...job and would be able to respond to these types of incidents in the future. 2) Using exhibit 10-2, explain what BP could have done better? First BP would have to actually measure their real performance and practices. This would have consisted of receiving information from their workers on the rig to know if they are actually productive in a proper manner. Once that information was sent in and analyzed by BP it should have been compared to both the internal requirements and the external regulations for oil drilling operations. When all of the issues had risen they needed to be taken with extremely high regard by all employees in the company so appropriate action could be taken to prevent the explosion that unfortunately happened. Management needed to act swiftly and be at hand to prevent and identify these problems. 3) Why do you think the company employees ignored the red flags? How could such behavior be changed in the future? The only thing that BP really cared about was there profits, they decided to...
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...Neil Young, Ciera Ratliff, Sharyl Stewart 6/9/13 FIN/370 Caledonia Products Integrative Problem Mini-Case Questions Ms. Nicole L. Givens 1. Why should Caledonia focus on project free cash flows as opposed to the accounting profits earned by the projects when analyzing whether to undertake the project? The focus should be on free cash flows rather than accounting profits because these are the flows that the firm receives and can reinvest. After correctly examining cash flows an analyze of the timing of the benefit or cost can be done correctly. Incremental cash flows should be looked at the project from the point of the company as a whole; the incremental cash flows are the marginal benefits from the project and, as such, are the increased value to the firm from accepting the project. 2. What are the incremental cash flows for the projects in year 1 through 5 and how do these cash flows differ from accounting profits or earrings? In years through 5 the incremental cash flow data indicates the cash flows peak a year 3 which increased the positive cash flow. It did drop in year for and five but was greater then years 1 and 2. We can see a positive cash flow balance although there was a revenue drop. Incremental cash flow differs from accounting profits because accounting profits include taxes and cash flow does not. 3. What is the project initial outlay? The project...
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...of Technology Author(s): Bruce Kogut and Udo Zander Source: Organization Science, Vol. 3, No. 3, Focused Issue: Management of Technology (Aug., 1992), pp. 383-397 Summary: Carlos Ip Introduction: Why firms exist? A prevailing view is that firms serve to keep in check transaction costs from self-interested motivations of individuals. Authors said that firms do better than markets in sharing and trasnfer of knowledge of individuals and groups within an organization. Knowledge is held by individuals, but is also expressed in regularities by which members cooperate in a social community (i.e. group, organization, network). • Suggesting that firms learn new skills by recombining their current capabilties. • Growth occurs by building on social relationship existed in a firm. • Cumulative knowledge of the firm provides options to expand in new but uncertain markets in the future. Paradox identified: firm growth efforts by replication of its technology enhances potential for imitation. Authors view the central competitive dimension of what firms know how to do is to create and transfer knowledge efficiently within an organization content, • Suggest that organizations are social communities in which individual and social expertise is transformed into economically useful products and services by the application of a set of higher-order organizing princples. • Firms exist because they provide a social community of voluntaristic action structured by organizing principles...
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...DAFTAR PUSTAKA Anoraga, Pandji. 2001. Psikologi Kepemimpinan, Cetakan Ketiga, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. Ansar. 1999. Studi Tentang Manajemen Konflik Pada Kantor Pemerintah Kotamadaya Daerah Tingkat II Gorontalo, Tesis, Program Pasacasarjana Universitas Hasanuddin, Ujung Pandang. Arifin, Rois, dkk. 2003. Perilaku Organisasi, Edisi Pertama, Cetakan Pertama, Bayumedia, Malang. Arfani, Noer Riza. 2005. Governance dan Pengelolaan Konflik, Makalah disampaikan pada “Worshop Analisis Kebijakan Publik, Magister Studi Kebijakan UGM, Yogyakarta. Babbie, Earl. 1990. Survey Research Methods, Scond Edition, Wadsworth Publishing Company Belmont, California. Barnard, Chester I. 1938. The Functions of The Executive, Harvard University Press, Cambride, Mass. Beetham, David. 1996. Concepts in Social Thougt : Bureucracy, Second Edition, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Bennis, Warren G. 1969. Organizational Development, Its Nature, Origins and Prospects, Addison Wesley, Reading Mass. Bertrand, L. Alvin. 1974. Social Organization : A General Systems and Role Theory Perspective, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. Blau, M Peter dan M. W. Meyer. 1987. Birokrasi Masyarakat Modern, Edisi Kedua, Cetakan Pertama, Alih Bahasa Gary Rachman Jusuf, UI-Press, Jakarta. Bryant dan White. 1987. Manajemen Pembangunan Untuk Negara Berkembang, Cetakan Pertama, Alih Bahasa Rusyanto L. Simatupang, LP3ES, Jakarta. Bradford, D. Kevin, dkk. 2001. Managing Conflict to Improve the Efectiveness...
Words: 1978 - Pages: 8
...Name:_Xing Li _____________ FINAL EXAM PRINCPLES of MARKITING Winter 2012 1. A lifestyle center is a? D A) pedestrian center B) psychographic centric segment C) family centric segment D) shopping center E) upscale center segment 2. Industries often have an established company that is a price leader. When competitors “meet” the leader’s price, the competitor is pursuing a ______?_____ strategy? B A) price war B) pull C) maximization D) status quo E) elasticity 3. All of the following statements about branding are true except? C A) Branding facilitates buying. B) Branding may provide psychological benefits for the buyer. C) Branding differentiates a firm's products from competitors. D) Branding helps focus and facilitate marketing efforts. E) Branding guarantees that the consumer will be satisfied with the product's quality. 4. The goal of follow-up of sales by a salesperson is to build customer? E A) knowledge B) competence C) differentiation D) technical expertise E) loyalty 5. According to the traditional demand curve, a low price will result in: D A) a reduction in the quantity demanded. B) a reduction in the quantity produced. C) an increase derived demand. D) an increase in the quantity...
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...1.0 Introduction Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala has commenced the revelation of the Holy Qur’an by mentioning regarding the importance of Knowledge,the challenges of modern times call for rebuilding the structure of our educational program on such a foundation as to fulfill our spiritual as well as temporary obligations. Secular for this day to day dwelling and religious for his smooth life on earth and hereafter. Education in Islam is not only getting decent earnings but practicing it in real life for the betterment of the others. It was as a result of application of knowledge that Muslims were the superpower of the world for twelve centuries. Knowledge is the most important thing in one’s life. Today we need an education system which can produce, Muslim philosopher, Muslim scientist, Muslim economist, Muslim jurist, Muslim statesman, in brief, Muslim experts in all fields of knowledge who would reconstruct the social order in accordance with the tenets of Islam. There are two kinds of knowledge: Religious knowledge and Secular knowledge..both kinds of knowledge’s are very important for a human being. 2.0 The main idea Islamic education is the one w which covers the social aspects of a human being including the process of character development and good social behavior. Sculars concludes that these three terms suggests a possible analysis in three areas of Muslim education; ‘(a) aiding individual development, (b) increasing understanding of society and its social and moral...
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...Nearly Free.com HR Orientation Project Leadership Assessment U10a1 Project Assignment TS5335 – Project Leadership and Management March 16, 2012 Submitted By Richard Lesh Table of Contents Abstract 3 NearlyFree.com EOLMS Project Summary 4 Project Description 4 Project Scope 4 Team Members 5 Budget 6 Schedule 7 Risks 7 Organizational Assessment 9 Leadership Aspects 9 Project Effectiveness 9 Leadership vs. Management 11 Organizational Leadership Assessment (OLA) and Team Effectiveness Questionnaire (TEQ) 13 Assessing NearlyFree.com using the OLA and TEQ method 14 Leadership Assessment Metrics 15 Traditional Leadership Assessment 15 Using Myers-Briggs for Leadership Assessment 15 360° Feedback Assessment 16 NearlyFree.com Approach 17 Best Practices and Measuring Success 18 Learning Development Best Practices 18 Instructional Design Best Practices 18 Measuring the Project’s Success 20 Effective Project Teams 20 Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS) 20 Conclusion 22 References 24 Appendix A 26 Abstract Successful project outcomes are in large part dependent upon the leadership skills of the project manager. As project management students, we have been taught the management facets of our profession. We have learned how to produce a project’s scope, schedule, and budget. We have learned how to recognize and mitigate potential risks factors. However, leadership skills are often overshadowed...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Today’s world is the booming of technological industry. Courses like Hotel and Restaurant Management are being upgrade as people go through information age. If we look at the hotels in the city, Hotel's are using the new form of technology, including the interior design, tools, room and kitchen equipments to provide the accurate service to guests. According to the Oxford English dictionary, Hospitality means the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers with liberality and good will. The Hotel and Restaurant Management Curriculum provides a synthesis of different skills, concepts and principles specializing in hospitality training. It involves the study and application of practical and managerial knowledge and functions such as hotel and restaurant operations, culinary arts, food service, hospitality education and research that are essential in preparing the students to become adept future restaurateurs and hoteliers. In the broadest sense, information refers to both the hardware and software that are used to store, retrieve, and manipulate information. At the lowest level people have the servers with an operating system. Installed on these servers are things like database and web serving software. The servers are connected to each other and to users via network infrastructure. And the users accessing these servers have their own hardware, operating system, and software tools. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the...
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...___________________________________________________________________________ Ojaman University Basketball Case Study Report Project Report submitted to Cardiff Metropolitan University In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of MASTER OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT By: Mazen Al Oud (Cardiff: st20080272, BAL: 20140217) Word Count: 5,909 Under the Guidance of: Mr. Hadi Mattar January 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________ Executive Summary This report presents an analysis and evaluation of decisions taken by the Ojaman University management and the data presented by the heads of departments in the university. Methods and tools of operations management are used to analyse results and to assess decisions. Data analysis shows gaps in the information provided by the management team; some information was insufficient and some important information was neglected. The report describes improvement areas that require further investigation and remedial actions by the university management. The report also shows that some of the analysis conducted by the university management has limitations, mainly related to information about supply chain management, ticketing profits, additional overhead, consumables, quality standards, specifications and staff salaries. Contents Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 2 Forecasting and Strategic...
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...International Journal of Economics, Management & Accounting 19, no. 1 (2011): 1-26 © 2011 by The International Islamic University Malaysia METHODOLOGY OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS: OVERVIEW OF PRESENT STATE AND FUTURE DIRECTION* Mohamed Aslam Haneefa and Hafas Furqanib Department of Economics, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Email: mdaslam@iiu. edu.my) b Department of Economics, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Email: hafasf@gmail.com) a ABSTRACT This paper argues that research and publications in the area of methodology of Islamic economics is very significant for a meaningful development of the discipline. Although the discussion on methodology of Islamic economics in contemporary Islamic economics literature is rather limited, this paper reviews the works of selected scholars who have attempted to present works on ‘methodology’ and their approach to the process of theory building in Islamic economics. The paper then presents some implications of these views based on the position that methodology investigates the criteria, rationalizations, arguments and justifications used in theory appraisal as well as evaluating the reliability of theories, this paper concludes that greater resources, both human and financial, need to be channeled to developing uÎūl al-iqtiÎād, a fundamental, but vastly, neglected area of research in contemporary Islamic economics...
Words: 10008 - Pages: 41
...This article was downloaded by: [UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE LIBRARY] On: 10 May 2012, At: 20:20 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Sustainable Tourism Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rsus20 Synergies between Australian indigenous tourism and ecotourism: possibilities and problems for future development Jeremy Buultjens , Deborah Gale & Nadine Elizabeth White a a b a Regional Futures Institute, School of Commerce and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia b School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia Available online: 23 Apr 2010 To cite this article: Jeremy Buultjens, Deborah Gale & Nadine Elizabeth White (2010): Synergies between Australian indigenous tourism and ecotourism: possibilities and problems for future development, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18:4, 497-513 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669581003653518 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-andconditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly...
Words: 9972 - Pages: 40
...of Management Accounting Research Edited by Christopher S. Chapman, Anthony G. Hopwood and Michael D. Shields r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved Management Accounting and Operations Management: Understanding the Challenges from Integrated Manufacturing Allan Hansen and Jan Mouritsen Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Abstract: Innovations in operations management, like just-in-time, total quality management, automation, have produced a new manufacturing paradigm that challenges management accounting design and practices. The new manufacturing paradigm, which we conceptualise as integrated manufacturing, focuses upon the lateral flow of products and services, and thereby confronts management accounting ideals of hierarchical flows of information for planning and control. In this chapter, we take a closer look at management accounting research and the responses that have been made to the challenge from the new operational practices. We examine the extent to which changes in management accounting practices are observed, and the way in which design changes are recommended within organisations committed to the new manufacturing paradigm. Furthermore, we reflect upon the role of accounting as a management tool in integrated manufacturing, and on possible future research questions, so as to enrich our knowledge of the management accounting/operations management interface. Introduction Innovations in operations management (OM) have challenged management accounting...
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...Chapter 1 PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Every student knows McDonalds inside and outside the campus, in every corner of the street, in cities even on commercial places in provinces. Child and adult are part for its everyday success. The fast growth of fast food industry in the Philippines led some observers to say that we are now on the burger generation. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is an approach to brand communication where the different modes work together to create a seamless experience for the customers and are presented with a similar tone and style that reinforces the brands core message. Its goal is to make all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, online communication and social media work together as unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation, which maximize their cost effectiveness (Clow and Baack, 2006). Marketers believe that quality products may not sustain its sales unless appropriate marketing communication is employed. Thus, IMC has been conceptualized to explore all the means in order to reach every member of the target market. For IMC to work well, it requires a lot of planning and right timing for its implementation. Food establishment like McDonalds utilize IMC to attain a variety of objectives. McDonald offer a pleasant alternative to eating where in one can choose any variety of foods and offers a well prepared hot...
Words: 11797 - Pages: 48
...Organizational Theory, Design, and Change Jones 6th Edition Test Bank Click here to download the solutions manual / test bank INSTANTLY!!! http://solutionsmanualtestbanks.blogspot.com/2011/10/organizational-theory-d esign-and-change_18.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Theory, Theory, Theory, Theory, Design, Design, Design, Design, and and and and Change Change Change Change Jones Jones Jones Jones 6th 6th 6th 6th Edition Edition Edition Edition Test Test Test Test Bank Bank Bank Bank -------------------------------------------------------------------------***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book*** Name: Organizational Theory, Design, and Change Author: Jones Edition: 6th ISBN-10: 0136087310 Type: Test Bank - The test bank is what most professors use an a reference when making exams for their students, which means there’s a very high chance that you will see a very similar, if not exact the exact, question in the test! - The file is either in .doc, .pdf, excel, or zipped in the package and can easily be read on PCs and Macs. - Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our response is the fastest. All questions will always be answered in 6 hours. This is the quality of service we are providing and we hope to be your...
Words: 29834 - Pages: 120
...Computer Organization and Design The Hardware/Software Interface F I F T H E D I T I O N David A. Patterson University of California, Berkeley John L. Hennessy Stanford University With contributions by Perry Alexander The University of Kansas Peter J. Ashenden Ashenden Designs Pty Ltd Jason D. Bakos University of South Carolina Javier Bruguera Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Jichuan Chang Hewlett-Packard Matthew Farrens University of California, Davis David Kaeli Northeastern University Nicole Kaiyan University of Adelaide David Kirk NVIDIA James R. Larus School of Computer and Communications Science at EPFL Jacob Leverich Hewlett-Packard Kevin Lim Hewlett-Packard John Nickolls NVIDIA John Oliver Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Milos Prvulovic Georgia Tech Partha Ranganathan Hewlett-Packard Table of Contents Cover image Title page In Praise of Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Fifth Edition Front-matter Copyright Dedication Acknowledgments Preface About This Book About the Other Book Changes for the Fifth Edition Changes for the Fifth Edition Concluding Remarks Acknowledgments for the Fifth Edition 1. Computer Abstractions and Technology 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture 1.3 Below Your Program 1.4 Under the Covers 1.5 Technologies for Building Processors and Memory 1.6 Performance 1.7 The Power Wall 1.8 The Sea Change: The Switch from Uniprocessors to Multiprocessors 1.9 Real Stuff: Benchmarking...
Words: 79060 - Pages: 317