Premium Essay

Principles of Management Applied Research


Submitted By lisajal04
Words 3812
Pages 16



Diversity Management 4

Ethical, Social, and Legal Responsibilities 5

International Business 5

General Planning & Strategic Planning 6 Organizing Work and Synergism 6

Organization Structure and Chart 7 Work Team Utilization 8

Staffing 8 Employee Training and Development 9

Motivating Employees 9

Leadership and Management 10 Managing Conflict and Stress 11

Managing Change 11 Controlling 12

Appraising and Rewarding 13

Operations Management and Plans 13

Operations Control 14

September 27th marked the twelfth birthday of search engine empire Google. This “easy to use, searchable directory” (Goldman, 2008) initially operated out of a couple of dorm rooms and a garage serving Stanford University’s needs. Now, the monster processes over 150 million searches a day—a number that grows with every day that passes, has about 10,000 employees and is headquartered out of their “Googleplex” in Mountain View, California. Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin baptized their baby with the name Google which derives from “googol—a mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros” (Corporate Overview, 2010). In the fourth quarter of 2009 the empire reported revenues of $6.67 billion. Google and their 1.3 million square foot giant is an organization that is ran far differently from any other. The Googleplex houses “service cafeterias, crammed conference rooms, hallway bull sessions, all of it is surrounded by sandy volleyball courts, youngsters whizzing by on scooters, and an

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