Premium Essay

Preventing Teen Pregnancy


Submitted By llanez25
Words 1322
Pages 6
Adrian Llañez
Dr. Susan Cardenas
HL S 301V
4 May 2014

Preventing Teen Pregnancy

Sexuality is a huge, broad topic. When breaking it all down, one thing stands out to me: teen pregnancy. This topic is one of major debate and draws the attention of several governments worldwide to help prevent a problematic trend. While there are several agencies in the United States designed to educate and attempt to lower the teen pregnancy rate, the United States still maintains one of the highest rates in the world. I believe that while we in the United States try to lower this rate, we are not doing enough to educate and better inform the youth. We need to invest in comprehensive sex education and change the messages were sending teens through the media. I’m from an area where teen pregnancy is a norm. It frightens me knowing that my two younger sisters may become part of a tragic statistic. People blow off teen pregnancy like it is not a big deal, but we need to fix the “solutions” that our government has set out. We have several programs currently available to youth in the United States one of which is sex education. However the media play the most negative role in offsetting the work we as a society perform to help our teens be healthy and not fall into a trap. While sexuality is completely natural and healthy, teens are still not fully aware of some of the consequences that come with teen sex. The first thing I see that needs to be changed is our sex education system. The United States has two major forms of sex education: abstinence only and comprehensive sex education. The first, abstinence only, has been the program of choice for our government to fund. However, research has shown little promise since its emergence. “Studies overwhelmingly have found little or no evidence that abstinence-only courses change teen sexual behavior in ways that would avert

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