...Power of Love & Relationships Introduction If you have ever been in a relationship then you have experienced attraction and some form of love. Often times we wonder how we ended up in a particular relationship or why it went wrong. Then we look at relationships of people we know who are still together after many years and wonder what the trick is to having a relationship like that. The only way to answer these questions is to look at the various factors which contribute to the forming of attractions, love and relationships. We also need to understand the different types of love so we understand the differences in the love we feel for family, friends and partners. Having the ability to distinguish between the different forms of love can help to keep us from mistaking close friends for potential dates or partners. Six Factors of Attraction Attraction can be a tricky thing to understand. There are times we will find someone we are physically attracted but for some reason beyond the initial physical attraction nothing else is there. This is because there are multiple factors to attraction, six to be exact. Have you ever become friends with someone who you did not like upon meeting them? This is rather common. It is in part due to the mere-exposure effect which is our tendency to like people more when we are exposed to them on a regular basis (Myers, 2010). The frequent exposure may cause a friendship to form between unlikely candidates. Frequent exposure can...
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...Power of Love and Relationships Within this paper I will be discussing power of love and relationships, by describing the factors of attraction. What attracts us to one another? Why are we less likely to befriend someone from another culture than someone from a similar background with a similar physical aesthetic? Be sure to identify and describe all six factors in attraction. As well as discuss the human need to build bonds and relationships. Do we have an innate need to belong? If so, why? How is this need attached to our emotions, our social bonds, and our fear of deprivation? Then lastly explain the three types of love: companionate, passionate, and compassionate. What are the differences and similarities among them? What is an example of each type? How does Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love distinguish romantic love, from empty love or infatuation? Attraction Within the discussion of what attracts people to one another? The textbook states “we like those who are close to us… , …we like those who are attractive… , …we like those who are similar to us… , …we like those we have equitable relationships with… and …we like those who are hard to get.” (Feenstra, 2013) It is easy to understand the first of these as the likelihood or meeting and establish a relation is more likely with people that are in our general proximity. But with age of the online community and social networking company that are out there is a growing connection that are being made with people that...
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...“Beka Lamb” the power of love is portrayed in the author “Zee Edgell’s” writing. The power of love is displayed through characters such as: the Lambs and their support for the Qualos, Beka and Toyice’s friendship, Toyice and Emilio’s relationship, Sister Gabriela support towards Beka and Miss Eila and Toyice’s relationship. To the reader, “Edgell” is suggesting that the power of love is real even thought it may be in both positive and negative aspects. The Lambs and the Qualos portrayed their love for each other with their support. “As many mourners as could fit...were Miss Eila and Toyice, fanning themselves with long-handled straw fans. Here, the reader is aware of the support the Qualos showed the Lambs in their time of mourning. “What seemed like hours later, Beka, her parents, and Miss Eila arrived at the hospital. Toyice had been taken to a ward upstairs and was receiving attention from the nurses...doctor.” “Miss Eila and Toice are like a part of my own family. Toyice helped my wife with Beka and the boys for so many years. It’s only right they should turn to us now.“Miss Eila was adamant, refusing to believe that anything....going home to the place she belonged,’ wouldn’t cure. In the end, Miss Eila had her way.” The Lambs are showing their support to the Qualos as they did when the Lambs were mourning. The Lambs are also showing their love for Toyice. The LAmbs considered the Qualos as family beause they have done so much for them by expressing their love and support...
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...transformed through love, loyalty, and respect. One example of Love transforming characters is when Young is in love with Ronna but Young still dumps Ronna. The love that young still as for Ronna affects their relationship. An example of loyalty transforming relationships is when Simon isn't loyal to Rob. Because Simon isn’t loyal this changes their relationship dramatically. The last example of respect is when Young dumps Ronna. When Young dumps Ronna, Ronna loses all respect for Young and this transforms their relationship extremely. Those are three things that transform relationship. First, Love transforms character relationships throughout the book because of how characters act. One examples of that is Young's love for Ronna. Young had always love Ronna but never had the guts to ask her out. Until finally one day he does. Love affects his relationships because if Young never had a love for Ronna then they never would had met or even talked together. another example of love is...
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...1. In their article, "The Balance of Power in Dating and Marriage," Peplau and Campbell found which of the following to be true about power in African American and Chicano marriages? a. African American marriages tend to be more female dominated and Chicano marriages more male dominated than are white marriages. b. African American marriages tend to be more male dominated and Chicano marriages more female dominated than are white marriages. c. African American and Chicano marriages are more male dominated than are white marriages. d. There is no significant difference in power among African American, Chicano, and white marriages. I thought the answer was A?? The answer is D. A is what is thought it be true, but D is what was actually observed. Ah okay thanks! 2. According to Cancian, the "feminization of love" results from: (please answer): a. women's superior ability to love. b. men's inability to communicate or express their true feelings. c. a societal definition of love as expression and emotion, qualities associated with women. d. the feminist movement. Lecture Notes: Week 2 What is sociology? * Explains and analyzes important matters in our personal lives, our communities, and world. * Religion, love, Econ, business, poverty, war, peace, etc. * the ability to see and understand the connection between broad social forces and personal experiences - C. Wright Mills calls this the “sociological imagination” * explores “taken-for-granted”...
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...Relationships are some of the most important and central parts of human life. They connect people and fabricate human experience in a unique and fascinating way. Not only does an individual discover another person and who they are through a relationship, but they truly discover themselves. Their Eyes Were Watching God, a beloved and respected novel by Zora Neale Hurston, depicts the life and experiences of a woman named Janie. Each marriage Janie shared with her three husbands develops the motif of love and defines Janie’s character, purpose, and true self. Amid the pain, contention, and mistreatment, Janie learns the value of love and subsequently she distinguishes her own value and finds her truest self. At the beginning of this story...
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...between two people that love each other and want to be happy for the rest of their lives. When in actuality marriage is “the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband and wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law” happiness’s relative and has nothing to do with having a long lasting marriage. It would be nice if all marriages could be happy long lasting affairs, but they aren’t. A lasting marriage depends on 5 things. The first is the significance the couple gives marriage, the second is love, the third is respect, the fourth is compatibility ,and the fifth is division of power and fear of being alone or losing security. Dissent on this topic and the qualities I have pointed out is normal but through my experience and different relationships I have seen these are the things that make a long lasting marriage. To have a lasting marriage the couple needs to feel that marriage is something sacred they also have to stop thinking of marriage as a temporary relationship status. Marriage is a contract between two people to unite assets; in some cultures marriage is for life and in others marriage will only last for as long as it is beneficial to both parties concerned. The seriousness of a marriage depends on how the married value the term, or status the term marriage brings them. The modern notion is that a marriage is for happiness and it should only last until you are discontent with the relationship. I have seen this countless...
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...and ideas that we discussed in class. Of course it is meant to be a funny movie, but it does delve into the psychological and relationship influences and models that we discussed in class. More specifically, I chose to explore the subject of Fatuous Love, as well as the idea of Coercive and Reward Power. In the movie, there is a rather quick and overly passionate relationship that develops between the “mean girl”, Regina George, and the love interest of the movie, Aaron Samuels. Firstly, the relationship happens for all of the wrong reasons. Regina only is with Aaron to spite her “friend” Cady Herron. In the text it defines fatuous love as, “passion and commitment in the absence of intimacy”...
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...Explore the presentation of norms and values within Verona During this essay I will focus on how society at the time had an impact on Romeo and Juliet’s relationship. I will explore how the norms and values within institutions in Verona such as ‘the family’ and ‘the church’ played a role the couple’s fate. A theme throughout the play was love. All the violence and hatred was a result of Romeo and Juliet’s unexpected relationship. The prologue was a sonnet; Shakespeare used the sonnet to remind the audience of romance. Lot’s of love poems at the time were in sonnet form. He was reminding the audience that ultimately what causes all the violence and betrayal is love. Religion and the Church had a massive impact and held a great power over people during the 16th Century. In some ways religion was more powerful than the law. When Romeo and Juliet first met they fell madly in love, ‘My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough tough with a tender kiss’. So to live by the moral rules set by the church they had to marry. Friar Lawrence’s role in the church gave him a lot of power and earned him a lot of respect and so the couple were over joyed when he agreed to wed them in the church ‘In one respect I’ll they assist be; For this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households’ rancour to pure love.’ Religion is a powerful force within the play as a whole. During the 16th century people couldn’t live together before marriage and divorce was practically...
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...The Convolution of Love Virginia Fisher Student ID# 20441228 RS 180 Love & Friendship / Professor Carolyn Whitney-Brown 19/09/2013 The Convolution of Love “Is love a utopian dream or a possibility within our reach?” (Nouwen, 24). This essay will first, explore Henri Nouwen’s theory of reversibility or irreversibility of evil. Next, Nouwen’s perspective will be applied to the relationship between Louis and Janine and finally, this paper will examine the possibility of their capacity for love to change throughout the course of the book. Henri Nouwen composes a succinct vision of his reversibility or irreversibility of evil theory. There are two distinctive domains within, that of the “taking form of existence” and conversely, that of the “forgiving form of love”. The “taking form” is markedly comprised of the insidious need of destructive power over others and is enmeshed in a foundation of fear. One of the most prevalent forms of this destructive power is the use of an individual’s past which can become “the most lethal weapon in human relationships” spawning “shame, guilt, moral and even physical death” (Nouwen, 26). This hypothesis of irreversible evil is “definitive and unchangeable” and determines that all “mistakes are final and unforgiveable” which in turn, predestines us to the “impossibility of love” (Nouwen, 27). Conversely, the “forgiving form” embodies truthfulness, tenderness and a complete “disarmament” of self through “the confession of our total self to each...
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...The Requirement of a Mutually Contented Relationship The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, was written in a time where women were often compelled to servitude for men. This was even prevalent in relationships in which men exerted forceful control over women. Despite societal norms, women still strived for some sort of sovereignty in their relationships, which often went ungranted. This imbalance of power caused unhappiness and serious discontent. Chaucer lived in a world where critics were considered heretical and were at risk of capital punishment, i.e. burning at the stake. This caused many faultfinders to resort towards hiding behind fictional characters in order to safely express their beliefs. Chaucer denounces his society’s common...
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...Romeo and Juliet Essay A writer has more power when they create life like characters, when having them use juxtaposition, and paradox. When william Shakespeare creates the two main dueling genders in romeo and Juliet, he makes them more realistic with such power. He gives them life coming from paradox, oxymoron, paradox, and juxtaposition characterization. The power William Shakespeare puts to use, allows the audience to see the characters interact, and contrast. Speech like paradox, oxymoron, paradox, and juxtaposition express the characters even more, as they are constantly on this rise if life's next challenge. Helping hand Friar Laurence uses both juxtaposition, and paradox, saying their love to the terrible fall it might create. he...
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...that frames human experience. To what extent does this statement encapsulate your views of the text The complexity of the human experience is shaped by individual’s attitudes, morals and perceptions. Orson Welles Citizen Kane explores this complexity through its portrayal of media tycoon Charles Kane, highlighting the centrality of ambition and corruption in an individual’s pursuit of power and relationships. Wells employs avant grande cinematography to engage and persuade the audience of the instability of the human experience. Citizen Kane demonstrates how despite the individuals desire for relationships; their ability to forge connections can be undermined by their personal perceptions and ideals. Kane’s moral vacuity and ambitious nature is central to his inability to sustain meaningful relationships. Leland apathy notes, “All he (Kane) ever wanted out of life was love”, with this desire for love resonating in the motif of ‘Rosebud’, emblematic of his mothers love. Nonetheless, Kane’s superficial pursuit of transient pleasures and ambition results in the corruption of his relationships. This is accentuated in the breakfast montage, which depicts Kane and his wife Emily at progressive breakfasts throughout the course of their marriage. To begin with Kane seems to be the ideal husband – he compliments her, spends time with her, and smiles at her. This is visually and aurally reflected by the physical closeness of the two, as well as the light, romantic violin music. However...
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...that doesn’t stop them from seeing other people. These two eventually become involved with the relationships of Jay Gatsby and George Wilson, which eventually leads all of these relationships into ruins. Tom and Daisy ruin all that they touch when they both crush Gatsby's loving affair with Daisy, Wilson's love for Myrtle, and the love in their own marriage. Tom and Daisy's power of destroying love can be seen early in the novel when the reader discovers that Tom and Daisy have ruined the love in their own marriage. When Tom and Daisy are married it is clear that the love in their relationship expired soon after the wedding ceremony. The love in their relationship is clearly all gone when Daisy has her child and Tom is nowhere to be found, and most likely with another woman. Though, the worst part about this loveless marriage is that it seems that Tom and Daisy have accepted their relationship as dead, due to Daisy knowing that Tom is cheating on her, but refuses to take action against it. Tom and Daisy’s power of the destroying love in any relationship they come in contact with is shown in their own marriage because it shows us that no relationship is safe from their corruption. Tom and Daisy’s inability to keep love in their own relationship opens up our minds to just how efficient they are at sucking love from the hearts of those they know, since they can’t help but suck the love right from their own marriage....
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...Paige Ghesquire ENG 3UI – 05 Ms. Wright May 23, 2015 The Kite Runner: The Power of Words “The power of words, written or spoken, have life. They can change the world.” (search quotes). The power of words should not be underestimated. Liesel proves this to be true in the novel and the film The Book Thief. She uses words to develop relationships with her foster father, Hans Hubermann; Max Vandenburg, the illicit Jew in her basement; and her neighbours. In the novel The Book Thief by Markus Zusak there is much more relationship development compared to the film The Book Thief directed by Brian Percival. This consequently causes the theme of the power of words to be less prominent in the film. The novel The Book Thief develops the relationship between Liesel Meminger and her neighbours more than the film The Book Thief therefore minimizing the theme. First, Liesel and Rudy become best friends, “Insane or not, Rudy was always destined to be Liesel’s best friend.” (Zusak 48). Rudy introduced himself to Liesel as soon as she moved in, he developed a liking for her and they soon become best friends. Rudy used his charming, and sometimes insulting, words to win over Liesel. This develops the theme because it shows that even if one does not want to like someone, their words can change them into a likable person. Second, Liesel and Frau Hermann develop a relationship, “When she came and stood with an impossibly frail steadfastness, she was holding a tower of books against her stomach...
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