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Presidential Powers and the Constitution


Submitted By rwt2289
Words 1361
Pages 6
R...... Supreme Court Essay #1 10/31/14

Since the American Revolution and the creation of a new nation under a written Constitution, the Framers of the United States had a vision of a republic that shared the balance of governance within a three branch system; each designed to organize a balance of power whereby Constitutional division of powers provide each branch the means to frustrate the goals favored by a single branch; in an attempt to promote interbranch cooperation. The Framers had extreme distrust in a large national government and especially in the case of executive power due to the events that led to the Revolutionary War. However, by the time the Constitutional Convention, most of the Framers were convinced of the need for a strong and independent executive at the national level. They also took steps to ensure the executive position could act with the necessary decisiveness and dispatch, most importantly the President was granted extensive powers, primarily the enumerated powers found in Article II of the Constitution. Despite the absence of a written provision of separation of powers in the Constitution, the Framers believed the principle to be implicit within the structure of government under the document. As John Marshall stated the framers sought to create a Constitution “intended to endure for ages to come and consequently to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs”. The ideas within the Constitution are seemingly designed to create perfect harmony, however, conflict and power struggles are as age old as the Constitution itself. Within five years of its ratification James Madison and Alexander Hamilton were at ends over the Constitutionality of President George Washington to issue a proclamation of American neutrality in the war between France and

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