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Superman Film Analysis

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Ten seconds of the Superman theme song

Heather: Hello and welcome to the Great Comic Debate. I’m Heather.
Ansel: And I’m Ansel.
Heather: We’ll be guiding you through the world of mainstream comics. Today we’ll be discussing a possible return of the multiverse format in both Marvel and DC comics.
Ansel: We’ll also be talking about the harmful impact the cinematic universes has had within the comics.
Evil Laugh sound
Heather: Has it really been so awful?
Ansel: Marvel eliminated the multiverse because of the movies.
Heather: That sounds like speculation.
Siren sound goes off
Ansel: Why else would they remove the multiverse if not because it was too complicated for everyday moviegoers? How was someone who had never read a multi-arc comic supposed to understand infinite earths? …show more content…
It also doesn’t explain DC’s lack of a multiverse however, I do appreciate rebirth and its improved story arcs from the troubling new 52.
Ansel: (chuckles) Troubling is a pleasant way to say complete disaster. The comics only improved because the films are disliked to the point that the comics don’t want any relation.
Train wreck sound
Heather: The TV shows for DC are still decent and their animation team is the winner of any comparison between the universes.
Ansel: You’re being nice.
Heather: I am just trying to argue against multiverses. I have nothing against the films popularizing comics right now.
Suspicious song plays
Ansel: Doesn’t one cause the other?
Heather: There’s no causation only correlation.
Ansel: I believe in a multiverse more than you do, even. It allows for more creative storytelling and independence.
Heather: For the writers at least. One shared universe is troublesome especially when there’s five different Spiderman inhabiting it.
Ansel: Also, like 20

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