Premium Essay

Principles of Management


Submitted By lmartin8
Words 763
Pages 4
Describe the events that led up to the 2008-2009 global economic crisis.
Was 2008-2009 the beginning of the global financial crisis or did it start earlier? I believe it started in 2007 when all around the world the stock markets fell, even as large financial institutions were collapsing and being bought out, governments all over the world, including some of the wealthiest had to come up with bail outs for their finances.
There are several major reasons for the fallout. The first one that comes to mind are the mortgage supplemented products, such as risky mortgages that were being packaged with more secure mortgages and sold to investors and banks as secure investment products. When in actuality it was a cover up of the risks that were linked with this product which grew into a lending criteria. Which leads us to the bankers. There is no doubt that some of the blame for the global economic crisis has to lie with them, for the way in which they packaged and sold mortgage products. Next came the selling of mortgages all over the world with buyers that could not afford to repay the borrowing. More people were defaulting on loans and housing prices went down. Inflation has to be another factor that needs to be looked at. The bailing out of banks by the Federal Reserve made it easy to print out huge amounts of money to grant financial assistance. The American dollar is now going down the tube due to the influx of new money circulating around the country.
In 2008 the Lehman Brothers were turned down for support from the Federal Reserve and were forced to file bankruptcy. On the same day Merrill Lynch announced the purchase of Bank of America and on the 16th AIG got a whopping $85 billion form the Federal Reserve to help bail them out of trouble. Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae became nationalized in order to stay financially stable and the stock market around the world

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