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Powel Leadership Skills

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To become a successful leader, s/he needs to have vital leadership skills of mentoring and coaching. Most importantly, real life experiences are the greatest learning tools to leader. Before the leader needs to gain the educational program (coaching, mentoring,) s/he needs to have development planning in place, which can define as a process. S/he needs to develop or enhancing their skills, such as, their communication, behavior, motivation, and accepting great feedbacks from others.
Coaching is the ?process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop and become more successful. Informal coaching takes place whenever a leader helps followers to change their behavior. Several points about informal coaching …show more content…
motivation at their firm, consider as a critical element. Employees, who always want to be a star of their firm always share their feelings, their expressions to their leader. So they can have great advices, feedbacks from their leadership to perform better work at their current job. When the organization that are facing problems, follower can be proactive to express their ideas and ways to tackle those negative circumstances.

The Situation is the third important element part of the leadership equation. Leadership is only practical in the circumstances of how leader and followers interact in a given situation. The great example of the complex situation is Colin Powel that has shown how wonderful he handled the most difficult situation in The Viet Nam war and later in the Persian Gulf War. Therefore, Leader and followers having great responsibilities to address and giving the solutions to circumstances that they have to face.
Unit II Discussion board. Out of all the leaders you were influenced by, who stands out the most? What was the source of power, leadership motive(s), and influencing tactics of this individual? (Note: You may want to review the Unit II Lesson prior to posting your response.) Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, "Tom's response to Susan's

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