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Prekindergarten: the Foundation of Early Learning and Its Importance


Submitted By rosacoley
Words 1562
Pages 7
EDU 7001-8
Synthesis of Research Articles
Prekindergarten: The Foundation of Early Learning and its Importance
Rosa L. Coley
Northcentral University
August 30, 2015

Author's Note This assignment is being submitted on August 30, 2015 for Dr. John Klocinski's EDU 7001-8, Advanced Scholarly Writing course.

Prekindergarten: The Foundation of Early Learning and its Importance Pre-kindergarten plays a critical role in early childhood education. It builds the foundation of the student's learning before they attend kindergarten. Research shows that children who attend a high-quality pre-kindergarten are successful in their years of schooling. Therefore, high-quality pre-kindergarten programs should be implemented just as regular elementary schooling. Public schools are becoming challenging with heightened accountability requirements because of the No Child Left Behind Act. Pre-kindergarten has become an important approach to promote school readiness and close achievement gaps in elementary school and beyond. It would produce large academic gains, especially for children of low-income families. Richard Coley's research pointed out that, "More than 30% of low-income children have no familiarity with print. That is, they do not know that books are read from left to right or where a story starts or ends. Seventeen percent of children from middle-income families and 8% of those whose parents have a bachelor's or higher degree also lack this knowledge. About 60% of low-income children and more than a third of middle-income children do not know the alphabet. Only 6% of poor and 18% of middle-income children understand numerical sequence" (Coley, 2002). High-quality universal pre-kindergarten programs will also open the door to more successful results, and provides children of all backgrounds integrated classrooms that improve success rate across the

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