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Politics and Knowledge


Submitted By sekar
Words 514
Pages 3
Sekar Rizki Wibowo – KKI_B

What is politics? Politics is a process by which a group of people, whose opinions or interests might be different from each other, reach collective decisions that are generally regarded as binding on the group and enforced as a common policy. The basis of political knowledge always came from three important sources, which are: 1. Authority : Involves the appeal of any documents, tradition, or person that is believed to be an important source of politics or some explanation regarding a particular issue. 2. Personal thought : Relies on assumption of human brains that may develop a thought that determines the definition or anything he/she knows about the political world. 3. Science : Uses expliicit methods that attempt to enable the different people to agree about what they know. The goal of using science in order to learn about politics is that it answers the facts what, why, and how questions about politics.
Political science is composed from some subfields that are usually defined by their specific subject matter, rather than by their mode of analysis. The four subfields of political knowledge are: 1. Comparative politics : Focuses on similarities and difference in political processes and structures. 2. International relations : Focuses on the political relations between countries, the behavior of transnational actors, and the dynamics happenting in the world-wide system of states. 3. Political theory : Focuses on the ideas and debates around political issues. 4. Boundary-spanning subfields : Politics as a field often links with other fields including political anthropology, political economy, political psychology, political sociology, and biopolitics.
But not all individuals agrees that politics is one field of knowledge.

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