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Submitted By flashdog420
Words 575
Pages 3
1.a) With reference to the source, describe three sources of the Uk constitution (5 marks)

The constitution of the United Kingdom is the set of laws and principles under which the United Kingdom is governed. In the source it states a few examples that the constitution has built on, but here is three: The constitution has built on Common Law, historical documents and European legislation.

b) With reference to the source, and your own knowledge, explain the arguments in favour of a codified constitution for the UK. (10 marks)

One argument that is brought up in favour of a codified constitution for the UK is that the constitution is not set out clearly in any document, there is not the same system as in the USA that has a document that clearly sets out what the constitution contains or states what citizens’ rights and freedoms are. As the source says, the Justice Secretary Jack straw said “Most people might struggle to put their finger on where their rights are.” Jack Straw also argued that having a codified constitution would ‘bring us in line with the most progressive democracies around the world.” It would also correct the imbalances in the current political system, for example, the second chamber and considering what the constitutional status the House of Lords holds. Limits executive dominance, It would take some of the Governments power away and would decrease the chance of government dictatorship as the public would see what in fact there allowed to do and how much power they have over them. This leads back to what Jack Straw stated about Peoples rights. c.) Make a case against the adoption of a codified constitution for the UK. (25 marks)

Some argue the point that The UK constitution works Un-codified and always has so ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ It removes the flexibility of being Un-codified. Others argue that unlike the

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