...SECURITY POLICY TEMPLATE A security policy is the essential basis on which an effective and comprehensive security program can be developed. This critical component is the primary way in which the agency security plan is translated into specific, measurable, and testable goals and objectives. The security policies developed must establish a consistent notion of what is and what is not permitted with respect to control of access to your information resources. They must bond with the business, technical, legal, and regulatory environment of your agency. The following is a recommended outline of the components and characteristics of a security policy template. A sample Acceptable Use Policy using this outline is attached for your reference as Appendix A. Section 1 – Introduction: A purpose should be stated in the introduction section. This should provide the reader with a brief description of what this policy will state and why it is needed. The security stance of your agency should be stated here. Section 2 – Roles and Responsibilities: It is important that the policy detail the specific responsibilities of each identifiable user population, including management, employees and residual parties. Section 3 – Policy Directives: This section describes the specifics of the security policy. It should provide sufficient information to guide the development and implementation of guidelines and specific security procedures. Section 4 – Enforcement, Auditing...
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...Analyitical Report of website: www.flinders.edu.au Student name: Garth Trickett Student number: 3068276 Tutor Name: Carol Drew Table of contents 1. Executive summary 2. Introduction 3.1 How easy is it to choose a course and apply for the university it using the website? 3.2 Website Template Layout 3.3 Homepage Layout 3.4 Colour Scheme 4.1 Conclusion 4.2 Recommendations 5. References Executive summary Introduction The aim of this report is to critically analyse the architecture of the website www.flinders.ed.au. The information gathered from the analysis will be used to devise solutions to problems with the website. The technique of examination for the website was to thoroughly explore the different pages of the website and grade each area of the website using appropriate criteria. Dave Gehrke (1999) states that” without efficient and user=friendly navigation, the user is likely to get confused, lost or frustrated and leave the site for good”. A resultant survey run by Gehrke (1999) showed that page loading speed and navigational efficiency are the most important things to users. The most important user type that needs to be happy with the website for it to be successful is prospective students as they make a majority of the people visiting the site. Prospective students are more likely to turn into current students if they like the feel of the website. This analyst took on the role of prospective student to test the...
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...Real Agent Installation and Setup Documents Real Agent Real Estate Setup Documentation Theme Installation Login into your WordPress dashboard and click on “Appearance” --> “ Themes” tab. You will have the option to manage existing themes or Install new ones, click on “Install Themes”. A sub menu with the following options will appear below the main tabs: Search | Upload | Featured | Newest | Recently Updated Click on the “Upload” item and you will get the following screen: Install a theme in .zip format Click on “Choose File” and locate the purchased file in your PC and then click on “Install Now”. Preview or Activate the theme and check your website to see the Real Agent Real Estate theme. The theme is now active. Demo content installation (Developer Package) Developer (Full) package only --> Click on "Tools"--->import-->WordPress and locate the provided xml file in your computer, click upload file and import, select your author preferences and click "Download and import file attachments". All the content from the demo theme will be on your website. Setting Permissions Make sure the following folder have "write or 777" permissions for authors and specific images thumbnail creation: /cache/ (located within the theme) Image Size Image sizes are defined by default in Real Agent theme but you also need to setup your "Media" settings in the WordPress administration to tell WordPress to resize all your images to the correct size...
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...kin31937_ch.02.qxd 10/23/06 2:06 PM Page 11 THESIS SENTENCE TEMPLATES A thesis sentence is a sentence in the introduction that tells the reader what the topic or argument of the essay is. Experienced writers have little difficulty writing thesis sentences. This is because they have read and written thousands of them. You, the emerging writer, don’t have it so easy. So, you have to accelerate the process. You do this via thesis sentence templates. A thesis sentence template is the basic machinery of a thesis sentence, what makes it work. It is like a car minus the hood, the doors, the engine, the side panels, the wheels, and the air conditioner. On that basic structure, thousands of different cars can be built. From a thesis sentence template, thousands of thesis sentences can be constructed. The introduction for any piece of writing is very important. This is where you establish a relationship with the reader. The introduction will always be read, while the body of the paper might sometimes be glossed over (not carefully read) by graders of standardized tests like the SAT® or TOEFL®. ? HOW THE THESIS SENTENCE TEMPLATES WORK Each type of thesis sentence presented in this section is followed by two or three examples of how very different thesis sentences can be written using the template. Then you will write two or three thesis sentences of your own using the template. If you find the template difficult, just do one sentence on your own. But the more you...
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...the project network and baseline information below, complete the form to develop a status report for the project at the end of period 4 and the end of period 8. From the data you have collected and computed for periods 4 and 8, what information are you prepared to tell the customer about the status of the project at the end of period 8? (See template below for Exercise 13-3) Ch13 Ex1,2,3,4 Templates EV.doc 1 of 6 10/10/2011 12:31 PM Earned Value Exercises Ch13 Ex1,2,3,4 Templates EV.doc 2 of 6 10/10/2011 12:31 PM Earned Value Exercises End of Period 4 Task Actual % Complete A B C D E Finished 50% 33% 0% 0% EV ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ AC 300 1000 500 0 0 ____ PV 400 800 600 ____ ____ ____ CV ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ SV ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Cumulative Totals End of Period 8 Task A B C D E F Actual % Complete Finished Finished Finished 25% 33% 0% Cumulative Totals EV ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ AC 300 2200 1500 300 300 0 ____ PV 400 2400 1500 0 ____ ____ ____ CV ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ SV ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Ch13 Ex1,2,3,4 Templates EV.doc 3 of 6 10/10/2011 12:31 PM Earned Value Exercises 4. Given the following project network, baseline, and status information, develop status reports for periods 2, 4, 6, 8 and complete the performance indexes table. Calculate the EACf and the VACf. Based on your data, what is your assessment of the current...
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...|Policy number | |Version | | |Drafted by | |Approved by Board on | | |Responsible person | |Scheduled review date | | Please note that this is a template policy for guidance only. For assistance in tailoring this policy to suit your organisation, or for legal advice at a pre-agreed price or training in this area, please do not hesitate to contact Moores to discuss how we can meet your needs. Please call the NFP-Assist Legal Hotline on (03) 9843 0418 or email to NFPassist@moores.com.au. Introduction The success of [Name of Organisation] relies on its ability to attract the best staff and volunteers available. Recruitment methods must be fair, efficient, and effective. Purpose The Staff Recruitment Policy has been established to ensure [Name of Organisation] has the opportunity to attract the best available staff and volunteers for all vacant positions. This policy relates to employment of all staff and volunteers other than the CEO. Policy [Name of Organisation] is committed to providing high quality programs and services to our community. To support the achievement of this objective we recognise the importance of employing the most suitable applicant for all vacant positions. [Name of Organisation] will ensure it has the best opportunity to attract the best...
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...MBA A605 or MSA A605 – Advanced Auditing (Online) Instructions for Completing Assignment Templates The instructor will reduce –– by one full letter –– a student’s grade on any submitted document template for which the student has not followed all of these instructions. The instructor will automatically award a grade of 50 of 100 possible points for all late assignments, as explained further below. Prior to the due date for the assignment, students must individually: 1. Analyze each assigned case and related readings, as indicated in this document template. 2. In the document template, provide carefully prepared summaries of the key facts of each case and responses to each of the case questions herein (there are eight templates – one for each week of the course). • Students must enter responses in the table rows (or cells) that follow each request for a key case fact summary and each case question. The template includes additional instructions for preparing key case fact summaries further below. • Students must enter their key case fact summaries and responses to case questions (i) single spaced and (ii) in the font type and size that is pre-determined in the document templates. Students must not make any changes to the templates (note the header on each page of this template). Wherever grammatically appropriate and helpful, students should use paragraph breaks and “bullets” to organize their responses. • Students’ responses must not exceed the maximum...
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...THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL TEMPLATE This document has been set up to assist students in preparing the text for their research proposal. It is NOT intended as a document to guide you through your research proposal development, but to assist you in setting out the proposal, in terms of text layout, section headings and sub-sections. The Research Proposal is a complete description of the intended research, developed under the supervision of the assigned supervisor. Through the full proposal, the student needs to demonstrate convincingly that the study will make a contribution to a public health issue or problem. The full research proposal must be between 5 and 10 pages and should present the following: ▪ Title ▪ Brief Introduction ▪ Background and statement of the problem (this in the light of a thorough literature review) ▪ Research question or hypothesis, aim and objectives ▪ Study design (type of study) ▪ Study population and sampling ▪ Data collection methods and instruments ▪ Data analysis methods – if applicable statistical planning must be fully addressed, or the candidate should provide evidence that statistics are not required. ▪ Mechanisms to assure the quality of the study – e.g. control of bias, safe storage of data ▪ Study period - Timetable for completion of the project ▪ Participants in the study – all people involved in the study, and the role they play, should be identified.* ▪ Ethical considerations ▪ Resources required for the study...
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...Meeting Human Services Challenges with Technology Gina Sharra BSHS-351 January, 24th, 2011 Nate Hooper Meeting Human Services Challenges with Technology Technology has grown so much in the last decade that it is something that really should be used in the human services organizations today. It can help any of the organizations to not only grow with the demands that need to be met in human services, but it can also help the many services that are already being used or help to implement new technology uses that are not being used at this time for instance updating their systems. Technology can be used in many ways to benefit human services businesses, organizations as well as the non-profit services. There are so many different software’s that can be used to upgrade systems, add in systems that are old-school in which it will not only benefit these places in time management, privacy, HIPPA laws and in many other areas. One challenge for human services non-profit organization is it needs the proper tools to be able to provide its community with the services that are needed. But if they do not have the tools to get the information out into the community on what services they do provide than the community not only has no idea about this organization and what they provide, but the organization actually looses too because they themselves have no clientele. The different types of strategies that can help in this particular situation would be to add different ways for clients...
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...- Information Security Policy Document Reference Date Document Status Version Revision History P01 - IS Policy Final 1.0 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.6.1. 5.6.2. 5.6.3. 5.6.4. 6. 6.1. 6.2. Policy Statement ....................................................................................................................... 3 Review and Update of the Policy Statement .......................................................................... 3 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Scope.......................................................................................................................................... 3 Information Security Framework ........................................................................................... 3 Reporting Structure for the Business .......................................................................................... 3 Associated Teams....................................................................................................................... 4 Annual Policy Review................................................................................................................ 4 Policy Breaches .......................................................................................................................... 4 Individual Policies ..........................
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...recognition algorithms identify facial features by extracting landmarks, or features, from an image of the subject's face. For example, an algorithm may analyze the relative position, size, and/or shape of the eyes, nose, cheekbones, and jaw. These features are then used to search for other images with matching features. Other algorithms normalize a gallery of face images and then compress the face data, only saving the data in the image that is useful for face recognition. A probe image is then compared with the face data. One of the earliest successful systems is based on template matching techniques applied to a set of salient facial features, providing a sort of compressed face representation. Recognition algorithms can be divided into two main approaches, geometric, which looks at distinguishing features, or photometric, which is a statistical approach that distills an image into values and compares the values with templates to eliminate variances. Popular recognition algorithms include Principal Component Analysis using eigenfaces, Linear Discriminate Analysis, Elastic Bunch Graph Matching using the Fisherface algorithm, the Hidden Markov model, the Multilinear Subspace Learning using tensor representation, and the neuronal motivated dynamic link matching. 3-dimensional recognition A newly emerging trend, claimed to achieve improved accuracies, is...
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...NUR1099 Professional Nursing for the Older Person Assessment Two Template Marks out of 100 Weighting: 70% Due: Week 9 Thursday 13th September 2012 & Upload via Ease There are five main categories for this assessment. Please use this template for categories 1,3, 4 & 5, while category 2 is the concept map and will require the mind map software to complete. The mind map is to be uploaded as a separate document into ease with this completed Assessment Two template. 1. KWL Chart (20 marks) 2. Concept Map (25 marks) 3. Written prose – justification (35 marks) 4. Nursing Process of Care – Care Plan (20 marks 5. Academic writing and referencing. (Deductions up to and including 5 marks) The following information on pages two - six of this document details each category. 1. 1. KWL - Using the ‘KWL’ template provided, fill in the four column template. Theme Headings – Identify ten major themes for approaching holistic patient care K – What do I already know about the older person and caring for the older person? W – What do I want/need to know about the older person and caring for the older person? L – What have I learnt about the older person and caring for the older person? Theme Headings(Identify the ten major themes) | K | W | L | 1. | | | | 2. | | | | 3. | | | | 4. | | | | 5. | | | | 6. | | | | 7. | | | | 8. | | | | 9. | | | | 10 | | | | (20marks) 2. Concept Map – (Please...
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...Salix Pharmaceuticals Security Policy Introduction The Salix Pharmaceuticals Security Policy Template is for the use of creating a strong security policy. Each sub policy contains a title with a description and a brief summary of what the certain section will contain. The purpose of the security policies is to ensure that Salix Pharmaceuticals is safe and under strong commands. The Salix Pharmaceutical Security Policy should be reviewed when new materials and changes are to be preceded amongst this company. Scope Salix Pharmaceuticals security policy will keep the company running for years if followed by the procedures. Following the sub policies will lead to a successful company that will be ran smooth and processed like no other company. Antivirus, encryption, passwords, and backups will protect this company like no other before. Purpose Salix purpose for the security template is to have the company, employees, managers, assistant manager, and volunteer’s, and temporary follow all these policies to make the company operate under a easy and fast pace. By making this policy the company should be protected from several things and kept up to date on every policy. Employees should obey this policy and read over every so often in case changes and updates are needed to be added. Acceptable Use Workers must report any signs of violation and a misunderstanding of the policies. Workers are not allowed to access any information they do not have the authority to look...
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...[pic] Server Audit Policy Created by or for the SANS Institute. Feel free to modify or use for your organization. If you have a policy to contribute, please send e-mail to stephen@sans.edu 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure all servers deployed at are configured according to the security policies. Servers deployed at shall be audited at least annually and as prescribed by applicable regulatory compliance. Audits may be conducted to: • Ensure integrity, confidentiality and availability of information and resources • Ensure conformance to security policies 2.0 Scope This policy covers all servers owned or operated by . This policy also covers any server present on premises, but which may not be owned or operated by . 3.0 Policy hereby provides its consent to allow to access its servers to the extent necessary to allow to perform scheduled and ad hoc audits of all servers at . 3.1 Specific Concerns Servers in use for support critical business functions and store company sensitive information. Improper configuration of servers could lead to the loss of confidentiality, availability or integrity of these systems. 3.2 Guidelines Approved and standard configuration templates shall be used when deploying server systems to include: • All system logs shall be sent to a central log review system • All Sudo / Administrator actions must be logged • Use a central patch deployment system • Host security...
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...Failing to do a risk assessment before crafting a policy, but it is a crucial step many overlook. With Web Services Security Policy Language, the policy is in place. Having a 'one-size-fits-all' mentality. But writing a security policy that is going to work for you means more than just editing. While you might use a template or borrow from another organization's example, after your risk assessment, it is important to customize your policy for what YOUR organization needs. They have a very detailed lay out. An A, B,C if you will. Failing to have a standard template. Have consistency for policies within your organization, policy and governance, and awareness training. There is extensive training Having policies that only look good on paper. Organizations that are failing to do sufficient and frequent compliance checking. This is recommended but no time of checking Failing to get management to buy in to the policy Everyone needs to abide by security policy, said Cresson Wood. That includes the most high-level staff members. Again detailed policy for all Writing policy after a system is deployed Security needs to be part of the systems development process, according to Cresson Wood, who said he often sees patch management programs that clients have put in place that are out of date and miss the mark of what is really going on in security. Lack of Security policy needs to be reevaluated at least once a year, perhaps even more frequently follow up This is not written but...
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