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Comparing The Dark Knight Returns And Joe Shuster's Superman

...With a comic book industry almost completely constructed of funny cartoons and detective based mysteries America needed something fresh. The “Golden Age” of comics started off with fan favorites like Superman, Batman, and Wonder woman. All of which revolved around sad stories of orphanage and living their life to fight crime for the greater good none of which were that original. Many years and further thoughts of storyline brought a landmark pair of graphic novels from 1986, Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's The Watchmen, which ushered in an age of superheroes that sided with the “bad guys” to introduce sympathy for why the villain does what they do. Despite these modifications the superhero continues to...

Words: 841 - Pages: 4

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His Cape of Stars and Stripes

...strengthen people’s moral values. One great example of a superhero that must be the inspiration of many is Superman. Superman is famous for his big muscles coupled with super strength and other special powers. But, his fans did not base their love and awe on these. First, they love Superman for his humanity despite not being human. Many of his fans even believe that Superman is more human than humans. Humanity here means the sense of people to be a group and not to be ignorant individuals. Superman believes that it is true that humans must climb their own destiny but they still need him to catch them when they fall. This is because he cares unconditionally. Moreover, despite the lurking evil everywhere, he still believes in the inherent good nature of people. Second, Superman, for them, is more than just a crime buster. He is, as his “S” symbol say in Kryptonian, the hope for all. Third, Superman is not a superhero because of his powers. He is a superhero because of his ability to prevail despite how difficult the condition is. Regardless of his tragic childhood without guiding parents, he faces life with a smile. Superman, then, is a good man. And a good man is an American. Some would argue and say, “No, he’s an alien!” I could go shallow and reply, “No, he lives in America and he works in a metropolitan newspaper in America. So, he’s an American,” or I can prove that Superman is an American through Woodrow Wilson’s definition. First, a...

Words: 705 - Pages: 3