...------------------------------------------------- Interpersonal Skills for Leaders Leadership involves influencing people, so it follows that many effective leadership attitudes, behaviors and practices deal with interpersonal relationships. Team-based organizations need leaders who are knowledgeable in the team process and can help with the interpersonal demands of teams. “Communicating effectively as a leader is not only required, it is expected for leading others. However, many leaders miss the mark on connecting with their followers because of lack of interest in other's ideas and opinions, out dated management styles, and the inability to work with others. Great leaders consistently strive to strengthen their interpersonal communication competencies by building and maintaining open, supportive, and collaborative relationships with others in the organization (Required, 2011).” According to answers.com (2011), interpersonal skills can be defined as the skills used by a person to properly interact with others. In the business domain, the term generally refers to an employee's ability to get along with others while getting the job done. Interpersonal skills include everything from communication and listening skills to attitude and demeanor. Good interpersonal skills are a prerequisite for many positions in an organization. The following interpersonal skills were listed by Williams (2010) as important interpersonal skills exhibited by leaders: * Active listening- listen...
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...reports and updates. The Team Assessment and the group discussions would seem to indicate that this is a group of individuals that are operating in a very structured environment and while they are referred to as a team they do not actually operate as a team. Each member of the team has specifically assigned tasks which they focus on but these do not combine at a higher level. The team are therefore very task orientated and operate independently of each other. Communication within the team is also a fundamental issue but this may be driven by the task nature of the group which does not require a high level of communication to complete. In assessing the results from the Team Assessment there are a number of areas that are presenting challenges for the team. The results of the assessment indicate that the core challenges for the team centre on interpersonal communication, respect, collaboration and styles. This is not atypical given that call centres can be a loud, fast paced and highly pressurised environment that presents limited opportunities for individuals to work together or operate as a team. The business case for addressing the key issues within the Customer Service Team are both financial and performance related. In 2015 the team had a consistently high absence rate of between 12% to 18% month on month. The team attrition rate of 23% in that year also brought significant...
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...managers, or recovering from a conflict in the workplace. Disagreements and differences of opinion can escalate into interpersonal conflict when varying ideas exist regarding personal and organizational success. The strong drive for work related achievement in some employees can clash with employees who do not emphasize work-related success in their lives. I recently experienced an interpersonal conflict with a coworker who wants to be the “go-to” person for a lot of administrative tasks, but repeatedly falls short on accurately completing or placing the appropriate level of emphasis on these tasks. As a result, there are often costly mistakes or delays that create additional work for other employees and managers. I attempted to discuss some of the issues to gain some insight on why the problems occur. Based on her feedback, I could make some recommendations to improve how tasks related to the support she provides me are completed. During the discussion, the individual got an attitude and insisted the tasks can be completed the way “she’s always done them” and essentially disregarded everything I tried to say. I approached her as a professional and was never disrespectful nor did I speak in an accusatory manner or tone. Given her attitude and the impact her mistakes have on my work, I was obviously very upset. The smartest thing for me to do at that moment was walk away before I said something that would escalate the discussion into a heated argument. This paper will...
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...------------------------------------------------- SKILLS AND LEARNING STATEMENT Research And Analysis Project Meetings with your project mentor and presentation: Before starting my work, I laid a plan for better coordinated results. My first step toward planning was to comprehend the Research and Analysis Project guidelines, which I gathered from ACCA official website. After going through the topic list, I narrowed my choice of topics to three. Then I laid down a schedule for my meetings and discussions that were to take place with my mentor. I also studied some guidelines so that my meeting with my mentor would generate best results and would avoid any misunderstandings. Some of these guidelines were: * To conduct successful meetings you need to be focused * productive meeting need to be very specific and clearly defined * Prepare meeting agenda to use as a roadmap (Sound Business Practices, n.d)42 Before the first meeting, I had an idea of topics that I wanted to pursue and the meeting helped me in making the right choice. I presented my choices to my mentor, who helped me in selection of the right topic that is analyzing business and financial performance of an organization over a three year period. I selected the organization for my research and my mentor briefed me about the details that I needed to study about my chosen organization. During the first meeting I became aware of the research methodology that I could follow...
Words: 2006 - Pages: 9
...GH 60620 LEADERSHIP: THEORY, DISCOVERY & APPLICATION Spring 2016, University of Notre Dame, Eck Institute for Global Health Master of Science in Global Health “Motivation and inspiration energize people, not by pushing them in the right direction as control mechanisms do but by satisfying basic human needs for achievement, a sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, a feeling of control over one's life, and the ability to live up to one's ideals. Such feelings touch us deeply and elicit a powerful response.” - John Kotter INSTRUCTOR Heidi Beidinger-Burnett, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor, Eck Institute for Global Health Office: 120 Brownson Hall Phone: 574.631.7636 Email: hbeiding@nd.edu CLASS TIME Fridays 10:30am – 12:00pm OFFICE HOURS Fridays 12:00pm – 1:00pm (after class) and by appointment COURSE STATUS Required, 1 credit, for Master of Science in Global Health REQUIRED TEXTS Komives, S. R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T. R. (2013). Exploring leadership: For college students who want to make a difference. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. COURSE DESCRIPTION Leadership is the ability to create and communicate a shared vision for a changing future; champion solutions to organizational and community challenges; and energize commitment to goals. The purpose of this course is to support and encourage your development as a global health leader who is focused on the common good and purposeful change. We will explore and study the Relational...
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...evidence that identifying an individual student's learning style produces better outcomes. 2.0 VAK Learning Style There are consist of two learning style. There is VAK learning style and Honey and Mumford learning style. VAK is Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic. People who with visual learning style favoritism for seen or inspect things. For example: pictures, demonstrations, display, films, diagrams, handouts, and flip chat. Beside this, this person will always use the words like` let’s have a look at that’ ` show me’ or ` let’s have a look at that’. Apart from this, they will read the instructions or watching someone else do it first in order to be the best one when perform a new task. This people will write the instruction and direction in order to work from lists. Next, a person who with an auditory learning style, they have a preference for transfer the information by listening of the others people or self spoken, noise and sounds. These people will always use the words like `let’s talk it over’ or `tell me’. These kind of people will concentrate listening to the instructions and they also happy being given spoken instructions over the telephone and can remember all the words to songs that they hear in order to be the best one when perform a new task. Apart from this, the person with a...
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...Introduction: Communication is one of the most frequently discussed dynamic in the entire field of organizational behavior, but it is seldom clearly understood. In practice, effective communication is a basic prerequisite for the attainment of the organizational goals, but it has remained one of the biggest problems facing modern management. Communication is an extremely brad topic and of course is not restricted to the organizational behavior field. Some estimate of the extent of its use go up to about three-fourths of an active human being’s life, and even higher proportions of a typical manager’s time. It is natural that many of our managers fail to communicate effectively with their employees. If history and statistics of the problems and conflicts of our industries are analyzed, it will possibly be seen that about 50% of the same are caused due to communication failures. Communication gaps produces frustration, grievances, agitation, non-cooperation, strike, poor employee performance, increased wastage, higher cost of production, drop in quality, loss in business, gherao etc. etc. Title of the Assignment: “-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”. Purpose of the Project: The purpose of the project is to fulfill partial requirement of the Course of Organization Behavior of University of New Castle MBA program. Objective of the Project: The main objectives of the proposal is to help to prepare...
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...Personality Theory Analysis: Dispositional and Existential Theories Personality Theory Analysis: Dispositional and Existential Theories Introduction The human temperament may be a complicated and complex aspect of human development and evolution. It’s the part of us that makes us who we are. Since the very start, people at large have been making an attempt to grasp each other, and it is with theoretical rationalization that we come virtually close to doing this. Personality theories, overall, are tries created by psychologists and philosophers throughout time to put understanding into something so superficially non-understandable as the huge expanse of the human temperament. Philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle presented this particular question “Who are we?” ; psychoanalyst Freud, Skinner, and Pavlov continued the seek the answers; and many more have additional their takes on- What is so unique about the human mind – what influences the event of the human personality? Here we are going to discuss Dispositional Personality Theories and Existential Personality Theories; we will also discuss their differences and similarities, and their views on situational behavior, temperament features, and social relationships. Existential temperament Theories After the war Angst, came the birth of Existential theory, with a loss of assurance reason and progress (Wyatt, 2010). This led to a craving to come back to reliance on the “inner self”; as a result of after all the sole...
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...Relationship in 21st Century Advanced ORIGINAL 4 42 June © Blackwell 0031-5990 Publishing Perspectives in Psychiatric PPC 2006 Practice PMH2006 Malden, USAARTICLE Care Blackwell Publishing Inc Nursing: Finding Our Core Suzanne Perraud, RN, PhD, Kathleen R. Delaney, RN, DNSc, Linnea Carlson-Sabelli, PhD, APRN, BC, Mary E. Johnson, RN, PhD, Rebekah Shephard, MS, APRN, and Olimpia Paun, APRN, BC, PhD TOPIC. Increasingly, students from various professional backgrounds are enrolling in Psychiatric Mental Health (PMH) Nursing graduate programs, especially at the post-master’s level. Faculty must educate these students to provide increasingly complex care while socializing them as PMH advanced practitioners. PURPOSE. To present how one online program is addressing these issues by reasserting the centrality of the relationship and by assuring it has at least equal footing with the application of a burgeoning knowledge base of neurobiology of mental illness. SOURCES. Published literature from nursing and psychology. CONCLUSIONS. The PMH graduate faculty believes that they have developed strategies to meet this challenge and to help build a PMH workforce that will maintain the centrality of the relationship in PMH practice. Search terms: Nurse–patient relations, psychiatric nursing, empathy, therapeutic relationship, education, nursing, graduate Perspectives in Psychiatric Care Vol. 42, No. 4, November, 2006 Suzanne Perraud, RN, PhD...
Words: 7439 - Pages: 30
...Evaluate the claim that Person-Centred Therapy offers the Therapist all that he/she will need to treat clients. Contents Introduction Carl Rogers. Background and Influences Theoretical Constructs Strengths and Weaknesses Conclusion Notes References Introduction In this essay I will be discussing the viability of Person-Centred Therapy as an exclusive method of treatment for clients. Without an appreciation of this approach it would be difficult to judge the merits of the claim as laid out in the main essay title. Therefore I will begin with an introduction to Carl Rogers, his background and influences. In this essay I will explore the main theoretical constructs. Following on from this I will look at the advantages of this approach and consider its success in treating psychological disorders. Although Carl Rogers inspired many, he was not without his Critics. Therefore I will include the difficulties and doubts expressed by other Practitioners in order to get an opposing viewpoint. I will end with my evaluation of the claim itself and the reasons why I have arrived at my conclusions. Carl Rogers Background and Influences Carl Rogers was born in Illinois, Chicago, in 1902. His parents were middle-class, respectable and hard-working. His Father was a Civil Engineer and his Mother a stay-at-home housewife. Carl was the fourth child in a family of six children. Rogers’...
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...Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Studies Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills Front Office Department, h e M a l d i T January 2012 ves National University 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 COMMUNICATION SKILLS COMMUNICATION BARRIERS FEEDBACK TELEPHONE TECHNIQUES WORKING WITH OTHERS LEADERSHIP AND NETWORKING PRESENTATION SKILLS Page 03 Page 06 Page 08 Page 09 Page 14 Page 17 Page 19 Interpersonal Skills Front Office Department, January 2012 2 CHAPTER 1 COMMUNICATION SKILLS In this Chapter; Definition of communication and its process Major parties, tools and functions of communication Types of communication Barriers to communication and ways to overcome them Effective, active listening skills and ways to avoid distractions Interpersonal Skills Front Office Department, January 2012 3 Introduction The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and unambiguously. Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. And it's a process that can be fraught with error, with messages often misinterpreted by the recipient. When this isn't detected, it can cause tremendous confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity. In fact, communication is only successful when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication. By successfully getting your message across, you convey your...
Words: 12092 - Pages: 49
...is individually responsible for the success of change. _____2. During a conflict, persons should be expected to explain their unintended remarks. _____3. Political players often rely on outside consultants to further their agenda. _____4. Visibility is an important power technique. _____5. Reducing uncertainty assists change, but can create greater individual power. Multiple Choice. Three points each. _____6. When interpersonal problems emerge, your boss brings everyone together to work out problems. He will go along with any solution selected, so long as it is at all reasonable. This style of handling interpersonal conflict can be described as: a. avoidance. b. compromise. c. accommodation. d. none of the above. _____7. The sale of your company’s super-computer to one of your major customers has not been progressing well. You are well-aware that the super-computer is a very expensive product. Your customer has given you one last chance to explain the merits of your product. What method of communication would you use to do this explanation? You would: a. send the customer a well-written letter, and then you would call her up and check if she needs any clarification. b. Make a video-tape in which you explain the merits of your product as clearly as possible. c. Meet with the customer and explain the merits of your product as clearly as possible. d. Send your top sales person for a face-to-face meeting with the customer...
Words: 3119 - Pages: 13
...organization is individually responsible for the success of change. __F_2. During a conflict, persons should be expected to explain their unintended remarks. __T_3. Political players often rely on outside consultants to further their agenda. __T_4. Visibility is an important power technique. __T_5. Reducing uncertainty assists change, but can create greater individual power. Multiple Choice. Three points each. B_6. When interpersonal problems emerge, your boss brings everyone together to work out problems. He will go along with any solution selected, so long as it is at all reasonable. This style of handling interpersonal conflict can be described as: a. avoidance. b. compromise. c. accommodation. d. none of the above. C_7. The sale of your company’s super-computer to one of your major customers has not been progressing well. You are well-aware that the super-computer is a very expensive product. Your customer has given you one last chance to explain the merits of your product. What method of communication would you use to do this explanation? You would: a. send the customer a well-written letter, and then you would call her up and check if she needs any clarification. b. Make a video-tape in which you explain the merits of your product as clearly as possible. c. Meet with the customer and explain the merits of your product as clearly as possible. d. Send your top sales person for a face-to-face meeting with the customer...
Words: 3120 - Pages: 13
...Introduction I. United Healthcare – The assessment A. Determine the “Good” of the Organization 1. Historical Moment A. Dwelling Place B. Community of Memory B. Multiplicity of communication ethics 1. Define Communication Ethics for United Healthcare 2. Organizational Culture 3. Power and Leadership A. High Power B. Monological arrogance C. Dialogic Ethics 1. 2. 3. 4. Attentiveness Ground of Self Ground of Other Dialogic Civility II. United Healthcare – The analysis A. Codes, Procedures, guidelines 1. Internet Ethics A. Dehumanization B. Fair and equal opportunity C. Formal code of Ethics 2. Contextual Communication Ethics A. Eye of the Beholder B. Culture, Diversity, and communication B. Democratic Communication ethics 1. The habit of search 2. The habit of justice 3. The habit of preferring public to private motivations 4. The habit for respect for dissent A. Interpersonal Responsibility B. Accountability 1. Evaluation and the Good Conclusion 2 Ruth Ragatz Dr. Fritz COMM 494W-75 October 12, 2013 ORGANIZATIONAL BULLYING: ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL EMAIL In the 21st century, organizations have benefitted from technological advances such as; the internet, mobile phones, computers, instant messaging, and even the ability for employees to work in cyberspace. These advances have been able to speed up certain processes and allow for communication to occur on almost any level (email, text, Skype, Face Time, or instant messenger) resulting in profits and growth...
Words: 4042 - Pages: 17
...Group & Organization Management http://gom.sagepub.com/ Assessing Communication Competency for Intercultural Adaptation Brent D. Ruben Group & Organization Management 1976 1: 334 DOI: 10.1177/105960117600100308 The online version of this article can be found at: http://gom.sagepub.com/content/1/3/334 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com Additional services and information for Group & Organization Management can be found at: Email Alerts: http://gom.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://gom.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://gom.sagepub.com/content/1/3/334.refs.html >> Version of Record - Sep 1, 1976 What is This? Downloaded from gom.sagepub.com at University College London on July 15, 2014 Assessing Communication Competency for Intercultural Adaptation BRENT D. RUBEN of the recurrent problems associated with interpersonal, group, organizational, and intercultural training in communication is the assessment of outcomes. An approach is suggested for the evaluation of training and selection of programs utilizing behavioral assessment of One participants’ or communication competence. The method involves the systematic collection and analysis of behavioral observation data along one predetermined dimensions by one or more observers. Prelimiof pilot instruments indicates that the methodology provides a relatively...
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