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Process Essay: How To Train Your Dog

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Whether you love it or hate it winter is fast approaching and daylight hours are dwindling. However, your dog still needs her daily walk.

Research shows that there is a greater occurrence of serious injury and death for walkers during this time of year. That’s why it is important to take extra safety precautions when walking your dog.

Putting the following tips into practice will protect both you and your pup:
Always be aware of the weather report before venturing out for a walk.
Make sure your dog is under control at all times. Never let her off lead unless you are in a well lit enclosed area.
Consider wearing a highly visible jacket, vest or reflective strips on your clothing so you can be seen at all times.
A reflective collar and lead or a …show more content…
These can irritate your dogs feet. Or if they lick it off their feet can cause stomach or intestinal problems.
In urban and suburban areas work out a winter walking route that includes both pavement and street lighting.
In areas where there is no pavement, walk against the flow of traffic. Keep your dog on the side farthest from the road.
Wait for all vehicles to completely stop before entering a intersection. Remember approaching vehicles may not be able to stop immediately due to road conditions.
Be sure to carry a flashlight with you. Or you might consider a headlamp that leaves your hands free. It will not only light your path but it will make picking up your dog’s mess easier.
Watch out for Ethylene Glycol otherwise know as Antifreeze. It can be leaked or spilled on driveways and roadways. It has a very sweet taste to dogs so it is very tempting for them to drink but it is highly toxic.
Walking in groups can be safer than on your own.
Consider taking your dog by car to an area away form traffic. Many sports fields or parks are well lit and would be ideal for this. Just make sure they allow dogs.
Make sure your dog is well trained and responsive to your

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