure safety at a local level. There are many different functions and roles of the local police agencies. Local police are responsible for performing many routine activities. The duties include patrolling the neighborhood community, enforcing the law, providing emergency services, conducting investigations, and upholding community relations. Local...
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...Police Organization Paper I this paper I am going to explain to you the various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and how each is organized. I will also identify the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their roles as they relate to the law. When I am finished with my paper you should have a better understanding of police organizing and how police organization works. The United States has one of the most complex law enforcement systems because of the various levels of their policing agencies. In the United stated each town, county, state, city, and small village has it’s oh policing agency. Even though there are various police agencies the structural organization is similar. This is because all law enforcement agencies have the same objective. The organizations of the police agencies are hierarchical. Police institutions can be analyzed like organizations with several key components (Alvarado, 2008). These organizations are designed with rank structure, separate departments and units. These components work together to form a fully functioning law enforcement agency. Some examples of local agencies are city, county, town, and incorporated village police. These agencies work together in order to ensure safety at a local level. There are many different functions and roles of the local police agencies. Local police are responsible for performing many routine activities. The duties include patrolling the neighborhood community,...
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...POLICE HISTORY PAPER 1 Police History Paper CJA/214 6/10/2013 POLICE HISTORY PAPER 2 History of Police Police a constituted of persons powered by the state enforcing the law, limit civil disorder, and protect property. Police forces are separate from military of the state, policing dealing with different situations giving protection of private property and maintain class system. Sheriffs, rangers, troopers, or even civil guards is the name for police with the word police coming from Greek (Wikipedia, 2013). Police are more in conflict with individuals many slang terms used for police officers centuries old with lost etymology. Different jurisdictions police officers have different firearms, but in Ireland, United Kingdom, New Zeal and, Norway and Malta specialist units do not carry firearms. Police have handcuffs to restrain their suspects and use their hand guns when needed the last resort to use. Police officers stay communicating with their radios carried on them in also inside their patrol vehicles. Some police vehicles unmarked for criminal without alerting them they are coming they can make a move without criminals noticing them. Motorcycles used in policing making it to locations that the vehicles cannot...
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...Elements of a High-Performance Organization Paper AJS/534 Week 4 December 7, 2015 Instructor: Robert Kehoe Elements of a High-Performance Organization Paper The purpose of this paper is to identify the elements of a high performance team and a learning organization. Team B has chosen an organization (law enforcement) represented by one of the team members. The paper will explain how information technology (IT) contributes to high performance teams and learning teams. It would also describe and address the strategic capability leverage of IT, and the organizational structure to create and maintain high performance teams and the law enforcement. Under the constant pressure of inevitably increasing demands of the external demands and stakeholders, organizations are continually looking for the elements that make up high-performance standards. High-performance organizations have contributing characteristics such as organizational design, hierarchy, leadership, people, information technology (IT), culture, motivation, and entrustment. Law enforcement organizations are amongst the organizations that need to embody all of these characteristics to be successful. Not only does law enforcement have a large number of internal demands to help cultivate a high-performance organization, but there are also several external demands as well. Surrounding communities and the citizens are also a constant influence on the organization's ability to achieve high performance. While...
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...Organization Paper, Individual Assignment 4 Linda D. Mason CJA/474 October 21st, 2013 Jon Sowers, faculty Organization Paper, Individual Assignment 4 The purpose of this paper is to define and explain the bureaucratic organization listing the characteristics and identifying the main principles. In addition to define an agile organization listing the characteristics and identifying and listing the nine steps of management by objectives. Also listing the advantages and disadvantages of both the bureaucratic and agile organizations. This information is imperative to the police department. Decisions will be made as to the type of organization is the best choice for our department. Bureaucratic Organization Characteristics These are the Characteristics involving the bureaucratic type of organization. Members of the organization are assigned the official responsibility to accomplish their routine task. Those who need the authority are given so by the organization to complete the assigned task. Bureaucratic organizations give the authority to the position not the individual. It requires very through documentation of all activity, those records are maintained by the staff. Effective performance is ensured by training. It is essential in a bureaucratic organization that the manager devotes full-time to managing and for stability reduce management to a set of rules (Kania, 2008). Bureaucratic Organization Main Principles Crime control is the primary function of the bureaucratic...
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...Organizational Management & Operations Paper CJA 484 Nykia Banks July 8, 2015 1 Intro In this paper, you will learn about the different functions of local, state, and federal policing. You will also be able to analyze how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions are displayed at these three organizational levels. The differences and the similarities will be discussed as well. There are many leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level that will be displayed as you read this paper. Identify local, state, and federal policing There are all different types of law enforcement agencies. They range from your local, sometimes very small, city or county police departments all the way to you more advanced and sometimes very large federal agencies. All of these agencies offer various career paths to anyone interested in law enforcement. Employment in any of these agencies will depend on many different factors. You have to really determine if your area has a big enough agency to offer maximum employment prospects. The type of agency you’re dealing with also plays a major part. Each agency, whether its local, state, or federal all have their own mission so that could play a part in a person’s job search in that particular area. My experiences have proven that the bigger the agency and/or the jurisdiction, the better your employment chances are. Most of these agencies have very low...
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... The world of criminal justice contains almost 18,000 state, local, and federal agencies. These agencies have over a million employees nationwide. The subject of this paper focuses on the various perspectives of policing within the state, local, and federal levels of organizations. The possible future changes in laws is addressed and identified in the paper. Finally, the impact these changes will cause in policing. These agencies have certain fragments that interfere with the development of centralized systems to regulate or coordinate the different agencies. Policing has four different levels of service that consist of federal, state, city, and county. These agencies have different responsibilities and roles in the law enforcement industry. The six largest police agencies in the United States are Detroit, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, and Los Angles. In the United States the local departments have 12, 656 agencies, 3,061- county sheriff’s department s, 45 federal organizations, 49 state organizations, and 1,376 special police organizations. Most of these departments handle major duties such as responding to complaints by citizens, patrolling certain areas, and investigate murders, and crimes. The specialty police organizations consist of agencies that enforce the...
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...Police History CJA/214 Policing has been around for many years. Policing was known to exist prior to 1066, since then there have been many changes to policing styles. Throughout this paper I will be discussing police history by describing the impact Sir Robert Peel had on the way police operate and also by looking at the relationship between the United States government and the policing organizations throughout the United States and how it may affect police practices. Policing has been a part of the world for decades. In the early 1600s citizens were responsible for monitoring each other’s behavior; it was known as “watch and ward”. Later on in the 1700s, policing became more religious based. By the 1800s, policing had developed and established into a more structured organization. While many historical figures had a hand in developing the concept of today’s police guidelines, Sir Robert Peel’s nine principles have had a profound impact in the police community. Sir Robert Peel is known as “the father of modern policing” served as Home Secretary of England when he designed a collection of different elements and ideas that would eventually evolve over the years. Peel believed that policing should accrue within the community and not by military forces. These nine principles were designed to hold the police accountable to a set of rules of conduct. He envisioned police working closely with...
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...SAN MARCOS POLICE DEPARTMENT The San Marcos Police Department is the primary general service law enforcement agency of San Marcos, Texas. The department is currently comprised of 95 sworn officers and 35 full time administrative staff members. On the law enforcement front, it is here at the local level that the major advances against the problems of crime and order maintenance goes on. This paper will serve to explain several key administrative concepts related to the operations of the San Marcos Police Department. In particular, this paper will examine the organizational structure within the department, in addition to, motivation and leadership components. STRUCTURE The accepted patterns of police organizations follow closely those to be found in military service (Leonard, 1969). This appears to be a very logical development since a police organization is semi-military in character. Police departments tend to be organized with rank structures, utilize the usage of uniforms and incorporate many of the various artillery of the armed forces, designed in large measure to set cops apart from civilians and signal obvious membership in an organization that exerts the immediate force of the government (Crowper, 2000). Furthermore, within an organizational dimension, police departments fall under the classification of mechanistic organizations (Stojkovic, Kalinch & Klofas, 2008). This type of organization is commonly regarded by its traditional bureaucratic foundation, characterized...
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...The history of Police Paper Samuel G. Gilley CJA/214 – Introduction to Police Theory and Practices June 10, 2012 Judith Brodsky Abstract This paper is about the history of police in America. This paper will describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. Also, it will discuss the different stages of police in America. In addition, it will analyze the relationship between the government and the policing organizations throughout the United States. Police history is something everyone should know about. Police have been around for a long time. The history of police is important to know about because it helps people understand why some of the policies are in place today. The United States has used methods of policing from Great Britain. There are many ways to learn about policing by studying the history of police. Police practices and logics have changed enormously over the years. It is a common misconception that policies remain the same over the years, but that is not true. Furthermore, there are different stages in the history of American police called the political era, professional era, police crisis of 1960’s, and the new development stages. America has used policies implemented by Robert Peel. Robert Peel was a political leader in England, who fought to improve law enforcement in the country. Robert Peel developed three core elements that involve mission...
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...Taketa Thomas State Research Paper Pol/215 Donald Kelly University Of Phoenix July 8, 2010 State Research Paper In the following paper the writer will provide a brief description of two interest groups in Georgia: the fraternal order of the police and the girls and boys club, identify the different sources of funding for the state of Georgia, and also provide information on the effects the girls and boys club and the fraternal order of the police has on the local and state government. To sum up the paper the writer will discuss the importance of the relationships between the local and state governments and also summarize the election process in Georgia. Two interest groups that operate in the state of Georgia are the boys and girls club and the fraternal order of the police. The girls and boys club is an organization founded to give girls and boys across the world a place to go during the school year and during the summer and eliminate the problem of latchkey kids. The girls and boys club provides the kids with snacks and meals during the summer and also organizes activities and gives the kids a chance to experience different life lessons. According to GEORGIA STATE LODGE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (2010), “The Fraternal Order of Police is one of the largest organizations of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 325,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges. The Fraternal Order of Police is comprised of over 325,000 regularly...
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...History of Police Nancy Anderson CJA/214 August 4, 2012 Miriam Moore History of Police He was an important political leader in England and the “father” of modern policing. Robert Peel fought for over 30 years to improve law enforcement and finally, in 1829, persuaded the English Parliament to create the London Metropolitan Police. This police department is recognized as the first modern police force (Walker & Katz, 2011). This English heritage is what produced American policing. The three core elements that Peel introduced back in 1829 are what make up the structure of the police forces we see today. These core elements are mission, strategy, and organizational structure (Walker & Katz, 2011). The mission of Peel’s police force was crime prevention. That is the mission of today’s police force. Before the creation of the Metropolitan Police force, all enforcement was performed after a crime was committed. Peel realized that is was better to “prevent crime than to respond after the fact” (Walker & Katz, 2011). Peel introduced the idea of preventive patrol. This was his strategy for the mission of crime prevention. He believed in a visible police presence and implemented the idea of officers patrolling a fixed “beat” or area (Walker & Katz, 2011). This idea is still in implementation today although it is usually accomplished by police patrolling in vehicles, rather than on foot. Peel borrowed from the military ideals for his...
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...ce historyRunning Head: Police History Paper Title Page: Police History Paper Ruby Riley Instructor: Miriam Moore University of Phoenix Abstract: 1). Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. 2). Analyze the relationship between the U.S. Government and the policing organizations throughout the United States. 3). Explain how this relationship may affect Police Practices. 1. Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing? - The English statesman Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850) served as prime minister during 1834-1835 and 1841-1846. He played an important role in modernizing the British government’s social and economic and sponsored the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846. Sir Roberts Peel was in the great tradition of the 19th-century administrative reformers. Though not a doctrinaire, he drew on the most advanced thinking of his day in his reform of British criminal law, the prisons, the police, and fiscal and economic policies. By making government a positive instrument in social reform and by his pragmatic approach to social and political problems, Peel also made an important contribution to shaping the philosophy of the modern conservative party. Despite the fact that his repeal of the Corn Laws broke his party, Peelite traditions lingered on. Peelites such as William Gladstone also carried these traditions into the Liberal party. Sir Roberts and his efforts have lasted through out times, trials, and many difficulties in Sir Roberts Peel’s...
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...Policing in U.S Society Paper Brittany Duke CJS/210 11/08/2015 Brian Carter Policing in U.S Society Paper The United States has one of the most complex law enforcement systems in the world compared to other countries. There are several different policing organizations throughout the United States. These policing organizations can be broken down into two main agencies, federal law enforcement agencies and state and local law enforcement agencies. Federal law enforcement agencies contain officers that work for agencies in different departments such as the department of justice, department of Treasury, and Department of Homeland Security. Law enforcement agencies are at the federal level only, but they enforce various laws. They try and level local crime to the State. According to “Discover Policing” (2008-2015), “There are more than 17,000 state and local law enforcement agencies in the United States”. Every state has its own police force, and so does every city and every county. The State and local law enforcement agencies include different law enforcement agencies such as local police, state police, as well as other agencies. Local police includes municipal and county police that obtained their authority from that specific governing body that created it. They interact locally within their jurisdiction to uphold the laws in that area and take care of local crimes. State police perform police duties within their assigned state, they mainly help with highway...
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...Silvia Arambula MGT 426 December 7, 2015 Robert Sell Article Review Learning Organization is an organization that acquires knowledge and innovates fast enough to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Learning organizations (1) create a culture that encourages and supports continuous employee learning, critical thinking, and risk taking with new ideas, (2) allow mistakes, and value employee contributions, (3) learn from experience and experiment, and (4) disseminate the new knowledge throughout the organization for incorporation into day-to-day activities (BusinessDictionary.com, 2014). The main difference is that organizational learning has focused on observation and analysis of the processes of individual and collective learning within organizations, whereas the literature on learning organizations is action oriented and geared towards applying specific diagnostic and evaluative methodological tools that can contribute to identifying, promoting and assessing the quality of learning processes in the organization (Wathne, 2012). Article Summary There are many significant factors of an efficacious business organization at the currently evolving, shifting and vigorous global business setting, one of these significant factors are organizational learning and institutionalization of the learning organization. It is worth taking that one of the crucial components of an organization is its employees and the commitment and loyalty of its employees. The article by...
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