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Poverty In Public Schools

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There are millions of kids and parents that live in this world that do not know how to read and write. Why should the government step in and make a change with this problem, the government needs to focus more on poverty in certain communities to bring the literacy level up for families that are coming from a broken home or not even having a home. The effects of poverty, appropriate shelter, lack of food or even access to library books, puts kids at a disadvantage before they even enter kindergarten. The public needs to be aware of the effects of poverty in schools and what we as a society can do to address the literacy needs of kids these days.
Since the beginnings of the 21st century, the poverty line has only made small increase while the number of families who live below the line has increased drastically. Poverty can have a serious effect on a child’s performance at school or his or her social level. Children who come from a low socioeconomic background lack access to food and basic health care. In a study conducted by Dr. Bebermeyer of the Texas Medical Center, “he found that students who do not receive the necessities for health care are …show more content…
Teachers have a hard time trying to reach out to students who come in and out of their classrooms. Students who come in at different levels of performance which, in turn, puts a strain on the teacher to catch the student up to her or his classmates current level of performance. Two-thirds of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of the fourth grade will end up in jail or on welfare. Over Seventy percent of America’s inmates cannot read above a fourth-grade level. Children who live in poverty have a higher chance of committing crimes and are not as literate as theirs peers are when it comes to the educations levels of their

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