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Practices and Procudures


Submitted By kp38
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Procedures in storing information in the workplace
In science there are many procedures to storing different pieces of information. In this document I will be explaining the different procedures in storing different pieces of information and why these procedures are needed.
COSHH Records: These records need to be kept so that the proper steps can be taken to prevent any accidents or incidents occurring while in the working laboratory. Every single workplace place has risk assessment records, the laboratory is no exception. Risk assessments are usually carried out on COSHH forms like the one below.

In the laboratory store technicians or those who control how substances are ordered are usually in charge. The assessment would usually go like this:
1. The assessor shall determine how large the risks are including how it will affect people such as the employees and people visiting when it is being undertaken
2. The assessor will decide what precautions are needed to control the different risks that have been identified.
3. This step involves making sure that the precautions suggested in the previous step have been placed, used by the workers and are managed on a regular basis.
4. This step involves surveying how often the employees are in contact with the risk.
5. Emergency plans are drawn up in this stage in case of incidences such as fires, spills and coming in contact with the hazard.
6. If the risk involves undertrained workers then organise training sessions for them while under supervision.
After these steps are completed the information will be stored away. This will most likely happen on the LIMS system but some labs still use filing cabinets. They can then use these for reference later if needed if another accident or incident occurs. They can also use it to help spread awareness of safety in the lab and any issues with substances that are being used in the workplace.
The only people who should access to this type of information are store technicians or anyone else who is in charge of storing, ordering and using the different substances.
Scientific apparatus: A spreadsheet on the google drive is used to track all the pieces of equipment that is used in a laboratory. Pieces of equipment include Bunsen burners, beakers and test tubes. It also includes how many pieces of equipment there is. This information is stored on the google drive until the following year where the equipment will be counted and compared with the previous year. This will allow technicians to know the exact number of equipment that they need from their suppliers. This process is needed so that technicians or teachers in learning areas know how many pieces of are needed. If not done they won’t be able to conduct experiments or teach learners. Technicians and heads of department are usually in charge of this.

Health and safety: When doing health and safety checks, laboratory technicians will take either a hard copy or an electronic copy of an audit checklist and will go around the area ticking everything that is in order. If something is wrong then they will try and sort out the problem and then carry on. Once the check is complete they will file it away and may use it again if it is needed. It is important to do these checks because if they are not done then the chances of accidents or even incidents occurring will increase which could in someone getting hurt. Heads of department, deputies and those with permission will have access to this kind of information.

Data Protection: All types of information need to be kept safe. For instance medical records of employees need to be kept safe and secure. The reason for this is because if unauthorised people get the information such as criminals they can then use it to harm the employee. They could use it as blackmail or identity theft for instance to harm the employee personally or the business he is working for.
All businesses must follow an act passed by the government called the Data Protection Act 1998 this act sets rules for when people or businesses are using data. A few of the rules are that:
• It must be used in fairly and lawfully way
• It must be used for selected and specific purposes
• It must be used in a respectful and relevant way that is not excessive
• It must be kept in a safe and secure environment
• Used in a way according to the recipients rights
• Not to be given to anyone outside the UK without the persons permission

References Manor School Technician, Mrs C Damon

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