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Prescription Drug Abuse Research Paper

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Prescription painkiller abuse is a rising issue throughout the world. Although these issues are still misunderstood, this is exceedingly dangerous to patients who take painkillers. “In 2007, for example, abuse of the painkiller Fentanyl killed more than 1,000 people. The drug was found to be thirty to fifty times more powerful than heroin”(Foundation for drug free world, n.d.) The line between appropriate use of opioids and abusing opioids is very obvious.” Veteran doctors don't need a blood test to tell when someone is on the verge of a drug overdose. They can even narrow down the culprit by observation alone” (Gupta, Sanjay. 2016). Doctors are paid to see the line and make a decision based on that line. Why do doctors continue to over prescribe …show more content…
So, how far would a doctor go for good ratings? After a while a physicians should know that filling prescriptions every two to three weeks has to be some type of problem. Physicians are not exactly trained to handle some the narcotics that are “thrown “at patients. “It begins when an adverse drug reaction is misinterpreted as a new medical condition. Another drug is then prescribed, and the patient is placed at risk of developing additional adverse effects relating to this potentially unnecessary treatment” (O.C., n.d.). Doctors put patients at risk for addiction, when prescribing one neurotic for the side effects of another. Patients constantly take pills due to doctors’ prescriptions and orders, in hopes of being heal. A Doctors job is to heal patients as well as do what is best for them, although most tend to worry more about the good ratings. Not only adolescents and adults experience this widely spread epidemic in the world, but so do children, averaging with four narcotics per child. Doctors prescribe narcotics to cure a symptom, or cure a small pain; a “modern” doctor will prescribe even more if side effects of another drug “kick in”. “At its crux: doctors are too quick to prescribe drugs, and as a result people are exposed to dangerous side effects without any justified benefit”( Experts Say Over prescription is Rampant ,n.d.). Why do doctors

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