...WEEK 1 QUIZ To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ethc-445-week-1-quiz/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ETHC 445 WEEK 1 QUIZ ETHC 445 Week 1 Quiz (MCQs) 1. Which of the below behaviors are inappropriate in a course? 2. Ethics involves issues of right and wrong, and emotionally charged issues and ideas; thus, the best way to ensure that my comments are taken in the way I mean them is to _____. 3. Posting in the course’s threaded discussions is an essential element in our online, asynchronous classroom. Which of the following is not true about value-adding posts in our course? 4. Which of the following is the most appropriate response for a student to post to another student who has posted this: 5. Choose from the following choices the way in which collegiality is valued in our course. ETHC 445 WEEK 1 QUIZ To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ethc-445-week-1-quiz/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ETHC 445 WEEK 1 QUIZ ETHC 445 Week 1 Quiz (MCQs) 1. Which of the below behaviors are inappropriate in a course? 2. Ethics involves issues of right and wrong, and emotionally charged issues and ideas; thus, the best way to ensure that my comments are taken in the way I mean them is to _____. 3. Posting in the course’s threaded discussions is an essential element in our online, asynchronous classroom. Which of the following is not true about value-adding posts in our course? ...
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...organizational buyer behavior are sub-categories of marketing. Research in both fields has enabled manufacturers and distributors to understand the needs, preferences and behavior of buyers, as well as the internal and external factors that influence buyer behavior. Although much has been written about the differences between consumer and organizational buyer behavior, it appears that the demarcations between the two fields are not as clear as they may seem to be. Keywords Buying Center; Buying Decision Process; Consumer Buyer Behavior; Decision-Making Unit (DMU); Organizational Buyer Behavior Marketing: Consumer Overview Buyer behavior is concerned with the selection and purchase of Products or services to satisfy a need for individuals or groups. It is focused on the needs of individuals, groups and organizations. Buyer behavior occurs either for an individual consumer on his own; an individual consumer in the context of a group (where others in the group influence how a person behaves); or an organization (where employees make decisions about which products or services the firm should use). Although economists were the first academic group to offer a theory of buyer behavior, the field of buyer behavior is a subcategory of marketing that blends elements from economics, psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology and other sciences, such as physiological psychology, biochemistry, and genetics. The two main areas of buyer behavior are consumer buyer behavior, and organizational...
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...Consumer Behavior |Program |: |MBA |Class of |: |2009 | |Credit |: |3 |Sessions |: |33 | |Course Code |: |SL MM 602 | | | | Objective To understand the various factors influencing behavior of consumers – as individuals and as members of a group/society, and also the impact of consumerism in the contemporary environment. To understand the behavior of consumers – decision making, post-purchase behavior, behavior in a shopping environment, etc. To understand the behavior of organizations as consumers. |REFERENCE BOOKS |AUTHOR / PUBLICATION | |Consumer Behavior |ICMR | |Consumer Behavior, 5e |Leon G Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Prentice-Hall, India | |Consumer Behavior |Hawkins, Best & Coney, McGraw Hill | |Consumer Behavior |Blackwell, Miniard & Engel, Thomson ...
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...International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), Vol 3, No 4 (2010) • Home • About • Log In • Register • Search • Current • Archives Home > Vol 3, No 4 (2010) > Atici Font Size: [pic] [pic] [pic] Impulse Purchasing Behaviors of the Turkish Consumers in Websites as a Dynamic Consumer Model: Technology Products Example Bünyamin Atici, Ugur Bati Abstract This paper examines the concept of impulse purchasing behavior online basically. The phenomenon of impulse purchasing has been researched in consumer research as well as for example in psychology and economics since the 1950s. A detailed review and analysis of the literature asserts that there are some unsolved issues regarding the state of knowledge on impulse purchasing behavior. Furthermore, nowadays consumers buy an increasing amount of purchases on the Internet. The current conceptualizations of impulse purchase behavior do not adequately capture impulse purchase behavior over the Internet. Today several researchers have claimed that the phenomenon of impulse purchasing should be examined also in the context of online shopping environment. This article aims to reveal that what attitudes of the customers are the points in question while purchasing on internet in terms of impulse buying. The results of our exploratory research are consistent with our conceptualization, and present a strong base for future research. Full Text: PDF [pic] International Journal...
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...Consumer Behavior Outline of the Study The first chapter of the study covers the introduction about the company (Iceland Frozen Foods) and consumer behavior and follows with the scope and significance of the study. The second chapter of the study will represent several literature reviews on research relating to the previous studies carried out by various authors. The third chapter of the study will conduct the methodology chapter, which will indicate the research methods and designs. The analysis and finding for the research study will be in the fourth chapter. The final and fifth chapter will conclude the study and provide useful and justified recommendations for the further research (Welford, 2007, 52–62). Observing consumer behavior while they are shopping gathers a wide variety of information about their behavior in choosing products and services. The consumer behavior is observed upon number of observable phenomenon like physical actions, such as the actual shopping pattern of consumers (in store or through online interface); verbal behavior, such as sales conversation between buyer and the seller or communication of buyer with other buyers in the store; expressive behavior, such as facial expressions and tone of voice or behavior while interacting with product features they are buying; and temporal patterns, such as amount of time spent by consumers while making their purchase decision (Zikmund, pp. 239-240). The marketing activity of Starbucks can be made more effective...
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...Consumer Buying Behavior Process Institute of Business and Information Technology University of Punjab Submitted by:- Maria Mohni Ali Farooq Submitted to:- Sir Basit Afzal Date:- 31/01/2014 Contents Executive summary 3 Methodology:- 3 Consumer profile 4 Yankolovich mind base segmentation:- 5 Trait sum up them:- 5 Stages of the Consumer Buying Process:- 5 Need Recognition:- 6 Pre-purchase Search or Information Search:- 7 Internal influence:-………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8 External influence:-……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Evaluation of Alternatives……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Evoked set:-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 Inept set:-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Inert set:-……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 Criteria used for evaluating brand:-……………………………………………………………………………………………10 Consumer decision rules:-………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11 Purchase decision:- 11 Post purchase evaluation:- 12 Comparison:- 13 Conclusion:- 13 Executive summary Consumer behavior is more related to consumer psychology as every consumer has to make a decision while purchasing something and decision making is the process which includes many external or internal factors. When we talk about the consumer psychology we are more concerned about the black box (human brain) where these processes run simultaneously like creation of need...
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...BUYING BEHAVIOR ”To be a bullfighter, you must first learn to be a bull.” -Anonymous Consumer Buying Behavior • Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of final consumers – individuals & households who buy goods and services for personal consumption • The central question for marketers is: “How do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the company might use?” Five Premises of Consumer Behavior • Consume behavior is purposeful and goal oriented • The consumer has free choice • Consumer behavior is a process • Consumer behavior can be influenced • There is a need for consumer education [pic] Figure 1. A Model of Consumer Behavior Personal Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior A. Cultural factors 1. Culture – is the most basic determinant of a person’s wants and behavior. It comprises the basic values, perceptions, wants and behaviors that a person learns continuously in a society. 2. Subcultures – are groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations. 3. Social classes – are relatively permanent and ordered divisions in a society whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviors. B. Social factors 1. Reference groups – serve as direct (face-to-face) or direct point of comparison or reference in the forming of a person’s attitude and behavior. 2. Family – family members have a strong influence on buyer behavior. 3...
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...Before a consumer can even begin the decision making process he or she must be aware of the product or service. At this stage the consumer is aware of a problem. For example, someone may decide that they are hungry. The problem has been identified by the individual that they must eat to satisfy their hunger. The hunger example will show the steps of a nominal decision. A nominal decision is a very low involvement purchase. Limited decision making and extended decision making are for high involvement purchases, for example, the purchase of a vehicle, or a house. Information Search & Understanding The next step of the process is the information search phase. For a nominal decision, such as what to have for lunch, an individual would conduct a limited internal search for information. The individual could ask his or herself questions such as: What do I feel like eating? Is there anything I want to eat in the fridge? How much money will I spend on lunch? These are all questions which the individual should be able to answer for themselves. For high involvement purchases such as purchasing a vehicle, a consumer’s decision making process will follow the model of either limited decision making or extended decision making, depending upon how confident the individual consumer is towards purchasing a vehicle. At this stage for these higher involvement decisions, a consumer would search for information both internally and externally. Questions he or she could ask themselves are: What type...
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...Explain the relationship between consumer traits and behavior. Provide a specific example. What is consumer buying behavior and how is it impacted by internal and external factors? Buying behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. When trying to understand the complexity of consumer buying behavior it is important to understand the why consumers buy any products or contract any services. What influences a consumer to buy one brand over another? Personal behavior and character traits have a large role in the actions we take the decisions we make, including consumer choices. Traits Character traits are defined as enduring and stable patterns of behavior, attitudes, emotions, that vary between individuals (Dr Howell, 2014). Personality traits are everlasting characteristics that are consistently demonstrated in spite of changing circumstances or environment. Because they define habitual patterns of behavior, thought and emotion, they provide a foundation for predicting behavior. Researchers have linked personality traits to experiential buying tendencies, political orientation, and preference in pets, even more meaning connections to divorce, morbidity, and occupational attainment. Traits are a window into consumer motivations. Traits are hard for marketing plans to alter but a communication plan may be altered to focus on certain character traits. As an example, if a specific demographic has a certain political orientation...
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...Market research on Consumer buying behavior Of Lipstick Submitted by Group 3 Shikha Ashwitha Harini Jayanth Pradeep Shreyas Index 1. CONCEPT * Consumer Behavior 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. DATA ANALYSIS * Understanding Consumer Behavior * Understanding Brand Preference * Other observations 4. RECOMMENDATIONS 5. Bibliography CONCEPT CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR: What influences consumers to purchase products or services? The consumer buying process is a complex matter as many internal and external factors have an impact on the buying decisions of the consumer. When purchasing a product there are several processes, which consumers go through This model is important for anyone making marketing decisions. It forces the marketer to consider the whole buying process rather than just the purchase decision (when it may be too late for a business to influence the choice!) The model implies that customers pass through all stages in every purchase. However, in more routine purchases, customers often skip or reverse some of the stages. For example, a person buying a favourite hamburger would recognise the need (hunger) and go right to the purchase decision, skipping information search and evaluation. However, the model is very useful when it comes to understanding any purchase that requires some thought and deliberation. The buying process starts with need recognition. At this stage, the buyer recognises a problem or need (e...
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...Relationship Between Unplanned Buying And Post Purchase Regret Introduction: The theory of cognitive dissonance was developed in 1957 by Leon Festiner. Festinger describes cognitive dissonance as a psychological state which results when a person perceives that two cognitions both of which he believes to be true, do not “fit” together; that is, they seem inconsistent. The resulting dissonance produces tension, which serves to motivate the individual to bring harmony to inconsistent elements and thereby reduce psychological tension (Loudon, Bitta 2006) Regret arises from individuals expending cognitive efforts to consider the chosen option against the rejected options (Inman, Dyer, and Jia 1997). Individuals must think in order to feel regret. For individuals to experience regret, they have to cognitively process and cross-compare one option (chosen) to another option (foregone). If the result of the comparison is perceived to be unfavourable (i.e. the foregone option is perceived to be better than the present option), then individuals are prone to feeling regret over their actions. According to Sugden (1985) regret has been known to be a painful sensation that arises as a result of comparing ‘what is’ with ‘what might have been. Regrets about what one has failed to do or what one has done are common. It has been defined as the negative cognitively-based emotion that we experience when realizing or imagining that our present situation would have...
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...Lecture Topic 6 Ch. 5 & 6 (p. 188 - 201) Buyer Behavior MKTG 2501 Lecturer: Yin Mei NG Model of Consumer Behavior External Stimuli • Marketing Stimuli • Environmental Forces BUYER’S BLACK BOX • Buyer’s decision process • Buyer’s characterist ics Buyer Responses • Buying attitude and preference • Purchase behavior (what, when, where, and how much) • Relationship behavior with brand and company Five Stages in the Consumer Decision Process Need recognition Information search Evaluation of alternatives Purchase decision Class Discussion: Customer Needs • What do parents-to-be need? • How can a company meet their important needs? Identify and Evaluate Alternatives Example: Brand Choice of Your Computer Purchased Recently Company: What can you do? Dear Company, We’re sorry to let you know your brand is not in our evoked set. To: The Company Yours sincerely, Your target customers Question: • What can a company do if its brand is NOT in the evoked set of the target consumers? – Inept set (avoided alternatives) – Inert set (backup alternatives) – Unawareness set Example: A customer’s evaluation of 3 computer brands • Which brand would this consumer most likely choose to purchase? • Which brand would this consumer least likely choose to purchase? Attributes (Criteria) Importance Weight (Sum = 1.0) Evaluation on the Performance of Alternative Computer Brands (Score: 1-7) Evaluation of Alternatives Brand A Price Speed Warranty Size ...
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...subsection discusses the sequential stages involved in the traditional consumer decision making, following is a comparative analysis between holiday decision making and traditional consumer decision making based on the stages involved in traditional consumer decision making. A conclusion that summarizes this study follows thereafter. I. INTRODUCTION “Consumer behavior reflects the totality of consumers’ decisions with respect to the acquisition, consumption and disposition of goods, services, activities, experiences, people and ideas overtime.” (Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. Maclnnis 2008). This means that as much as the consumer will purchase a certain product e.g. soap, based on his preference of brands, he may also purchase a product such as a book just because it has been written by a popular author. Consumer decision making is about market choice behavior where consumers must make a decision between two or more competing alternatives, and thereafter decide on whether to purchase the alternative. The consumer decision making process is the stages that a consumer goes through in order to decide on the best alternative to purchase. The traditional decision making process makes an assumption that a consumer has to go through five stages before reaching his decision hence very important for a marketer to understand this process. II. DECISION MAKING – THE TRADITIONAL PROCESS The five stages in the traditional consumer decision making process include: Need recognition or...
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...Chapter 6 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buying Behavior “To be a bullfighter, you must first learn to be a bull.” -Anonymous Consumer Buying Behavior * Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of final consumers – individuals & households who buy goods and services for personal consumption * The central question for marketers is: “How do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the company might use?” Five Premises of Consumer Behavior * Consume behavior is purposeful and goal oriented * The consumer has free choice * Consumer behavior is a process * Consumer behavior can be influenced * There is a need for consumer education A Model of Consumer Behavior Personal Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior * Cultural Factors * Social Factors * Personal Factors * Psychological Factors Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior Cultural Factors * Culture is the most basic determinant of a person’s wants and behavior * Subcultures are groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations * Social classes are relatively permanent and ordered divisions in a society whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviors Social Factors * Consumer behavior is influenced by: * Consumers’ groups * Family * Social roles * Status Consumer Groups * An individual’s attitudes and behavior are influenced by many small groups * Types of groups ...
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...customers to be associated with; they face some real time problems related to trust and quality. But the Indian shopping trend shows some rigid type of behavior towards online shopping. They do not trust this shopping style as they have to see and choose a product virtually and pay for it, without any kind of physical touch, which was really difficult to be done in Indian market, but in past 2-3 years the trends have changed at least in metros and big cities. It has been observed that Indore is adapting the changes in shopping trends in metros very quickly, they love to shop from home and enjoy online shopping. So the process of analysis of factor affecting customer satisfaction levels was initiated, ACSI Model uses the three manifest variables: Customer’s Expectation, Perceived Values and Over-all Quality, which leads to satisfied customer. This will give us the clear insights of satisfied online shoppers across Indore. Factors affecting online shopping behavior Online shopping is a relatively new type of retail shopping. It has now been adopted all over the world including Thailand. In Thailand, electronic shopping is still not as well known or accepted as in many other countries, and though the knowledge of online shopping in Thailand is now beginning to increase rapidly, the factors influencing online shopping behavior of Thai consumers have not been investigated. There are several articles written on online shopping, which have studied the influencing factors, but these...
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