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Submitted By hubbell11
Words 1097
Pages 5

Anthoney N. Rigdon

Ogeechee Technical College Law Enforcement Academy


In this paper, legal terminology such as mens rea, actus reus, causation, knowing, reckless, negligent, strict liability, inchoate offenses, preparation and attempt, conspiracy, impossibility doctrine, and living document will be discussed. Also, examples will be provided to help the reader better understand what each word means and how it relates to society and events that could occur. The difference between preparation and attempt will be determined, as will the difference between factual impossibility and legal impossibility.

1. Mens rea means a guilty mind. Meaning you should’ve known what you were doing, it is necessary to be proven in a crime. For example, when 911 happened, the terrorist that took over the planes were acting out of mens rea, they had to be in a certain state of mind, and aware of what they were doing in order to carry out the criminal act.
2. Actus reus means a guilty act, unaware of the crime, whether its voluntary or involuntary. For example, if a woman in her thirties (or over 18) were to have sexual intercourse with a boy under 18 while she is drunk, she could get into trouble. But she is unaware of the crime she has committed because of her unconscious state of mind.
3. Causation is based on the elements that contribute to making up the criminal offenses. There must be a guilty act and the needed guilty mind. Say a person were to be preoccupied with their phone, and a deer ran out in front of them. They swerve to miss the deer and wreck as a result. But the phone is still in their hand. The “causation” would be that the wreck was a result of texting and driving.
4. Being aware of the outcome of the crime is known as knowing. As an example, Michael

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