Last updated 16.09.2014
Leicestershire Police Registration Form for students at University of Leicester or their dependants
(Each family member over 16 who is required to register needs to complete a form) (Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS) PERSONAL DETAILS
Family name: ____________________________________________________________________ Forename(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Nationality: __________________________ Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yy) ___________________
Place where you were born: (town / city name) ____________________________________________ Are you: SINGLE MARRIED Date of Marriage: (dd/mm/yy) ________________
Partner’s Full Name: _______________________________________________________________ Names and Birthdates of children under 16: _______________________________________________ Address in the UK: ________________________________________________________________ Address outside the UK: ____________________________________________________________ E-mail address: _______________________ Mobile / telephone no
Does your partner or any dependent have a requirement to register? Yes No (If Yes please enter further details below)
Partner / Dependent(s) Full Name and Birthdate(s): __________________________________________ Dependents Police Registration Certificate number(s) (if known): _________________________________
Studying at University or College Other reason: What were you doing before you came to the UK? Studying Working Other Dependant of a student Professional Training Working
If you were working, please write the job you were doing and the name and address of your employer below):
What do you plan to do when you have finished your Studies/ Employment?
Last updated 16.09.2014
Passport No: Date of Issue: (dd/mm/yy) Date you first entered the UK: Issued at: Expiry Date: Place you first entered the UK (e.g. Heathrow):
Full name of the course that you will be / are studying. If you are on a pre-sessional course, please write the pre-sessional course and your main course. Name of University/College (please ): Leicester University Start date of course: ____________________ Other : ________________________________
End date of course: ___________________
Name and department of your Personal Tutor or PhD Supervisor (Academic referee): Who is paying your course fees? _________________________________________________________________ How are funds paid to you e.g. Bank Transfer? _____________________________________ If you are sponsored, are there any conditions of your sponsorship? If so, please write them below:
________________________________________________________________________________________ IF EMPLOYED
Employer’s Name and Address: _________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Work Permit Number: ________________. Dated: ___________________. Valid until: ___________________
If this is the first time you have registered with the Police in the UK you will need to take this form to the police personally. At the beginning of the academic year, you may be able to see the Police when they visit the campus, but at other times you will need to visit the nationality office in Leicester: The address is: Telephone number: 0116 248 6886 Nationality Office Email: Leicestershire Police 95 Hinckley Road Opening Times: Monday to Friday 8.30am-1.30pm Leicester LE3 0TD During very busy registration periods (September, October and November) opening days can vary. At these times please contact the office before you travel to make sure the office will be open.