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Power of Vision


Submitted By gmony01
Words 1055
Pages 5
1. My vision board spoke loudly that God has not been giving “ME” a vision. a. The vision board presented in class was my fleshly vision and not the Kingdom building vision which this class or our God is preparing for me. b. The vision showed self and a possibility of a union of two people (man and woman) that working together could build a new with joint ownership in a ministry for helping God’s people with thee specific needs. i. Safe housing for batter women ii. Half-way housing for men and women returning from incarceration. iii. A school home for youth after school to learn life skills (sewing, cooking), completion of homework using computers, and general good recreation with Xbox, billiard tables, and the usual board games. c. Yet, this is a vision of all only one partner’s full interest and belief. The other half has a pass/fail life balance, open & good heart for doing things they see as “what would Jesus do?” Thinking good works and quote “following the law” will provide my key to heaven. We ae unequally yoked. iv. I believe that my “faith in Christ” is shown by my good works “in His name”; that my Salvation is in the receiving of “Christ saving Blood” and my submission to “Him as Lord and Master” of my Life. d. I took a possible answer to a pray and rushed the blessing of a good mate. God will make us ready for His blessing. And, until He has prepared us we will make a mess of things. I have hope in my God being a restorer, a mind changer and heart regulator. If God put this vision together, He will pull us together for his glory. e. Therefore, I left blank spots throughout and around my vision board to allow God to move in His time, the Holy Spirit room to fill in the missing pieces which could bring a selfish and lustful image into a holy and sanctified calling of God.

2. My visions for the “Equipping the Saint’s for kingdom building” have been coveted over the years by lesser leaders. Through Paul, I learned that people should covet the good gifts of others in the body of Christ. My work has giving hope to dying churches and hope to those communities these churches serve. I feel also that hope for serving God’s was given to the Under-shepherds who were stuck in the religion of church and the Good News that God is alive and fresh. “Not that I’m all that and a bag of chips.” f. I am by nature an events person (Administration is my Spiritual Gift) and God has used me to an event and program developer. v. In the late 70’s and early 80’s I found that I was a successful Marketing Reprehensive with small and medium accounts spread over a large area, but failed at equally sizeable account but vertical in structure which meant the hit and run sales strategy would fail. 3. My vision statement: To provide the men and women of God the God inspired opportunities to use their God given Gifts and talents to do Jesus Christ Kingdom Building! g. What will bring to into existents? vi. I needed to develop long-viewing vision (with the existing detail from my accounting gifts, but patience for a longer selling cycle which gave bigger payoffs. The kind that God provides when we allow Him to build our sight, character and integrity over proven successes. vii. Through, past years of success failure on the small projects, but ever gaining God’s focus to seek the long view in business and church. viii. I now have a love and trust for God which allows me to “Get out of the Boat” and “Be a Water Walker” for kingdom building. ix. Finally, the patience of Job to wait for God to develop the task and myself. 4. Currently, I’m ministering to support a small family led church coming after the Pastor has “gone to glory to rest with the Lord”. The pastor did great things but left not “business continuity planning”. He left no family replacement for the headship, (a weak sons). * The search is on for a new pastor and I have partnered with the interim pastor as he brings a Holy Spirit of Excellence back into the church. * This pastor, good at teaching, use the word of God. Liken to God, the pastor wrote the ways the church should operate into the hearts of the followers. This unwritten laws s led to “family cheating against non-family members” and the dying of this church. * The family (mankind) becomes corrupt using the church for their own personal gain, and at the same time kills the Holy Ghost’s anointing driving people out. * My first ministry vision is bringing liberty to this church with “Bylaws”. The document of a church is a key for a new member to gain real knowledge to the group of Christian they chose toward fellowship is the bylaws and not the church covenant. * I'm leading the “bylaws” committee, because the church wasn’t being govern by the people but a family and no one would step up for the task. * We can call a church “Baptist” or anything else, but if it’s run a sole proprietorship or under King/Dictator it’s not a place of liberty and God is not in that place. My current church home is single family lead. A family church and not a Church family. Therefore, although this local church has issues, I believe my gifts, talents, strength from God and covenant love for these people can help. I.e., bylaws. * Other visions (to come in God’s on time) are to engage the people of God possibly an after school music program using current music talents in the church and of the interim pastor. * I’m encouraging men to fellowship together at a well-known 3rd Saturday men’s fellowship breakfast. * I pass out job leads through the weekly bulletin announcements * The helping of seniors to keep their yards cut or other social services referral to help if needed. * This isn’t my training for ministry leadership. These are assignments a Ministry of Helps I believe if Christ can be lifted up. Then He will add to the church daily.

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