...How to Put a Pep in Your Step Confidence is commonly confused with cockiness and vainglory. Confidence is self-assurance and content, which unfortunately is sparse among today’s youth with everyone conforming to blend with society and expectations. Confidence starts with you and being able to fully accept , love, and be happy with yourself. Changing your way of thinking, your looks, what you wear, or how you speak will not change who you are and may only temporarily boost your confidence. To fully and truly love yourself, one must eliminate any and all doubts instilled by others. No one should ever be quick to judge another. In accordance, you must also learn to turn your flaws into exceptional, or favorable traits. Embrace them. Use them to help you stand out. Own them! Rather it be weight, hair style, a disability, etcetera. Know that you are unique and there is only one you. Your looks, your personality, your voice, your thoughts. It is only then that you will begin to feel comfortable in your own skin. Another step of equal importance is maintaining optimism. With an optimistic attitude, you will always have confidence. Confident that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, no matter what the steaks. Pessimism invites uncertainty, unreliability and indecisiveness, which can result in low self esteem, and low confidence. Although image should not be the brunt or main extent of your new found confidence, it definitely helps with self-esteem. There is no...
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...People love pets. For many, this love starts at an early age, either growing up with a pet or knowing someone that has one. As we get older, many of us want pets so that we may continue that relationship. However, as children, we are not aware of the responsibility that comes with pet ownership and some individuals find they no longer can provide for or want the pet. It is vital, not only for the individual but also the pet that we all be responsible pet owners. The path to becoming a responsible pet owner does not begin with purchasing a pet. It starts with a self-assessment on one’s life. Most of us have an idea of the type of pet that we want already be it a dog, a cat, or a bird, but before someone can even reach that stage, the prospective pet owner needs to look inward. Let’s say Joe wants a dog; specifically a Labrador. As a future pet owner, how much time does Joe have to care for a dog if he works 50 hours per week, golfs on the weekends and lives alone? What if Joe lives in a 400 square foot apartment in New York City? In Joe’s case, it might not be the best for him or the prospective pet if he plans on maintaining his current lifestyle. Future pet owners need to examine all aspects of their personal life, including their living environment. A prospective pet not only needs the proper amount of space and attention, but also may require hours of training, regular exercise, or have particular needs. Following the self-assessment, pet selection is the next...
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...Maintaining a personal computer is fairly simple. As I currently own a Dell Studio XPS desktop run with a Microsoft Windows 7 program and using Internet Explorer 7, this guide will focus on maintaining this specific machine and these specific programs. There are two basic components that require attention; your software and hard drive and your hardware and CPU. Let’s begin with maintaining your software and hard drive. When you use your computer for internet browsing, cookies are attached to your machine. So, what is a cookie? According to the Microsoft website, “Cookies are small files that websites put on your computer hard disk drive when you first visit.” Cookies in and of themselves are not necessarily damaging, but they can use up valuable space on your machine. You must regularly delete cookies or they will slow down your computer. There are several ways to do this. I currently use CC Cleaner. This is a free download that will allow you to clean up both cookies and caches. A cache is a collection of data. It is fairly straightforward to run CC Cleaner. Simply download from http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner and then follow the program directions. You may also use the Microsoft directions for deleting cookies. As per the Microsoft Support website, the steps are given below. 1. “Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button. In the Search box, type Internet Explorer, and then, in the list of results, click Internet Explorer. 2. Click Tools from...
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...Process Analysis Essay Proper education requires a person to understand various processes that enable life to continue. Therefore, process analysis essays explain how something is done, and it includes various steps. This process analysis essay describes how to complete an application for college. How to complete an application for college Students need to know the process involved in completing an application for college to ensure they follow the collet steps to be admitted into the college of their choice. Indeed, after listing down the colleges one is interested in, they must complete an application for each. There are ten main steps one...
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...Lisa Neumann Student ID # AC0700552 English Composition II EN130 Assignment #3 Process Analysis Essay 12/18/14 Page 1 How to prepare my favorite dish: Roast Pork Authentic Puerto Rican Style My all time absolutely favorite dish is Pernil ( pronounced perr-neel), translated from Spanish is Roast Pork Shoulder. Though it is a time consuming item to make, the recipe is fairly simple and the finished product, a succulent tasty Pork Shoulder, is very much worth the wait. Below I will advise of the preparation techniques and ingredients needed to make this mouth watering dish. This recipe will serve approximately 8 people. The approximate active preparation time is 20 minutes and the approximate inactive preparation time is about 5 hours 30 minutes, plus marinating time. I've also included the nutritional value per serving in this paragraph as well. (Serving size: 1 {229g}, servings per recipe 8, calories 896, calories from fat 612, cholesterol 268 mg, sodium 633 mg, carbohydrates 1g, dietary fiber 0.1g, sugars 0g, protein 65g). A time saving tip I use and like, is to gather ALL my ingredients first, and placed them in a nearby handy location, so they are all there and ready to use. Note that all the ingredients I use are from GOYA, with the exception of the salt and pernil, which is best gotten from your local butcher. If you don't have local butcher, a supermarket bought pork shoulder will do. The ingredients are listed below: * 1 skin on, bone in pork...
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...tips for narrative writing| | |or tell a story you use |with narrative writing is chronological |are decide if the story is | | |narration. |order. |factual or fictional, and use | | | | |transitional words and | | | | |phrases. | | |The purpose of an illustration |Order of importance is the best way to |One tip is to use transitional| |Illustration |essay is to show or demonstrate |organize an illustration essay. |words so the reader can follow| | |a point to the reader. | |the evidence being presented. | | | | |Another tip is to vary the | | | |...
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...Process Analysis I believe this article will tell me how to write a proper, process analysis essay while also providing examples and other tools needed to start off the essay on the right foot. Process analysis is an operation that is composed of processes designed to add value by transforming inputs into useful outputs. The author compares the term process analysis to cause and effect and narration the author says that all of these three ideas break down into three different categories. Narration talks mainly about what happens, while cause and effect talk about why it's happening, and process analysis talks about how it is happening. The examples the author gives for process analysis are things like giving directions, or how to make ice cream. The author provides us with two different types of process analysis. One of them is directional, which provides instructions on how to do something. The purpose of directional process analysis is to provide the reader instructions to follow in order to achieve a particular task. Then, there is the informational type of process analysis which explains how something works, how something is made, or how something happens. The author says that you would normally use an informational type process analysis if you wanted to explain how the human heart functions. While reading the text, I thought it was very informative on how to write a proper process analysis paper. The author provided many useful examples for both types...
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...will be communicated to students in writing. Course Description RHET 1302 will prepare you for college-level writing while helping you develop your critical thinking skills. Rhetoric is the study and practice of how people communicate messages, not only in writing and speech, but also through visual and digital mediums. In this class, you will develop skills to analyze the way rhetoric, in its various forms, addresses audiences. By paying attention to the strategies that good writers and speakers use to persuade their particular audiences, you will learn to reason better and to persuade others in your own writing, both through rhetorical appeals and through analysis of audience, purpose, and exigency that is at the heart of the study of rhetoric. For RHET 1302, you will read and reread texts and write multi-draft essays. Practically speaking, you will learn skills that you can use in your future course work regardless of your major. Student Learning Objectives • Students will be able to write in different ways for different audiences. • Students will be able to write effectively using appropriate organization, mechanics, and style. • Students will be able to construct effective written arguments. • Students will be able to gather, incorporate, and interpret source material in their writing. Required Texts Rosenwasser, David and Stephen, Jill. Writing Analytically with Readings. Second edition. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2011. Fall 2011 Assignments and...
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...Following the stressful, grade tarnishing, and overall analysis of my writing skills by Mrs. Wendy Scruggs, my AP Language teacher, in front of the entire class, my writing process changed. Her in depth scrutiny of my careless and unorganized, yet on topic essay, truly brought realization to my unsettling mistakes. Prior to my realization, my essay writing consisted of me writing down anything that comes to mind on a piece of paper; with no in depth analysis or weak sentence structure, at 2 in the morning prior to its due date. This type of writing has no strengths and consists of multiple weaknesses. Mrs. Scruggs hurtful, yet honest approach to an unsettling intervention concerning my essay writing opened my eyes to the topic of organized,...
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...to write four essays that have stressed the course competencies of subject matter knowledge, writing process knowledge, rhetorical knowledge, genre knowledge, discourse community knowledge, and meta-cognition. Through the process of drafting, editing, and revising three out of the four papers, I think I have been effectively able to absorb three of those course competencies; subject matter knowledge, rhetorical knowledge, and writing process knowledge. The first paper I was assigned to write for Writing 102 was a literacy narrative. For this paper, I was told to write about a past experience that helped influence my current writing and reading qualities. The core competencies that were involved in this essay were writing process knowledge and subject matter knowledge. I used writing process knowledge when I was told to generate ideas for my essay. I began by thinking of five possible ideas and from there I created a brainstorming web out of the two topics I thought would be the most interesting. Shortly after starting, I realized I could only build an effective brainstorming web from one idea. I decided to use the first time I forgot my lines in a play as my main idea for the essay. After I completed the brainstorming web and finished taking notes on what I remembered from the incident I started to follow the writing process that consisted of prewriting, drafting, and revising. Subject matter knowledge, which was the other core competency, was used in this essay when I began the...
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... |Tips | |Rhetorical mode |Explain when or why each |Explain what organizational method works |Provide two tips for writing | | |rhetorical mode is used. |best with each rhetorical mode. |in each rhetorical mode. | |Narration |The purpose of narrative writing |A strong narrative essay, containing |--Phrases and words related to| | |is an extensive form or |details of the setting, characters, and |the human senses attract the | | |storytelling. It can either be |situations relevant to the conflict of the|audience’s attention. | | |factual or fictional; it depends |story to engage the audience. It gives the| | | |on the purpose of the author, such|audience a vivid illustration of what is |--Minor characters help | | |as biographies or memoirs. |occurring. An essay of this nature is |support main characters or add| | | |structured in chronological order |details to plots and | | | |beginning with the plot, characters, |conflicts. | | | |conflict, and then theme....
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...CHAP TER Rhetorical Modes 1. NARRATION L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 10 1. Identify the purpose and structure of narrative writing. 2. Recognize how to write a narrative essay. Rhetorical modes simply mean the ways in which we can effectively communicate through language. This chapter covers nine common rhetorical modes. As you read about these nine modes, keep in mind that the rhetorical mode a writer chooses depends on his or her purpose for writing. Sometimes writers incorporate a variety of modes in one essay. In covering the nine rhetorical modes, this chapter also emphasizes these as a set of tools that will allow you greater flexibility and effectiveness in communicating with your audience and expressing your ideas. rhetorical modes The ways in which we effectively communicate through language. 1.1 The Purpose of Narrative Writing Narration means the art of storytelling, and the purpose of narrative writing is to tell stories. Any time you tell a story to a friend or family member about an event or incident in your day, you engage in a form of narration. In addition, a narrative can be factual or fictional. A factual story is one that is based on, and tries to be faithful to, actual events as they unfolded in real life. A fictional story is a made-up, or imagined, story; the writer of a fictional story can create characters and events as he or she sees fit. However, the big distinction between factual and fictional narratives is based on a writer’s purpose...
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...in my synthesis essay and social justice speech. The thesis of my synthesis essay states “Sexual assault is an issue that is constantly faced in the workplace, at school, on the streets and even in the comfort of home. The society as a whole must not accept this as normal and must take actions towards fixing this problem; but, in order for this to happen, they must...
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...Up, Up, and AWA: Scoring Well in the Essay Section A five-part GMATTERS series, August 2005 PART ONE: This week we begin a new series on the Analytical Writing Assessment ("AWA") portion of the GMAT, otherwise known as "the essays." Because they do not feed into the overall score out of 800 (they are scored separately, on a scale of 6 points), they are often neglected. They do serve a purpose, though, and you need to take them seriously, even if they do not warrant the bulk of your study time. The essays are the first section of the exam. You have 30 minutes for each of two essays, for a total of one hour before the quantitative section begins. So if you do not write essays during at least one of your practice exams, you will probably find it surprisingly tiring the day of the exam when you have to head into the math section after an hour of writing. First, you should be aware of the two types of essay you will be required to write. One is known as "Analysis of Issue." The other is known as "Analysis of Argument." They demand different approaches and need to be understood in their particularities. Let's talk first about "Analysis of Issue." In "Analysis of Issue", you will given a statement (the "issue"). For example, "Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government." (This is an actual GMAT topic and is property of GMAC which is no way affiliated with Manhattan GMAT.) Your task now is to decide whether...
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...Critical Argument Analysis Kimberly Amat ENG/215 Critical Argument Analysis In the process of researching the selected topic regarding “Fear” there were many angles to consider in how ‘in depth’ the writers got into their topic. There were many questions to ask in how well the authors of the writings made their claims concerning the topic. As each author has his or her own way of reaching the audience it would be only right that his or her writing process reflect this. Each author has their own brand of emotion and logic he or she uses to reach their audiences, which in turn can affect each authors writing. Each author brings to the table a unique style of writing, one using technical/formal, one using a bit of technical/formal with a bit of informal thrown in. The third author was very informal toward their audience. In regard to this analysis this essay will reflect on each different aspect these authors bring forth in their writings concerning the topic “Fear.” The first author who will be discussed within this essay is Frank Furedi. As he is the one that started this essay on the trail of finding how different authors reflect on this topic of fear. Furedi starts his topic with “The only thing we have to fear is the “culture of fear” itself” (Furedi, 2007, pg. 1). In stating his argument that” fear is playing a key role in the twenty-first century” he is making a claim without any support to back his statement at this time (Furedi, 2001, pg.1). The style of Furedi’s...
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