Free Essay

Professional Performance


Submitted By sukwah
Words 8590
Pages 35
Table of Contents
2.1 Vision Statement 1
2.2 Self Assessment 2
References 6
3.1 Teamwork (Activity 3) 8
3.1.1 Definition 8
3.1.2 Self Review & Learning Outcomes 8
3.1.3 Football Team 11
3.1.4 Conclusion 12
3.2 Communication (Activity 4) 13
3.2.1 Definition 13
3.2.2 Self Review & Learning Outcomes 13
3.2.3 Conclusion 15
References 16
Appendices 19
4.1 Five Year Action Plan 29
4.2 Ten Year Action Plan 35
4.3 Contingency Plan 42
4.4 Future Plan 44
Conclusion 45
References 46


Personal development can be defined as “activities that improve self-knowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations” (Aubrey, cited in Bernelo et al. 2011). Everyone have their perspectives, goals and vision. Thus, some of them develop a plan to follow and review the progress from time to time. For me, personal development can’t develop within overnight, it is a lifelong learning process, I believed education and personal growth is never-ending process.


My vision is to become a Sales and Marketing Manager in the hospitality industry. I want to be a professional and respected leader in the team to help my organization move towards better profit and market share; and give our clients the best quality and value services.

Development skills that a person most preferably to learn had been divided into two categories which is soft skills and hard skills (DePinto. R; Deal. J. J., 2005). To move towards my vision, I want to develop some skills as below: Soft Skills | Technical/ Hard Skills | A. Leadership Skills B. Self-Awareness C. Communication Skills D. Conflict Management | E. Skills Training F. Time Management G. Presentation Skills |

A. Leadership Skills
First, I want to improve my leadership skills. When I worked as a part time banquet supervisor, I face a problem that I can’t work well with some of the staffs, and sometimes I failed to motivate my staffs. Strong leadership is the backbone of an organization (Ken Blanchard Company, 2013), I want to be an effective leader, to make my team and the organization success.

B. Self-Awareness
Next, self-awareness is one of the skills I need to be alert and improve. During one of my study activities, I found that I am a Shaper in Belbin Role, but one of the weaknesses is that Shaper easily offends people’s feeling. I am a talkative and straightforward people. Sometimes I will speak something that hurt other’s feeling, but I am not aware of it. I want to start looking into myself deeper to understand my weaknesses and bad habits, not only the strength. Once you begin to understand this concept you then have the opportunity and freedom to change things about yourself enabling you to create a life that you want (Warwick, 2013). Now I understand my weakness, I can think twice before I speak, this could help to build better relationship not only with colleagues, but everyone in my life.

C. Communication Skills
Besides that, I wish to improve my communication skill. I have poor language of English speaking. My families and most of the friends are Chinese educated, I rarely speak English in my life. When I meet some foreign customers during my part time job, sometimes I found difficult to listen and communicate with them. Effective communication is critical to success relationships (Harris, 2012), a good communication skill not only helps in work, but I have more confidence to talk with others even I travel to foreign countries.

D. Conflict Management
The next soft skill I wish to improve is conflict management. Conflicts always occur in our life because we have different interest, view, perception, values and experience. Healthy conflicts can help each other to gain deeper experience and knowledge, but negative or unhealthy conflict makes argument (Bayer & Schernick, n.d.). I experienced a case when few of my staffs are having small conflict before they start working. I didn’t take action to manage their problem and emotions, and it turns to a big conflict. The staffs bring their bad emotion to work, and the customers comment negatively to their unprofessional services. If we learn to manage the conflict, we are less apt to practice destructive behavior that will negatively impact our team. Practicing conflict management can lead to better understanding, communication and greater productivity for both the individual and team (Foundation Coalition, n.d.).

E. Skills Training
My vision is to be a Sales and Marketing Manager, currently I lack of some technical skills such as food handling skills and western banquet service skills. I have few years experience as a part time Chinese banquet service attendant and supervisor, but I rarely work in the western restaurant or international cuisine restaurant. I need to prepare myself to be a professional service attendant before move towards my vision.

F. Time Management
Next, time management is also one of the importance key to success. I am weak in manage my timetable, I always rushing my project papers when it’s near to the due date although the topic was given 3 months earlier. I always feel there is still much of time in the beginning. People who have good time management skills can have better productivity, less stressed, and feel better about themselves (Dodd & Sundheim, 2005).

G. Presentation Skills
Last but not least, I will work hard to improve my presentation skill. According to Krannich (2004), the fear of delivering a speech or presentation is raking the top fear activity among most of the people, including students as well as adults from different background. I am having the same problem due to my poor language and grammar. I need to improve my language skill to overcome the fear of public speaking. Effective presentation skills are essential to achieving success in today's work environment (Kowalik, 2004).
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Aubrey B. (2010), Managing Your Aspirations: Developing Personal Enterprise in the Global Workplace, McGraw-Hill.

Bayer C-T.H., Schernick B.T.(n.d.) Conflict Management [Online]. Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug23, 2013).

Bernelo M., Honsberg S., Jarelow A., Blennow J., Peterson L. (2011) May an Inreased Focus on Student’s Personal Development Contribute to Increased Motivation, Better Academic Performance and Teamwork In Engineering Programs?[Online] Available at: < /fulltext/local_145423.pdf> (Accessed: Aug 24, 2013)

Dodd, P., & Sundheim, D. (2005). The 25 Best Time Management Tools and Techniques: How to Get More Done Without Driving Yourself Crazy. Ann Arbor, MI: Peak Performance Press, Inc.

Harris V.W.(2012), 9 important Communication Skills for Every Relationship, University of Florida IFAS Extension Journal, Page 1.

Ken Blanchard Company (2013), Critical Leadership Skills: Key Traits That Can Make or Break Today’s Leaders [Online]. Available at: <http://www.kenblanchard. com/img/pub/pdf_critical_leadership_skills.pdf> (Accessed: Aug23, 2013).

Kowalik T.F. (2004) Enhancing Your Presentation Skill, Thomas Kowalik Journal.

Krannich, C. R. (2004). 101 Secrets of highly effective speakers: controlling fear, commanding attention [Recorded by B. McDonald]. [CD]. New York: Listen & Live Audio, Inc.

Krizan A.C., Merrier P., & Jones C.L. (2005). Business Communication, (6th ed.). United States: South-Western.

The Foundation Coalition (n.d.). Understanding Conflict & Conflict Management [Online]. Available at: < /conflict.pdf> (Accessed: Aug23, 2013).

Warwick (2013), Counseling Service: Self Awareness[Online]. Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug23, 2013).


4.3 TEAMWORK (Activity 3) 4.4.1 DEFINITION
University of Washington (n.d.) defines team as a group of people with different skills and different tasks, who work together on a common project, service, or goal, with a meshing of functions and mutual support. Based on research, 81% of Fortune 500 companies are work as team-based organizations, and at least 77% use short-term project teams to perform duties (Lawler, Mohrman, and Benson, 2001). I found that employers not only looking for employee who are capable, but also those who can work with a team to develop the goals. Works can be done in a faster pace when it is done by a team rather than individual, and the works won’t easily get in trouble even if one of the members absence.

I’ve understand the attributes to form a successful team, such as common mission, leadership, self-management, conflict management and communication. First is the common mission. Organization’s mission is about the overall direction and general goals for reaching the mission. The mission statement also states what the organization does right now, in the most general sense (CARI, n.d.). For example, a team of football player shares a common mission or goal to win the game. Thus, they will work together with different skills and positions, towards the goal.
Self-management and leadership are also important in a team role. For example, I group with few of my classmate in the class activities. Our leader delegate us different task and topics for research, and we as a team member, manage ourselves to complete the tasks given. One of the key skills of self-management is to be proactive. Our living and working environment is changing rapidly, and the operational uncertainty is increasing, there is a demand for innovation, employee needs to be more initiative and proactive to become more success (Campbell, 2000). The Oxford English Dictionary (2008) defines being proactive as “creating or controlling a situation by taking the initiative and anticipating events or problems, rather than just reacting to them after they have occurred; (hence, more generally) innovative, tending to make things happen”. If the team members are reactive persons, they are low-productivity, because their attitudes and performance always affected by the physical or social environment (Covey, 2004).

Besides that, I’ve learned conflict management skills which can benefits me a lot in maintain the relationships between my team members. Conflicts always occur in our life because we have different interest, view, perception, values and experience. Healthy conflicts can help each other to gain deeper experience and knowledge, but negative or unhealthy conflict makes argument (Bayer & Schernick, n.d.). I had conflict with my team member during discussion, because we both want to win the situation, and we both are not good listener. I found that to work well with the team members, we first have to be a good listener and always stay calm even the topics may be sensitive. Covey (2004) stated in his book that think win-win situation and become an emphatic listener is the habits that we need to have to be an effective person.

Belbin team roles (Refer to Appendix 3.1) were discussed in this activity. Belbin Team Roles are used to identify people's behavioral strengths and weaknesses in the workplace (, 2013). Through the self-perception inventory analysis (Refer to Appendix 3.2), I found myself is being a Shaper in a team.
(Source: Turin, 2006)

A shaper is good in encourage others to move on when they feels like quitting, but they are prone to irritation and may offend people’s feelings of their strong characteristics. I realized that I am quite straight forward and strict people, and sometimes ignore others feelings and leading misunderstanding. I start to be patient and think twice before I express my feeling and during any discussion in the class or during working. Belbin team roles help me to review myself and I use to manage my weaknesses as best I can. 4.4.3 FOOTBALL TEAM

(Source: Mazen & Jason, n.d.)

Teamwork is essential for a football team. All the players share a common mission to score goals and win the game. Each player is play hard to manage their position and function. In my opinion, the football team is related to Belbin team roles as well. The goalkeeper is the Coordinator in a team because they are calm and controlled. He stops the opposite team to score the goal and often encourages team members to move on. The midfielders and the strikers are always the resource investigator and completer finishers in the team. They spot every opportunity to get the ball and pay attention to ensure that there is no error or mispassing the balls to opposite teams. The coach who observing from outside is the monitor evaluator who judge the team members’ strength and weaknesses. Although it may seems like only one player scored the goals, but actually the goal was made by many people’s planning, coordination, and cooperation.

Teamwork is a group of people working together towards a common goal. I truly believe that there is no “best player” in a team, is just like a football team will not work with 11 goalkeepers or 11 strikers. The key of a team is balance (Belbin, n.d.). A team is success when every team members learn from each other, manage themselves and use their strengths to overcome other’s weaknesses.

Communication is defined as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior (Merriam Webster, n.d.). It is an important two-way interactive process which can be found in our daily life. Communication is successful when both the sender and the receiver reach a common understanding of the information as a result of the communication process (Professor Khattak,, n.d.)

As last activity we learn about the teamwork, communication is one of the attributes for effective teamwork. From this activity, I learn the differences between normal communication and effective communication. For example, I ask someone to get me a pen, if I only mentioned “please get me the pen” in a normal way, the person may not know which pen that I need, if I change to an effective way, I should said “please get me the blue Parker pen on my desk”. Effective communication involves listening and speaking, and it helps to foster the positive relationships with others (Brounstein, n.d.).

Throughout this activity, I found out that it is difficult to make everyone understand and get the idea when I tried to present my visual “poster”. I might also have different perspective and thought when others are presenting, and this define as a communication barriers. Below are the main communication barriers in our daily life.

Barriers of Communication | How to Avoid | 1. Perceptual & Language Differences | Eliminating Differences in Perception | 2. Information overload | Use of Simple Language | 3. Inattention | Active Listening | 4. Time Pressures | Flexibility in Meeting Targets | 5. Distraction/Noise | Reduce or Eliminate Noise Level | 6. Emotions | Control Emotion or Try Use Body Language to Deliver Message | 7. Complexity of Organizational Structure | Number of organizational hierarchy should not be complex | 8. Poor Retention | Proper Media Selection (e.g. Notes, Reminder, etc.) |
(Source:, 2013)

Besides verbally communication, we often use non-verbal communication method when deliver our message, such as body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and etc. From the group discussion and personal research, I found out people from different cultures or educational background may have difference interpretations. For example, I understand that in Malaysia, our Malay friends or Islamic culture reserve their left hand for personal hygiene purpose only, it cannot use for eating foods and touch other people. Besides that, North American believes that eye contact represents trust and interest, but Japanese believes lowering their eyes signs a respect (DuFrene and Lehman, n.d.). This makes me feel interesting to understand more other countries cultures to foster positive relationships and ensure that I didn’t offend other’s cultures.

Last and not least, active listening is the important attributes to effective communication. Emphatic listening, attentively, take opportunities, concentrate on others speaking, no assumption is the characteristics of an effective listener (, n.d.). I admit that sometimes when others are presenting, I will easily put my own assumption or perception into the topic, and I feel inattentively when I am not interesting in that particular presentation or when the speaker having different perception with me. From this activity, I start to stand on others shoes which try to understand the speaker feeling and get the idea that he expressed, through verbally or his body language or face expression.

Communication is a key to good relationships. Human can’t live without communication. When people feel he has been understood, or they have been appreciated, this will be the motivation for him to move on.

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Bayer C-T.H., Schernick B.T.(n.d.) Conflict Management [Online]. Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug23, 2013). (2013) Belbin Team Roles [Online] Available at: <http://www.belbin. com/rte.asp?id=8> (Accessed: Aug29, 2013).

Brounstein M. (n.d.) Communicating Effectively for Dummies [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug29, 2013).

Campbell, D. J. (2000). The proactive employee: Managing workplace initiative. Academy of Management Executive, 14(3), 52-66.

CARI, Centre for African Refugees and Immigrants (n.d.) The Importance of Organizational Mission and Vision [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug24,2013).

Covey S. R.(2004) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, United States, Free Press.

DuFrene D.D., Lehman C.M. (n.d.) Enrichment Module: Interpersonal Communication [Online] Available at: < /assets/sites/4004/Interpersonal%20Communication_word%20format.pdf> (Accessed: Aug29, 2013).

Lawler, E. E., Mohrman, S. A., & Benson, G. (2001). Organizing for High Performance. San Francisco: Josey-Bass. (2013) Communication Barriers - Reasons for Communication Breakdown [Online] Available at: <http://www.managementstudy> (Accessed: Aug29, 2013). (2013) Effective Listening Skills - An essential for good communication [Online] Available at: <http://www.managementstudy> (Accessed: Aug29, 2013).

Mazen & Jason (n.d.) Soccer Skills and Techniques, Thinking Studio[Online]. Available at: < and+techniques> (Accessed: Aug29, 2013)

Merriam Webster (n.d.) Communication [Online] Available at: <>
(Accessed: Aug29, 2013).

Oxford English Dictionary. (2008). [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug24, 2013)

Prof. Dr. Khattak H.R., Yaqoob S.,Basri R. (n.d.) Communication Skills [Online] Available at: < /Documents/Learning%20Portal/NAHE/communication%20skills%20module.pdf> (Accessed: Aug29, 2013).

Southampton Solent University (2013) Belbin Self-perception Inventory Analysis [Online] Available at: <,d.bmk> (Accessed: Aug30, 2013).

Turin (2006). Strategic thinking and Results Based Management [Online]. Available at: < material/teamrcs/file.asp?ID=1241> (Accessed: Aug29, 2013).

University of Washington (n.d.). Team [Online] Available at: < ie337/team.pdf> (Accessed: Aug24, 2013).

Appendix 3.1 – Belbin Team Roles

(Source:, 2013)
Appendix 3.2 – Belbin Self-perception Inventory Analysis

To respond to this inventory, you will need to think back to occasions when you have been involved in any form of team activity and to make generalizations on the basis of those experiences. For each section, you are asked to distribute a total of ten points among the sentences which you think more accurately describe your behaviour. These points may be distributed among several sentences, in extreme cases they might be distributed among all the sentences or 10 marks might be given to a single sentence. However try to avoid either extreme. When you’ve finished, enter the points in the table provided on page? Time estimate = 25 minutes.

SECTION 1: WHAT I BELIEVE I CAN CONTRIBUTE TO A TEAM (a) I think I can quickly see and take advantage of new opportunities. (b) I can work well with a wide range of people. (c) Producing ideas is one of my natural assets. (d) My ability rests in being able to draw people out whenever I detect they have something of value to contribute to group objectives. (e) My capacity to follow through has much to do with my personal effectiveness. (f) I am ready to face temporary unpopularity if it leads to worthwhile results in the end. (g) I can usually sense what is realistic and likely to work. (h) I can offer a reasoned case for alternative courses of action without introducing bias or prejudice. SECTION 2: IF I HAVE A POSSIBLE SHORTCOMING IN TEAMWORK IT COULD BE THAT (a) I am not at ease unless meetings are well structured and controlled and generally well conducted. (b) I am inclined to be too generous towards others who have a valid viewpoint that has not been given a proper airing. (c) I have a tendency to talk too much once the group gets onto new ideas. (d) My objective outlook makes it difficult for me to join in readily and enthusiastically with colleagues. (e) I am sometimes seen as forceful and authoritarian if there is a need to get something done. (f) I find it difficult to lead from the front, perhaps because I am over responsive to group atmosphere. (g) I am apt to get too caught up in ideas that occur to me and so lose track of what is happening (h) I can offer a reasoned case for alternative courses of action without bias or prejudice.

SECTION 3: WHEN INVOLVED IN A PROJECT WITH OTHER PEOPLE (a) I have an aptitude for influencing people without pressurizing them (b) My general vigilance prevents careless mistakes and omissions being made (c) I am ready to press for action to make sure that the meeting does not waste time or lose sight of the main objective (d) I can be counted on to contribute something original (e) I am always ready to back a good suggestion in the common interest (f) I am keen to look for the latest new ideas and developments (g) I believe my capacity for judgement can help to bring about the right decisions (h) I can be relied upon to see that all essential work is organised

SECTION 4: MY CHARACTERISTIC APPROACH TO GROUP WORK IS (a) I have a quiet interest in getting to know colleagues better (b) I am not reluctant to challenge the views of others or to hold a minority view (c) I can usually find a line of argument to refute unsound propositions (d) I think I have a talent for making things work once a plan has to be put into operation (e) I have a tendency to avoid the obvious and to come out with the unexpected (f) I bring a touch of perfectionism to any job I undertake (g) I am ready to make use of contacts outside the group itself
(h) While I am interested in all views I have no hesitation in making up my mind once a decision has to be made

SECTION 5: I GAIN SATISFACTION IN A JOB BECAUSE (a) I enjoy analysing situations and weighing up all the possible choices (b) I am interested in finding practical solutions to problems (c) I like to feel I am fostering good working relationships (d) I can have a strong influence on decisions (e) I can meet people who may have something new to offer (f) I can get people to agree on a necessary course of action (g) I feel in my element when I can give a task my full attention (h) I like to find a field that stretches my imagination


(a) I would feel like retiring to a corner to devise a way out of the impasse before developing a line
(b) I would be ready to work with the person who showed the most positive approach
(c) I would find some way of reducing the size of the task by establishing what different individuals might best contribute
(d) My natural sense of urgency would ensure that we did not fall behind schedule
(e) I believe I would keep cool and maintain my capacity to think straight
(f) I would maintain a steadiness of purpose in spite of the pressures.
(g) I would be prepared to take a positive lead if I felt the group was making no progress
(h) I would open up discussions with a view to stimulating new thoughts and getting something moving


(a) I am apt to show my impatience with those who are obstructing progress
(b) Others may criticize me for being too analytical and insufficiently intuitive
(c) My desire to ensure that work is properly done can hold up proceedings
(d) I tend to get bored rather easily and rely on one or two stimulating members to spark me off
(e) I find it difficult to get started unless the goals are clear
(f) I am sometimes poor at explaining and clarify complex points that occur to me
(g) I am conscious of demanding from others things I cannot do myself
(h) I hesitate to get my points across when I run up against real opposition



First you transfer your points from the boxes on the inventory itself to the boxes below. You will see that the seven sections are listed on the left hand side and the letters linked to the different statements run across the top. So, if in section 1 you gave 7 points to the statement (b), 2 points to statement (c) and I point to statement (g) your score sheet would show:

SECTION | (a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | (e) | (f) | (g) | (h) | 1 | | 7 | 2 | | | | 1 | |

Now go on to fill the whole points table:

SECTION | (a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | (e) | (f) | (g) | (h) | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | | 2 | | 1 | | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | | 1 | 1 | 3 | | | 2 | 3 | 5 | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | | | 6 | 3 | 3 | | 2 | | | | 2 | 7 | 4 | | 2 | 1 | | 1 | 2 | |


The second stage is to take the scores from the points table and transpose them section by section on to the analysis table below. Then add up the points in each column to give a total team role distribution score. The letters across the top correspond to Belbin’s team roles; a key to the meaning of the letters is on the next page, together with a table summarising the type of person who tends to occupy each of the roles. Your highest totals indicate the team roles you feel most comfortable with.

SECTION | | CW | | CH | | SH | | PL | | RI | | ME | | TW | | CF | 1 | g | 3 | d | 1 | f | 1 | c | 2 | a | 1 | h | | b | | e | 2 | 2 | a | 2 | b | 2 | e | 2 | g | 1 | c | 3 | d | | f | | h | | 3 | h | 1 | a | 1 | c | 2 | d | 2 | f | 1 | g | 1 | e | 1 | b | 1 | 4 | d | 3 | h | 3 | b | 1 | e | | g | 2 | c | 1 | a | | f | | 5 | b | 1 | f | 3 | d | 3 | h | | e | 1 | a | | c | 2 | g | | 6 | f | | c | | g | | a | 3 | h | 2 | e | | b | 3 | d | 2 | 7 | e | | g | 2 | a | 4 | f | 1 | d | 1 | b | | h | | c | 2 | TOTAL | | 10 | | 12 | | 13 | | 9 | | 11 | | 2 | | 6 | | 7 |


KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS: CW Company Worker RI Resource Investigator CH Chairperson ME Monitor Evaluator SH Shaper TW Team Worker PL Plant CF Completer- Finisher

USEFUL PEOPLE TO HAVE IN TEAMS TYPE | TYPICAL FEATURES | POSITIVE QUALITIES | ALLOWABLE WEAKNESSES | COMPANY WORKER | Conservative, dutiful, predictable | Organising ability, practical common sense, hard- working, self-disciplined | Lack of flexibility,Unresponsiveness to unproven ideas. | CHAIRPERSON | Calm, Self confident, controlled | A capacity for treating and welcoming all potential contributions on their merits, strong sense of objectiveness | No more than ordinary in terms of intellect or creative ability | SHAPER | Highly strung, outgoing, dynamic | Drive and a readiness to challenge inertia, ineffectiveness, complacency or self deception | Proneness to provocation, irritation and impatience | PLANT | Individualistic. Serious minded, unorthodox | Genius, imagination, intellect, knowledge | Up in the clouds, inclined to disregard practical details or protocol | RESOURCE INVESTIGATOR | Extroverted, enthusiastic, curious, communicative | A capacity for contacting people, exploring anything new, an ability to respond to challenge | Liable to lose interest once the initial fascination has passed | MONITOR EVALUATOR | Sober, unemotional, prudent | Judgment, discretion, hard headedness | Lacks inspiration or the ability to motivate others | TEAM WORKER | Socially orientated, rather mild, sensitive | An ability to respond to people and to situations, and to promote team spirit | Indecisiveness at moments of crisis. | COMPLETER- FINISHER | Painstaking, orderly, conscientious, anxious | A capacity for follow-through | A tendency to worry about small things, A reluctance to ‘let go’ |
(Source: Southampton Solent University)

A personal action plan is a sequence of steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, for a strategy to succeed (, 2013). To reach my vision and mission, I set a list of short-medium terms of goals in the next fifteen years; starting from year 2013 till 2017.

Plan Period: From year 2013 to 2017 (Age 25 to 29)
Goals to be achieved:
1. To travel every year
I am 25 years old, but the only foreign country I’ve been visited is Singapore, during my primary school time. After my diploma studies I’ve worked for 4 years in the industry, to save money for my Bachelor Degree study. I have no spare money and time for travel outside of Malaysia. My next stage I wish to go on vacation or travel to other countries every year to gain a different perspective of the world.

2. To be a Banquet Manager
I have 4 years working experience in Front Office Assistant and Banquet Sales Assistant before study my Bachelor Degree program. I also work as a part-time banquet supervisor during my study. I am looking forward to be an assistant banquet manager after my graduation, and strive hard to become a Banquet manager within these five years.

Five Year Personal Professional Development Plan Goals: 1. To travel every year 2. To be a Banquet Manager | Areas of Development | Actions to be taken | Resources | Timescale | Targeted Dates | Skills | Soft | Leadership Skill | Attend Leadership Training Course * Register for Essential Leadership Skills For Supervisors and Managers * Understand the differences between a Manager and a LeaderSource: Malaysia Training, 2013 | Space out weekends (any week) to attend the course. | 2 Days | By December 2014 | | | | Attend Leadership & Communication Course * Register for Leadership and Communication Course by ePM Training Service * Training outlines consist of leadership skills, self awareness, leading effective teams, and conflict management.Source: ePM Training Services, 2013. | Space out weekends (any week) to attend the course.Prepare Registration Fee of RM 1,300 | 2 Days /15 Hours | By December 2014 | | | Conflict Management | | | | | | | Communication Skills | | | | | | | Self Awareness | Writing Diary * Start to write diary for everything I did in the day, and do a self-review daily. * Self awareness is often the first step to goal to review the weaknesses and shows areas that need improvement (Warwick, 2013) | Write diary every day before sleep, review it in the 2nd day morning | Everyday | Lifetime | | Hard | Time Management | Work out a Schedule of Daily Plans & Goals * Prioritized the task in the daily plan, say no to nonessential tasks * Take a break when needed * Take good rest and healthier lifestyle to avoid sick | Complete every task or activity by deadline, space out time for exercise | Everyday | Lifetime | | | Presentation Skill | Attend Training Courses * Attend Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Training Course by Cambridge Learning House * Activities consists of some real life challenge in job interview, presentation and undertaking negotiationsSource: Cambridge Learning House, 2013 | Space out time to attend course.All the practical resources provided by Cambridge | Without Specific Date | By December 2014 | | | Language Skill | Register for IELTS Test * Already registered for the test preparation program * The IELTS test is recognized by British and Australian universities for admissions, and increasingly accepted by United States as well. * To improve the English communication and writing skills Source: ELS Malaysia, 2013 | Remarks: Payment Done | 4 weeks/32 HoursSession Date: 28 Oct to 22 Nov 2013Test Date: 7 Dec 2013 | By December 2013 | | | | Prepare for TOEFL Test * Prepare to Advance English Test * TOEFL is the most widely accepted English test in the world ( ETS, 2013) * Register the test preparation program by ELS MalaysiaSource: ELS Malaysia, 2013a | Space out times to attend preparation programPrepare Registration and Test Fee of RM630 | 4 Days/ 16 Hours | By December 2014 | | | | Develop a Good Reading Habit * Read at least one book in a week – any language or categories * Schedule it in my weekly plan, don’t give up easily | Borrow books from friends and relatives, visit library at least once a month; or purchase books from book fair or bookstores | Every Week | Lifetime | Knowledge & Experience | Constantly updated hospitality industry knowledge | Seek various industry knowledge, news and information from time to time * Get information from online media * Purchase printed magazine or books to update news and information | All sources of industry information | From time to time | Lifetime | | | Personal Observations and Experiences * Observe and learn from the daily working activities from colleagues, superior or manager. * Experience is the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation (Merriam Webster, 2013) | All sources of working-related experiences | | |

Year 1 – 2013 (Age 25)
Basically I haven’t finished my Bachelor Degree course in this year, but I’ve registered the ELTS test preparation program and taking the test in 7 December 2013, which is during my semester break. Thus, I’ll continue to study and I hope I can complete my TOEFL test by my graduation date. Besides that, I start to plan my daily and weekly schedule for better time management. Due to the ELTS program and test, I might not have spare time to travel overseas in the semester break, but I’d planned a local trip travel to Langkawi with my classmates during that period of time.

Year 2 to 5 – 2014-2017 (Age 26-29)
After my graduation I plan to work as a management trainee in any 4 stars hotel sales and marketing department, strive hard towards Banquet Manager position level. During my career I will upgrade myself by few learning program such as Essential Leadership Skills for Supervisors and Managers and Leadership and Communication Course by ePM Training Service. I hope I can complete these programs and the TOEFL test by end of 2014. I will also constantly update the news and information about banquet, events and working- related matters through online, television news, magazines, and books. If I have spare time and money, I will still seeking for others training programs for further improving my professional skills and knowledge. I hope I can achieve my first career goal as a Banquet Manager by year 2017, with my experience and well performance.

Plan Period: From year 2018 to 2027 (Age 30 to 39)
Goals to be achieved: 1. To get a Master Degree (By Year 2019, Age 31)
One of my ten-year goals is to get a Master’s Degree in International Hospitality Management. Besides earning raises of salary, I can expect to be promoting faster and seek for broader knowledge.

2. To be a Sales and Marketing Manager (By Year 2022, Age 34)
Once I completed my Master Degree, I will strive hard to become a Sales and Marketing Manager within 2 years. I might apply for cross training within the same company or apply positions in any other 5 stars hotels to have better exposure and experience.

3. To be a Boss, start up own business (By Year 2027, Age 39)
By age 39, I believe I’ll quit from the high pressure industry and start to build my own business. Since I’ve accumulate more than 10 years of experience in this industry, I might open an event planning company, thus to have flexible working atmosphere and can spare more times for my family.

4. To buy second house (By Year 2023, Age 35)
I bought an apartment in year 2011, when I was 23 years old. I wish to purchase another terrace house within these ten years. Besides the future value-added of the property, I can give my family a better living environment.

Ten-Year Personal Development Plan Goals: 1. To get a Master Degree (By Year 2018, Age 30) 2. To be a Sales and Marketing Manager (By Year 2020, Age 32) 3. To be a Boss, start up own business (By Year 2027, Age 39) 4. To buy second house (By Year 2023, Age 35) | Areas of Development | Actions to be taken | Resources | Timescale | Targeted Dates | Skills | Soft | Conceptual Skill | Take a broader view of the company and its future * See the company as a whole, develop ideas and solve complex problems creatively. * Understand the interrelationships among the organization, and the relationships of various subunits. * Determine the PEST environment which will affect the organization’s effectiveness. * Set the goals to the team member or the organization | Keep updating the information and news, the political issue, economic news, social trends and technological updates. | From time to time | Lifetime | | | Human Skill/ Interpersonal Skill | Attend Communication, Interpersonal and Influencing Skills Training Program * Not only leading the team toward goals, but also motivate, communicate, inspire enthusiasm and trust the team member. * Manage conflict and crisis among staffs and sometimes provide guidance. * Maintain relationships between internal staffs and external individual and organization.Source: Cleverbridge, 2013 | Space out time to attend course | Training Program: 2 DaysFrom time to time | Training Program: By December 2018 | | | Self Awareness | Writing Diary * Continue write diary for everything I did in the day, and do a self-review daily. | Write diary every day before sleep, review it in the 2nd day morning | Everyday | Lifetime | | Hard | Time Management | Work out a Schedule of Daily Plans & Goals * Prioritized the task in the daily plan, say no to nonessential tasks * Take a break when needed * Take good rest and healthier lifestyle to avoid sick | Complete every task or activity by deadline, space out time for exercise | Everyday | Lifetime | | | Language Skill | Develop a Good Reading Habit * Read at least one book in a week – any language or categories * Schedule it in my weekly plan, don’t give up easily | Borrow books from friends and relatives, visit library at least once a month; or purchase books from book fair or bookstores | Every Week | Lifetime | Knowledge | Constantly updated hospitality industry knowledge | Seek various industry knowledge, news and information from time to time * Get information from online media * Purchase printed magazine or books to update news and information | All sources of industry information | From time to time | Lifetime | | Develop professional competencies | Take Full time Master Degree Course * Master in International Hospitality Management * Certification awarded by University of Toulouse, France * Course available at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus, Selangor, MalaysiaSource: Campus Malaysia, 2013 | Tuition Fee for 12-months course roughly at RM58,000 | Starting from 2018 | By 2019 | Experience | Integrated Experience | Cross Training Program – All Hotel Departments * Includes Food & Beverage, Human Resources, Finance & Revenue, Front Office Departments * To have broader experience and exposure to other job-related knowledge | Nil | Within 5 Years 2018 – 2022 | By 2022 |

Year 1 – 2018 (Age 30)
My first goal in my age 30 is to get a Master’s Degree in International Hospitality Management, awarded by University of Toulouse, France. I found that the class schedule is from 6pm-9.30pm, Monday to Thursday. Although it is one year full time program, but if I can manage my working shift to morning, I might be able to go for class after working, without affecting my job. Except earning raises on salary and promotion, a higher education qualification enables me to stay competitive in this industry.

Year 2 to 5 – 2019 – 2022 (Age 31-34)
My next goal is to become a Sales and Marketing Manager. According to Kleiman (n.d., cited in Boundless, 2013), managers should have a broader knowledge and understanding of the organization’s competition, world economies, politics issues, and current social trends in order to operate the organization successfully in the rapidly changing environment. Thus, I should no longer to view my job in a narrow way, but learn to see the organization as a whole, and have broader view of the organization and its future. Apart from leadership skill and communication skill, conceptual skill is also important to a top-level manager because he/she needs to spend more time in planning, organizing and problem solving. (Prof Daniel, cited in Akrani, 2011). I have to pay more attention to the current world issues and social trends that will affect the organization effectiveness, and ready to solve more complex problems and conflicts. Stay alert about the industry changes can help me to make better business decisions and spot the organization’s threats earlier. After completing my Master’s Degree program, I’ll volunteer myself to cross train in other departments or divisions in the hotel, such as front office, finance department, housekeeping, food and beverage department, and engineering division. To deeply understand the organization’s operations, cross training is one of the best ways to learn and gather information from perspective sections. Besides that, I can enhance my interpersonal skill when I move to a new department, new environment and meet different characteristics of people. I plan to attend the communication, interpersonal and influencing skill training program, to improve any interpersonal skills which may helps in my career personal lifestyle. I will also build up my network of contact in this few years in the industry, including the contact of the suppliers, partners, customers and competitors as well, which could help in the future, when I start up an event company business. Last but not least, I’ll keep the habits of reading and exercising to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Year 6 to 10 – 2023 – 2027 (Age 35 to 39)
I believe I am married and with children in this age, I’m planning to buy the second house for me and my family by age 35. I bought a small apartment when I was 23 years old, staying with parents and my boy friend, but it might not be big enough when I have children later, so I might need a bigger house. I’ve start some bank investment since 2008, when I was 20 years old, right after my Diploma studies, I believe that investment fund can lower my burden. Next, I’m planning to start my own business by age 39. My interest is start up an event planning business. Although I might have stable income, annual increment, bonus and a good job title when I work as a Sales and Marketing Manager, but the increment and monthly income might not cover my expenses and loans due to the inflation in the next 10 years, and I need to work under high pressure environment which may affect my health when I grow older. I wish to build up my own business, not only bring in more wealth, but also create job opportunities to the society, and contribute to the national economies. With my experience and networking in the sales and marketing department, I believe I can operate and manage my business very well. Other than just focusing on family and my career, I’ll not forget to balance my diet and lifestyle, go for vacation can bring me a new insight of others countries and cultures, it can stimulates my ideas and creativity.

A Contingency is a backup plan, or a procedure or arrangement made by an organization to respond any event that could happen by any unexpected circumstances (Margiottiello and Chao, 2003). I have several contingency plans for the five and ten years development plans in order to respond any changes or unforeseen situation.

1. Changes of Timeframe
A changes of my development plan timeframe is essential when the goals is achieved earlier or maybe unable achieve within the timeframe due to any unexpected changes. For example, if I have spare money I wish to purchase my second house earlier, maybe by age 30 instead of 35; or if I found that I can’t gain the desired results in my career, I might postpone the time to start my own business.

2. To be a Part-time College Lecturer
Instead of having my own business, being a part-time lecturer in any hospitality academy or colleges is one of my backup plans. I enjoy in dealing with people and always seek for new information and technology. Lecturing is also a lifelong learning program. Students always have interesting questions and the lecturer is prompt to dig for deeper information or research for an answer, and shares experience with the students.

3. Seeking Better Exposure or Higher Position in Bigger Organization or International Hotel
Once I accumulate hospitality and management experienced, I might seek for promotion to Director of Sales and Marketing Division or Hotel Manager if I am not ready to start my own business. I might seek better exposure in other 5 star hotel or international hotel group to gain better experience and position.

My next personal career aim is to expand my event organizing business to entire Malaysia. My company will offer planning for corporation such as any training program, product launching, press conference, seminar or meeting, as well as wedding planning. I have several years of experience in this industry, and close contacts with people from different countries during working or vacation help me become more open-minded and better seizing the business opportunities. I will continue to enhance and enrich my knowledge and skills through any training workshops or online professional development programs.

Next, I wouldn’t forget to contribute to the society and the country. Besides create job opportunities and economies contribution from my business, I will participate in any charities and environmental concerns activities. Since year 2008 I started to sponsor a child through the “Sponsor a Child” program offered by World Vision (2013) with my parents. I will sponsor more children in the future to help them survive from poverty and basic necessity problems. I will also spare weekend to be a volunteer of the Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merits Society Malaysia (2013) to participate in charities, recycling, and medical activities.


Personal and professional development is not only develops a person knowledge, skills, and experience, but also a spiritual growth. Besides learning knowledge from classroom and books, we can also improve self-awareness, learn how to deal with people, identify potential and improve weaknesses, fulfilling aspirations and enhance lifestyle through our daily life. For me, personal development is a non-ending process, our lives and environment around are changing rapidly and we need to learn new skills and knowledge to adapt to change. Although I might gone through past life aimlessly, but I still can start my journey to develop my personal growth from today onwards. I will learn from my past mistakes and failures and move towards my goals and vision.
(Word Counts: 1957 words)

(Total Word Counts: 4102 words)


Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merits Society Malaysia (2013) Recruitment of Volunteers [Online] Available at: < /viewform?formkey=dFJhUmg1N3ZTTGJXRi01U1Y3Y3Nxdnc6MQ>
(Accessed: Sep2, 2013) (2013) Action Plan [Online] Available at: <>
(Accessed: Aug30, 2013)

Cambridge Learning House (2013) Public Speaking and Presentation Skill [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug30, 2013)

Campus Malaysia (2013) Taylor's University Lakeside Campus - Master in International Hospitality Management (University of Toulouse, FR) [Online] Available at: < / master-international-hospitality-management-university-toulouse-fr> (Accessed: Aug31, 2013)

Cleverbridge (2013) Sign Up for 12 Most Popular Management Course for Manager [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Sep1, 2013)

ELS Malaysia (2013) IELTS Test Preparation Program [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Jul15, 2013)

ELS Malaysia (2013a) TOEFL Test Preparation Program [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Jul17, 2013)

ePM Training Service (2013) Non-Certification Courses: Leadership and Communication Skill [Online] Available at: < /services/leadership-and-communication/non-certification-course/leadership-a-communication-skills-for-effective-project-management>
(Accessed: Aug30, 2013)

ETS (2013) Why Take the TOEFL Test: The TOEFL Test Gives You Advantage [Online] Available at: < why_ 121127> (Accessed: Jul17, 2013)

Kleiman L.S. (n.d., cited in Boundless, 2013), Top Level Management [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Sep1, 2013)

Malaysia Training (2013) Leadership & Supervision: Essential Leadership Skills For Supervisors and Managers [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug30, 2013)

Margiottiello M., Chao H. (2003) Contingency Planning: Addressing Critical Business Processes That Support Implementation of HIPAA Transactions [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Sep1, 2013)

Merriam Webster (2013) Experience [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug30, 2013)

Prof. Katz D.(n.d., cited in Akrani G., 2011), Managerial Skills - Conceptual, Human Relations and Technical [Online] Available at: <http://kalyan-city.blogspot. com/2011/06/managerial-skills-conceptual-human.html> (Accessed: Sep1, 2013)

Warwick (2013) Counseling Service: Self Awareness [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Aug30, 2013)

World Vision (2013) Sponsor A Child [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed: Sep2, 2013)

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