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Political Science Issues on Gun Violence


Submitted By greg749
Words 767
Pages 4
Gregory Bady
Paper Project 1
June 21, 2015

Before taking the quiz I was not aware of exactly where I stood on my political beliefs. Before taking this class I was not intune with my political side at all. I did know how ever that I shared views on certains things but did not know exactly where I stood on my views. After taking the quizzes they stated that I was more on the liberals side. The results were around what I expected especially after I started learning the definition of liberals and conservatives and the beliefs of one each one believes in. The results of each quiz that I took were very similar. I feel as if I am very unwavering in my beliefs and that is why the outcome of the test results were the same. I do agree with the outcome of the results from the test that I participated in. It was pretty accurate when I took into account and researched the beliefs and ideas of someone that considers thierselves a liberals. There are a few things that I found in my research that I did not agree completely with their ideas. A few of those were on topics dealing with healthcare and also topics that dealt with immigration. For the most part tho most of the ideas associated with the way that liberals think I was in agreement with. Quizzes like this I think are very useful tools especially to individuals like myself that are not for sure on what political catergories they fall under. Tools like this help give a better understanding and kinda puts everything into a better perspective. And as far as the question referencing to both websites and the design, I personally would choose IDEALOG. But not only from the overall design of the site but it was much easier to navigate threw the site and achieve the main goal and task set out when visiting the site. I think that my thoughts on my beliefs and ideas stem from my general personality as a whole. I
Consider myself a very free flowing and free spirited individual and in a odd way it seems as if the way that most liberals think are exactly that way. To take someone like myself who has no history at all dealing with politics and never had a general interest before emotion and personally is the only way I do see someone choosing a policital side when they are introduced to political matters. At least in my particular case it played apart. But also another big thing that I think plays a part in politics is religion.
For example if the particular religion that you practice does not believe in abortion and believe that it
Should be illegal, I could see how that person would obviously suade more onto a conservative side rather than a liberal side. Which is why the theories that are dicussed in the text and the context I cant all the way agree with. I think it has to be on a case by case basis depending on the person soely and depending on how their specific interest in politics as a whole and their personal views on political subjects. The idea of political socialization is a great idea never the less and I do think in some instances the views are correct but using someone as myself for a example I just do not feel as if it applies. But in trying to broaden my horizon of thinking I do kinda see how the idea of political socialization could apply to me. For examply my parents were never that political at all, as far as my memory can remember I can’t think of a time where anything political was part of a conversation in our household. This in a way sort of supports my idea as well as the idea of political socialization. Recently I have started paying attention though to the more political things and especially issues that could effect me directly an example of that would be money for veteran and things in that nature. As a veteran my education is funded fully, so with political issues dealing with funding for veterans or changing the benefits that we do receive now I do tend to pay more attention. Things that effect me directly seem to have a effect on the way that I view political things and which side I decide to agree with.


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