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President Bill Clinton's Foreign Policy

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President Bill Clinton, who was America’s 42nd president. In many ways, he followed in the footsteps of Jimmy Carter. One of the ways he is most well known was his view on foreign policies.

Clinton valued a strong foreign policy. He believed that when nations stood together, united, we could take on anything. Having a solid foreign policy would also help reflect the American morals and promote humanitarian goals. With a close network of international allies, Clinton also worked to expand the “world’s free community of market democracies.”

“Everything from the strength of our economy to the safety of our cities, to the health of our people depends on events not only within our border but half a world away.” -Bill Clinton

Because …show more content…
This helped with the flow of international goods, services, and investments by getting rid of barriers such as tariffs. NAFTA helped start the World Trade Center (WTC)

Many argued and debated over whether the new trade agreements would encourage global competition, boost American export industries and create higher wage jobs or if it would simply decrease the US industrial base and speed up environmental problems.

Clinton’s foreign policy also led to America joining many wars, one being the crisis in Kosovo, Yugoslavia between the Serbs and the Albanians. When NATO authorized air raids, armed forces began to attack the Serbian forces. Basically, the US intervened because of the Clinton Doctrine. It stated that the U.S. could intervene “on the grounds of strategic interest and national security” Clinton stated that “Genocide is in and of itself a national interest where we should act.” Pg 921

But Clinton did not interfere in 1994 in Rwanda. Many people were upset about the fact that the government knew full well what was going on and did …show more content…
For 17 years, this law sent a message that discrimination was acceptable.

The policy was (Links to an external site.)passed in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. It was initially a compromise. The law allowed people who were gay to serve in the army with all other soldiers, but only as long as their sexual orientation was not discussed or revealed. This was considered a major improvement from an earlier law that totally banned homosexuals from serving. Since the law was enacted, nearly 14,000 soldiers have been discharged from the military for breaking Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

AIDS was listed as one reason for the military's policy toward people who were gay because many still believe that only gay people carried the disease. Many people argued over whether gay solders should be placed in the same living areas as straight soldiers.

Transnational communities are groups made up of people who are from different national societies. They are united in common interests or living styles such as religions or languages. People who belong to transnational communities use their networks to strengthen harmony and agreements between

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