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Prabhar Oil


Submitted By neeruu
Words 308
Pages 2

Lube industry (PSU vs. PVT)MARKET share
• Foreign players entry in Indian lube market during 1992-93

(liberalization) • Import duties fall 85 % to 25% also drives the growth • Market share of PSUs has been decreased to 48% in 1999-2000 because of MNC players entry and increased competition
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Private Sector



• Growing disposal income, Lifestyle and improved infrastructures are

few growth opportunity factors in future • India is 2nd largest Two wheeler producer and fourth largest commercial vehicle market globally with fastest growing market in the world with a growth expectation of CAGR 9.5% till 2010 • Migration of Two wheeler segments to four wheeler segments is the growth driver of fuel demand • Brake oil and coolant oil are another large segment is expected to grow with introduction of new brake system and advanced gear technology and automatic transmission system (ATS)

Lube market size in India
• Fifth largest market in the world in terms of volume with 17000 • •

• • •

Cr in 2009 Broadly divided into 3 major categories Automotive (67%),Industrial and Marine & Energy Applications (23%) Automotive is further classified into CI Engines (Diesel Engine) with 70% Market share and SI Engine (Lubes and petrol Engines) with 30% market share Industry is led by 4 major players with 70% market share i.e IOC, Castrol, HPCL & BPCL, remaining 30% is MNC and unorganised players Market share is further divided as 50% PSUs and 20% Castrol IOC has been the leader in terms of profitability with Servo Brand Recent times the scenario is changing and competition is on basis of brand identification with respect to performance rather pricing

Consumer Behavior
• Types of customer in Automotive lubricant market • Quality conscious •

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