Bobbs Lyonga Elive Solomon
Polytheism in Christianity, true or false?
11th September 2015
Word Count: 4104
Polytheistic Overtones In The Bible
Man was created a worshipper. It is a proven fact that there is a universal belief in God, god or gods in every nation on the face of the earth including the most primitive societies. The reason being that after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden as the bible describes in the book of Genesis, man was separated from His creator and became spiritually dead. With a fallen spirit and a blinded mind, man who was created with an intuitive belief and knowledge of the existence of God was drawn by the religious instinct within him to worship something or someone. Unable to find his creator, man produced deities out of his own imagination to worship. Deities of stone, wood, water, fire, air, sun, moon, stars, mountains, birds, kings, emperors etc. giving birth to several religions, the majority being polytheistic and some are still today. Man missed the object of his worship, worshipping the creation rather than the creator. The bible says “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever.”(Romans 1:25). God none the less had an elaborate and well-designed plan for the restoration of fallen man. A plan which existed from the very beginning even before man transgressed, to show the fallibility of proponents of Deism that present an absentee god who created the universe and went into oblivion, leaving man to his own fate and the universe to run itself. The deistic view of God falls short of the truth because the bible reveals God laid His plan of salvation from the foundations of the earth. The bible says in the book of Revelations “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written